Oak Grove Middle School

Concord, California

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Oak Grove Middle School Science Class

Jumping Design Team

The JIM Team

Jump Into Mars






Biomorphic Explorer: Manhopper MV

A. What does your explorer do? Jumps, glides, bends, paddles and uses arms for manipulation.
 B. How does your explorer work? The Manhopper MV can jump with specialized legs and then glide with wings. The explorer has a streamlined body with low drag. It has arms with digits for picking up samples and handling them for study. It has webbed feet for paddling if in water.

C. List ideas from Biology?


Biological Inspiration

Jumps and glides like grasshopper. The Manhopper MV has a very special leg. It can store energy in elastic rubber bands just like the grasshopper stores energy in bending part of its skeleton. It releases the energy very quickly for rapid jumps. The explorer has small wings which are very maneuverable, but only work for short glides.

Manipulates samples like humans. The explorer has arms and digits to grab and pick up samples like a human geologist would. It also has a spine inspired from humans so that the explorer can bend to get samples. The explorer is dexterous.

Uses webbed feet like duck. The webbed feet use the springs to assist in swimming or jetting backward rapidly.

Designing the Biomorphic Explorer
 Alex testing his novel leg spring design.  

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Last updated 6/23/99