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- Education
- Professional Positions
- Honors and Awards
- Professional Affiliations
- Patents
- Publications
- Presentations
- Education
- Commitment to Diversity, Equity, And Inclusion
- Research – Professional Service to Societies, Agencies and Institutes
- University Facility Directorships
- Service to Journals
- Consulting / Advisement
- Service to the University of California at Berkeley
- Community Service & Public Outreach
- Presentations, Activities and Invited Lectures
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- Selected Books, Newspapers, Magazines and Websites Communicating Science to the Public
- Contribution to Children’s Books and Magazines
- Contribution to Design of Public Exhibits and Contests
- Contribution to Art, Design & Entertainment
Ph.D. State University of New York at Buffalo 1984
M.A. State University of New York at Buffalo 1982
B.A. State University of New York at Buffalo 1979
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Professional Positions
Howard Hughes Medical Institute Professor University of California, Berkeley 2017 – present
Graduate Group in Science and Mathematics Education (SESAME) Faculty University of California, Berkeley 2019 – present
Essig Museum of Entomology Affiliate Faculty University of California, Berkeley 2019 – present
Biophysics Graduate Group University of California, Berkeley 2005 – present
Goldman Professor University of California, Berkeley 1999 – 2001
Chancellor’s Professor University of California, Berkeley 1996 – 1999
Professor University of California, Berkeley 1995 – present
Associate Professor University of California, Berkeley 1991 – 1995
Assistant Professor University of California, Berkeley 1986 – 1991
Post doctoral Lectureship The University of Chicago, 1984 – 1986
NSF Research Assistant S.U.N.Y. Buffalo, Summers 1979 – 1984
Teaching Assistant S.U.N.Y. Buffalo, 1979 – 1984
Honors and/or Awards
Howard Hughes Medical Institute Professorship
American Academy of Arts and Sciences Fellow
California Academy of Sciences Fellow
Technology, Entertainment and Design (TED) top 100 speaker (30th Anniversary, Vancouver, Canada)
American Association for the Advancement of Science Fellow (Nov)
National Academy of Sciences Mentor in the Life Sciences
Goldman Professorship – U.C. Berkeley
Chancellors Professorship – U.C. Berkeley
Distinguished Teaching Award – U.C. Berkeley
Friday Evening Lecturer – MBL, Woods Hole
G.W. Thorn Award – Distinguished Alumni, S.U.N.Y. Buffalo
National Academy of Sciences Invited Speaker – Annual Meeting 1995
Frontiers of Science Speaker – National Academy of Sciences
Invited Scholar – Oklahoma Scholars Leadership Enhancement Program
Presidential Young Investigator Award, NSF
COCOS Foundation Lecturer, Duke University
Masters Scholar Award, Northeastern Association of Graduate Schools
Excellence in Teaching Award for Graduate Students, S.U.N.Y. Buffalo Sigma Xi, Willard B. Elliot Award – Outstanding Research Accomplishments
Scholarship, Duke University Marine Laboratory
Graduate Fellow, S.U.N.Y. Buffalo
Phi Beta Kappa, S.U.N.Y. Buffalo
Summa Cum Laude, S.U.N.Y. Buffalo
Outstanding Undergraduate Senior Award – Biology, S.U.N.Y Buffalo
Phi Eta Sigma – Honor Society, S.U.N.Y Buffalo
Professional Affiliations
Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology (formerly the American Society of Zoologists)
American Society of Biomechanics
American Physiological Society
European Society of Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry
American Association for the Advancement of Science
Sigma Xi – Scientific Research
Society of Experimental Biology
International Society of Neuroethology
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Inventors: Full, R. J., Fearing, R., Kenny, T. & Autumn, K. 2011. “Adhesive microstructure and method of forming same.” Japanese National Patent No. 2001-550314. Based on International Patent Application No. PCT/US2000/033495.
Inventors: Full, R. J., Fearing, R., Kenny, T. & Autumn, K. 2007. “Adhesive microstructure and method of forming same (part 4)”. United States Patent #7,828,982
Inventors: Full, R. J., Fearing, R., Kenny, T. & Autumn, K. 2007. “Adhesive microstructure and method of forming same (part 3)”. United States Patent #7,229,685.
Inventors: Full, R. J., Fearing, R., Kenny, T. and Autumn, K. 2006. “Adhesive microstructure and method of forming same (part 2)”. United States Patent No. 7,011,723.
