Oak Grove Middle School
Concord, California
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Oak Grove Middle School Science Class Trip to the
University of California at
Professor Full
Animals with Many
Department of
Integrative Biology
Professor Full directs the PolyPEDAL
(many-footed) laboratory. He is the world's expert on how many-legged
animals run and climb. He helps engineers build legged robots.
First, he told us about all the different animals he studies
by talking about the pictures on the walls. |
Professor Full has a lot of computers and really
neat equipment in his laboratory. He even uses Jello to measure
how animals push on the ground! |
We got to see a huge gecko run up the wall while Professor
Full explained to us how the gecko's feet stick to the wall.
They have a billion little hairs and don't use glue or suction
Geckos are really cool!
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Last updated 6/23/99