Procedure: Learn the responsibilities of the other
teams. We consulted with the Navigation and Lander Teams to schedule
use of the rover. We modified a R/C car for the rover mission.
We consulted with the Science Team to make sure the experiments
fit on the rover. We mounted the experiments onto the rover and
ensured all systems operated. We worked with the Navigation Team
to calibrate rover movements to determine: how far forward the
rover moved per second, how many degrees per second the rover
turned, and how variations in terrain affect its movement.
Hints: We kept it simple. We questioned the necessity
of each piece added to the rover. We made structures light and
strong. We braced all structures.
The above description
is a slightly modified version of the Virtual Sojourner Student
Activity #1: Driving Blind by Richard Edgerton. On the Live from
Earth and Mars Site from K-12 educators, NASA's Information Infrastructure
Technology and Applications (IITA) Program and the University
of Washington.

The Oak Grove Rover.
We modified the body between the middle wheels to stiffen

Calibrating the rover in the field.