Inventors: Full, R.J., Fearing, R., Kenny, T. and Autumn, K., May 2004. “Adhesive Microstructure and Method of Forming the Same.” United States Patent No. 6,737,160.
Ranked among top 10 Nanotechnology Patents in 2007.
Journal Publications
Jayaram. K. and Full, R.J. Robustness in six-legged runners. In prep. Nature.
Libby, T., Edgerly, J.S., and Full, R.J. Clumsy dynamics of rapid backwards running in tube-dwelling webspinners. In prep. PLoS ONE.
Dudek, D.M., Dastoor, S., and Full, R.J. An insect leg’s passive recovery from perturbations in swing during rapid running. In prep. J. Exp. Biol.
Springthorpe, D., Gravish, N., Mazouchova, N., Goldman, D.I. and Full, R.J. Burrowing biomechanics of the ghost crab. In prep. J. Exp. Biol.
Libby, T., Hwang, M., Koh, M., Xie, B. and Full, R.J. Dynamics of rapid escape turns in lizards. In prep. J. Exp. Biol.
Hunt, N., Lee. C., and Full, R.J. Balance decisions shape the dynamics of rapid rod running in cockroaches. In prep. J. Exp. Biol.
Yim. J., Wang, E. Hunt, N., Lee, S., Full, R.J. and Fearing, R. Monopedal robot branch-to-branch leaping and landing inspired by squirrel balance control. In prep. Science Robotics.
Bhatti, H. A., Gochyev, P., Wilson, M., & Full, R.J. Fostering future innovators by measuring self-perceptions of growth in innovation skills using a developmental perspective. In prep. International Journal of STEM Education.
Lee, S., Wang, S., Kuang, D., Yim. J., Wang, E. Hunt, N. Fearing, R., Stuart, H. and Full, R.J. Stabilization of above-branch landing by free-ranging squirrels using nonprehensile, palmar foot grasps. In prep. J. Exp. Biol.
Jin, L., Yang, Y., Maldonado B.O., Lee, S.D., Figueroa, N., Full, R.J., Yang, S. 2023. Ultra-fast, programmable, and electronics-free soft robots enabled by snapping metacaps. Advanced Intelligent Systems, Feb. 9. 2300039.
Treers L.K., McInroe B., Full R.J., Stuart H.S. 2022. Mole crab-inspired vertical self-burrowing. Frontiers in Robotics and AI. 2022:263.
Song Y., Weng Z., Yuan J., Zhang L., Wang Z, Dai Z., Full R.J. 2022. Incline-dependent adjustments of toes in geckos inspire functional strategies for biomimetic manipulators. Bioinspiration & Biomimetics. Jun 1;17(4):046010.
Chang-Siu, E., Snell, A., McInroe, B.W., Balladarez, X., and Full, R.J. 2022. How to use the Omni-Wrist III for dexterous motion: An exposition of the forward and inverse kinematic relationships. Mechanism and Machine Theory. Vol. 168, February. 104601.
Full, R.J., Bhatti, H.A., Jennings, P., Ruopp, R., Jafar, T., Matsui, J., Flores, L.A. and Estrada, M. 2021. Eyes toward tomorrow program enhancing collaboration, connections, and community using bioinspired design. Integrative and Comparative Biology. Nov;61(5):1966-80.
Hansen A.K., Connors P., Donnelly-Hermosillo D., Full R.J., Hove A., Lanier H., Lent D., Nation J., Tucker K.P, Ward J., Whitenack, L. 2021. Biology beyond the classroom: Experiential learning through authentic research, design, and community engagement. Integrative and Comparative Biology. Sep; 61(3):926-33.
Siddall,. R., Byrnes,, G., Full,. R.J. and Jusufi, A.. 2021. Tails stabilize landing of gliding geckos crashing head-first into tree trunks. Communications Biology (Nature). Sep 2;4(1):1-2.
Hunt, N., Jinn, J., Jacobs, L.F., and Full, R.J. 2021. Acrobatic squirrels learn to leap and land on tree branches without falling. Science. 373, 697–700.
Siddall, R., Byrnes G., Full, R.J., Jusufi, A. 2021. A. Mechanisms for mid-air reorientation using tail rotation in gliding geckos. Integrative and Comparative Biology. Aug;61(2):478-90.
