Professor Full, the Mission Coordinator, deccribes the Mission
to Mars.
The Oak Grove Rover has landed and sent back its first images.
The Navigation Team uplinks commands to
the Lander Team and the rover to go to the first destination,
Four Corners Rock. |
The Oak
Grove Rover moves to Four Corners Rock except
those on earth can't see it LIVE. The transmission time is over
8 minutes, so Mission Control only sees where the rover stops.
Its blind navigation! |
The Lander Team downloads the first data set.
OGI (Oak Grove Imager) Iron oxide
AA (Atmospheric Analyzer)
Temperature -71° F
Barometer 0.008 atmospheres
Anomometer 23 miles per hour
Carbon Dioxide 95.3%
Nitrogen 2.7%
Argon 1.6%
Oxygen 0.15 %
Water 0.03%
Drill APXS (Alpha Proton X-ray Spectrophotometer) Sulfur trioxide
The Science Team analyzes the data.
Translation: We found RED
DUST and the gas we breathe out.
The Navigation Team sends commands to the rover for the next
The Lander Team reports:
The Oak Grove Rover is stuck in deep red dust. The commands
did not result in any movement.
The Engineering Team literally scratches
its head on what commands to uplink to the rover. |
The Mapping Team looks for an alternate
route to save the mission! |
The Navigation Team uplinks the new commands
to the rover. They are concerned! |
The Camera Team and everyone else awaits
the next image. |
The commands worked! The rover arrived
at Polar Ice Cap #3. |
After a long delay, the Imager sent the following
data. |
The Science Team analyzes the data and starts DANCING!!!
They conclude that the images are that of a micro-organism
much like that found in a meteorite on earth.
The Science Team makes the official announcement,
There was LIFE
ON MARS!!!!!
Mission Commander Bannister concludes the mission
and thanks the parents for coming! |