Turtle for protection and walking.
We made a cross-linked shell that is very difficult
break. It is patterned after the shell of turtles. Our explorer
walks like a turtle. It has four legs and almost always has 3
legs on the ground. It is very stable.
Spider for maneuvering.
We developed a mechanism that can shoot out a line like a spider
for anchoring. The Spidurtle can pull in the limb to climb and
can even swing from one location to another. This makes the explorer
very maneuverable.
Dog for swimming. If water is discovered, the explorer
can use its 4 paws. The feet work like a dog. The membranes of
the between toes increase the area that can push against the
water during paddling.
Mosquito mouth parts for suction.
The explorer can create a low pressure inside to such up soil
samples. It does this very effectively like an insect
Eyes like a snail. The
explorers has eyes on stalks. This gives the explorer a chance
to see in many directions.