Martinez, A., DeJong, J., Akin, I., Aleali, A., Arson, C., Atkinson, J., Bandini, P., Baser, T., Borela, R., Boulanger, R., Burrall, M., Chen, Y., Collins, C., Cortes, D., Dai, S., DeJong, T., Del Dottore, E., Dorgan, K., Fragaszy, R., Frost, D., Full, R. J., Ghayoomi, M., Goldman, D., Gravish, N., Guzman, I. L., Hambleton, J., Hawkes, E., Helms, M., Hu, D. L., Huang, L., Huang, S., Hunt, C., Irschick, D., Lin, H., Lingwall, B., Marr, W. A., Mazzolai, B., McInroe, B., Murthy, T., O’Hara, K., Porter, M., Sadek, S., Sanchez, M., Santamarina, C., Shao, L., Sharp, J., Stuart, H., Stutz, H. H., Summers, A.P., Tao, J., Tolley, M., Treers, L., Turnbull, K., Valdes, R., van Passen, L., Viggiani, G., Wilson, D., Wu, W., Yu, X., and Zheng, J. 2021. Bio-inspired Geotechnical Engineering: Principles, Current Work, Opportunities, and Challenges. Géotechnique. Feb 9:1-48.
Song, Y., Yuan, J., Zhang, L., Dai, Z., Full, R.J. 2021. Size, shape and orientation of macro-sized substrate protrusions affect the toe and foot adhesion of geckos. J. Exp. Biol. 224 (8), jeb223438.
Song, Y., Dai, Z., Wang, Z., Full, R.J. 2020. Role of multiple, adjustable toes in distributed control shown by sideways wall-running in geckos. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lon. B. 287.1926: 20200123. 6 May. DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2020.0123.
Li, C., Wohrl, T., Lam, H.K., and Full, R.J. 2019. Cockroaches use diverse strategies to self-right on the ground. J. Exp. Biol. 222, jeb186080. 9 August. DOI:10.1242/jeb.186080.
Wu, Y., Yim, J.K.,, Liang, J., Shao, Z., Qi, M., Zhong, J., Luo, Z., Yan, X., Zhang, M., Wang, X., Fearing. R.S., Full, R.J. and Lin, L.. 2019. Insect-scale fast moving and ultra-robust soft robot. Science Robotics. Vol. 4, Issue 32, eaax1594. 31 July. DOI: 10.1126/scirobotics.aax1594.
Yang, G-Z., Full R.J., Jacobstein, N., Fischer, P., Bellingham, J., Choset, H., Christensen, P., Dario, P., Nelson, B., and Taylor, R. 2019. Ten robotics technologies of the year. Science Robotics. Vol. 4, Issue 26, eaaw1826. 16 January. DOI: 10.1126/scirobotics.aaw1826.
Nirody, J.A., Jinn, J., Lee, T., Libby, T., Jusufi, A., Hu, D., Full. R.J. 2018. Geckos race across the water’s surface using multiple mechanisms. Current Biology, 28, 1-6. 17 December. DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2018.10.064.
Jayaram. K., Mongeau, J., Mohapatra, A., McRae, B., Birkmeyer, P., Fearing, R.S., and Full, R.J. 2018. Transition by head-on collision: Mechanically mediated maneuvers in cockroaches and small robots. J. Royal Soc. Interface. 14 February. DOI: 10.1098/rsif.2017.0664.
Yang, G., Bellingham, J., Dupont, P. E., Fischer, P., Floridi, L., Full, R.J., Jacobstein, N., Kumar, V., McNutt, M., Merrifield, R., Nelson, B. J., Scassellati, B., Taddeo, M., Taylor, R., Veloso, M., Wang, Z., Wood, R.. 2018. The grand challenges of Science Robotics. Science Robotics. 31 Jan 2018: Vol. 3, Issue 14, eaar7650. DOI: 10.1126/scirobotics.aar7650.
Li, C., Kessens, C. C., Fearing, R. S., and Full, R. J. 2017. Mechanical principles of dynamic terrestrial self-righting using wings. Advanced Robotics, 31(17), 881-900.
Libby, T., Johnson, A.M., Chang-Siu, E., Full, R.J. and Koditschek, D.E., 2016. Comparative design, scaling, and control of appendages for inertial reorientation. IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 32(6), pp.1380-1398.
Jayaram, K. and Full, R.J. 2016. Cockroaches traverse crevices, crawl rapidly in confined spaces, and inspire a soft, legged robot. PNAS, 113(8): E950-E957.
Waldrop, L.D., Adolph, S.C., Behn, C.G.D., Braley, E., Drew, J.A., Full, R.J., Gross, L.J., Jungck, J.A., Kohler, B., Prairie, J.C., Shtylla, B., and Miller, L.A. 2015. Using active learning to teach concepts and methods in quantitative biology. Integrative and Comparative Biology. doi:10.1093/icb/icv097.
Full, R.J., Dudley, R., Koehl, M.A.R., Libby, T., and Schwab, C. 2015. An interdisciplinary learning laboratory course facilitating epistemological development, mutualistic teaming and original discovery. Integrative and Comparative Biology. doi: 10.1093/icb/icv095.
Qian, F., Zhang, Korff, W., Umbanhowar, P., Full, R.J., and Goldman, D. 2015. Principles of foot design in robots and animals determining terradynamic performance on flowable ground. Bioinspiration & Biomimetics. 10(4): 046003.
Mongeau, J., Sponberg, S.N., Miller, J.P., Full, R.J. 2015. Sensory processing within cockroach antenna enables rapid implementation of feedback control for high-speed running maneuvers. J. Exp. Biol. 218(15): 2344-2354. doi: 10.1242/jeb.118604.
Li, C., A. O. Pullin, D. W. Haldane, H. K. Lam, R. S. Fearing, and R. J. Full. 2015. Terradynamically streamlined shapes in animals and robots enhance traversability through densely cluttered three-dimensional terrain. Bioinspiration & Biomimetics. 10.4 (2015): 046003.
Mongeau, J., A. Demir, C. J. Dallmann, K. Jayaram, N.J. Cowan and R. J. Full. 2014. Mechanical processing via passive dynamic properties of the cockroach antenna can facilitate control during rapid running. J. Exp. Biol. Volume: 217. Issue: 18, 3333-3345.
Gillies, A.G., A. Henry, H. Lin, A. Ren, K. Shiuan, R. S. Fearing, and R. J. Full.2014. Gecko toe and lamellar shear adhesion on macroscopic, engineered rough surfaces. J. Exp. Biol. 217, 283-289. doi: 10.1242/jeb.092015.
Mongeau, J., A. Demir, J. Lee, R. J. Full, and N. J. Cowan.2013. Locomotion-mediated active sensing with sensor reconfiguration via passive mechanics. J. Exp. Biol. 216, 4530-4541. doi:10.1242/jeb.083477.
Revzen, S., S. A. Burden, T. Y. Moore, J. M. Mongeau and R. J. Full. 2013. Instantaneous kinematic phase reflects neuromechanical response to lateral perturbations of running cockroaches. Biol. Cyb. (3 February). doi:10.1007/s00422-012-0545-z
Mongeau, J., B. McRae, A. Jusufi, P. Birkmeyer, A. Hoover, R. S. Fearing and R. J. Full. 2012. Rapid inversion: Running animals and robots swing like a pendulum under ledges. PLoS ONE. 7. Issue 6. E38003.
Libby, T., T. Moore, E. Chang-Siu, D. Li, D. Cohen, A. Jusufi and R. J. Full. 2012. Tail assisted pitch control in lizards, robots and dinosaurs. Nature 481, 181–184 (12 January 2012) doi:10.1038/nature10710.
Jusufi, A., Y. Zeng, R. J. Full and R. Dudley. 2011. Aerial righting reflexes in flightless animals. Integrative and Comparative Biology.51 (6): 934-437 doi:10.1093/icb/icr114.
Sponberg, S, T. Libby, C. Mullens, and R. J. Full. 2011. Shifts in a single muscle’s control potential of body dynamics. Phil. Trans. Royal Soc. B. 366, 1606-1620. doi: 10.1098/rstb.2010.0368.
Sponberg, S., A. Spence, C. Mullens, and R. J. Full. 2011. A single muscle’s multifunctional control potential of body dynamics for postural control and running. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B. 366, 1592-1605 doi: 10.1098/rstb.2010.0367.
Hill, G. C., Soto, D. R., Peattie, A. M., Full, R. J. and T. W. Kenny. 2011. Orientation angle and the adhesion of single gecko setae. J. R. Soc. Interface, 8, 926-933; doi:10.1098/rsif.2010.0720
Jusufi, A., D. T. Kawano, T. Libby and R J Full. 2010. Righting and turning in mid-air using appendage inertia: reptile tails, analytical models and bio-inspired robots. Bioinspir. Biomim. 5 045001. doi: 10.1088/1748-3182/5/4/045001
Weihmann, T., M. Karner, R. J. Full and R. Blickhan. 2010. Jumping kinematics in the wandering spider Cupiennius salei. J. Comp. Physiol. A: Neuroethology, Sensory, Neural, and Behavioral Physiology, 196, 6; 421-438, DOI: 10.1007/s00359-010-0527-3.
Spence, A.J., S. Revzen, J. Seipel, C. Mullens, K. Yeats, and R. J. Full. 2010. Insects running on elastic surfaces. Journal of Experimental Biology. 213, 1907-1920.
Herreid, C.F and R.J. Full. 2010. How to survive an academic job interview. J. College Sci. Teaching. Jan/Feb. 10-15.
Schwenk, K., D. K. Padilla, G. S. Bakken and R. J. Full. 2009. Grand challenges in organismal biology. Journal of Comparative and Integrative Biology. 49(1):7-14; doi:10.1093/icb/icp034
Jusufi, A., D. I. Goldman, S. Revzen, and R. J. Full. 2008. Active tails enhance arboreal acrobatics in geckos. PNAS. 105, 4215–4219.
Sponberg, S. and R. J. Full. 2008. Neuromechanical response of musculo-skeletal structures in cockroaches during rapid running on rough terrain. J. exp Bio. 211, 433-446.
Spenko, M.J., G. C. Haynes, J. A. Saunders, M. R. Cutkosky, A. A. Rizzi, R. J. Full, D. E. Koditschek. 2008. Biologically inspired climbing with a hexapedal robot. Journal of Field Robotics. Volume 25, Issue 4-5, 223-242.
Lee, J., S. Sponberg, O. Loh, A. Lamperski, R.J. Full, and N. Cowan. 2008. Templates and anchors for antenna-based wall following in cockroaches and robots. IEEE Transactions on Robotics. 24, 130-143.
Peattie, A.M. and R.J. Full. 2007. Phylogenetic analysis of the scaling of wet and dry biological fibrillar adhesives. PNAS, 104, 18595-18600.
Bartsch, M.S., Federle, W., Full, R.J. and Kenny, T.W. 2007. A multiaxis force sensor for the study of insect biomechanics. Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 16, 709-18.
Dudek, D. M. and R. J. Full. 2007. An isolated insect leg’s passive recovery from dorso-ventral perturbations. J. exp. Biol. 210, 3209-3217.
Nishikawa, K., Biewener, A. A., Aerts, P., Ahn, A. N., Chiel, H. J., Daley, M. A., Daniel, T. L., Full, R. J., Hale, M. E., Hedrick, T. L., Lappin, A. K., Nichols, T. R., Quinn, R. D., Satterlie, R. A., Szymik, B. 2007. Neuromechanics: an integrative approach for understanding motor control. Integr. Comp. Biol. 47, 16-54.
Peattie AM, Majidi C, Corder A, Full RJ. 2007. Ancestrally high elastic modulus of gecko setal beta-keratin. J R Soc Interface. 4, 1071-1076.
Spagna, J.C., D. I. Goldman, P-C. Lin, D. E. Koditschek and R. J. Full. 2007. Distributed mechanical feedback in arthropods and robots simplifies control of rapid running on challenging terrain. Bioinsp. Biomim. 2, 9–18.
Ahn, A.N., K. Meijer and R.J. Full. 2006. Determinants of muscle power: isometric, isotonic, and history dependent properties of two insect leg muscles innervated by the same motor neuron. J. exp Bio. 209, 3370-3382.
Goldman, D.I., Chen, T.S., Dudek, D.M. and Full, R.J. 2006. Dynamics of rapid vertical climbing in cockroaches reveals a template. J. exp Bio. 209, 2990-3000.
Dudek, D. M. and R. J. Full. 2006. Passive mechanical properties of legs from running insects. J. exp Bio. 209, 1502-1515.
Holmes, P., Full, R.J., Koditschek, D. and Guckenheimer, J. 2006. Dynamics of legged locomotion: Models, analyses, and challenges. SIAM Review (SIREV) 48 (2), 207-304.
Cowan, N.J, Lee, J. and R.J. Full. 2006. Task-level control of rapid wall following in the American cockroach. J. exp Bio. 209, 1617-1629.
Autumn, K., Hsieh, S. T., Dudek, D. M., Chen, J., Chitaphan, C. and Full, R. J. 2006. The dynamics of vertical running in geckos. J. exp Bio. 209, 260-272.
Chen, J.J., A.M. Peattie, K. Autumn, and R.J. Full. 2006. Differential leg function in sprawled-posture quadrupedal trotters. J. exp Bio. 209, 249-259.
Huffard, C.L.,Boneka, F. and R. J. Full. 2005. Underwater bipedal locomotion by octopuses in disguise. Science, Vol. 307, Issue 5717, 1927.
Cowan, N. J., Ma, E. J., Cutkosky, M. and Full, R. J. 2005. A biologically inspired passive antenna for steering control of a running robot. In Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics (ed. B. Siciliano, O. Khatib and F. C. A. Groen). Heidelberg, Springer. Volume 15. pg. 541-550. DOI10.1007/11008941_58.
Koditschek, D.E., Full, R.J. and Buehler, M. 2004. Mechanical aspects of legged locomotion control. Arthropod Structure & Development. 33 (3): 251-272.
Seipel, J.E., P. J. Holmes, R. J. Full. 2004. Dynamics and stability of insect locomotion: a hexapedal model for horizontal plane motions. Biol. Cyber. 91, 76-90.
Full, R.J. 2003. See how they run, crawl, hop, hover, fly, swim… J. exp. Biol. 206: 4188-4189.
Cham, J.G., Bailey, S.A., Clark, J.E., Full, R.J. and Cutkosky, M.R, 2002.Fast and robust: hexapedal robots via shape deposition manufacturing. Int. Journal of Robotics Research. 21(10-11): 869-882.
Federle, W., Riehle, M., Curtis, A. and Full, R.J., 2002. An integrative study of insect adhesion: Mechanics and wet adhesion of pretarsal pads in Ants. Int. Comp. Biology. 42, 1100-1106.
Jindrich, D.L. and Full, R.J. 2002. Dynamic stabilization of rapid hexapedal locomotion. J. exp Bio. 205, 2803-2823.
Autumn, K., Sitti, M., Liang, Y.A., Peattie, A.M., Hansen, W.R., Sponberg, S., Kenny, T., Fearing, R., Israelachvili, J.N. & Full, R.J. 2002. Evidence for van der Waals adhesion in gecko setae. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 99 (19), 12252-12256.
Schmitt, J., Garcia, M., Razo, R.C., Holmes, P. and Full, R.J. 2002. Dynamics and stability of legged locomotion in the horizontal plane: A test case using insects. Bio. Cyber. 86 (5), 343-353.
Full, R.J., Kubow, T., Schmitt J., Holmes, P. and Koditschek D.2002. Quantifying dynamic stability and maneuverability in legged locomotion. Int. & Comp. Biology 42, 149-157.
Ahn, A.N. and Full, R.J. 2002. A motor and a brake: two leg extensor muscles acting at the same joint manage energy differently in a running insect. J. exp Bio. 205, 379-389.
Altendorfer, A., N. Moore, H. Komsuoglu, M. Buehler, H.B. Brown Jr., D. McMordie, U. Saranli, R. Full, D.E. Koditschek. 2001 “RHex: A Biologically Inspired Hexapod Runner,” Autonomous Robots.11, 207-213.
Full, R.J. 2001. Using Biological Inspiration to Build Artificial Life That Locomotes. In: Evolutionary Robotics From Intelligent Robotics to Artificial Life, International Symposium, Tokyo, Japan, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. (ed. T. Gomi), Springer-Verlag Berlin. pg. 110-120.
Bailey, S.A., Cham, J.G., Cutkosky, M.R. and Full, R.J. 2000. Biomimetic Robotic Mechanisms via Shape Deposition Manufacturing. In Robotics Research: the Ninth International Symposium. (eds. J. Hollerbach and D. Koditschek), Springer-Verlag, London, pp. 403-410.
Full. R.J. 2000. Biological inspiration: Lessons from many-legged locomotors. In: Robotics Research Ninth International Symposium. J. (eds. Hollerbach and D. Koditschek), Springer-Verlag London, pp. 337-341.
Autumn, K., Liang, Y., Hsieh, T, Zesch, W., Chan, W.-P., T. Kenny, Fearing, R., and Full, R.J. 2000. Adhesive force of a single gecko foot-hair. Nature. 405,681-685.
Dickinson, M.H. Farley, C.T., Full, R.J., Koehl, M. A. R., Kram, R., and Lehman, S. 2000. How animals move: An integrative view. Science 288, 100-106.
Full, R.J. and Koditschek, D. E. 1999. Templates and Anchors – Neuromechanical hypotheses of legged locomotion on land. J. exp Bio. 202, 3325-3332.
Weinstein, R., and Full, R.J. 1999. Intermittent locomotion increases endurance in geckos.Physiol. Zool. 72:732-739.
Jindrich, D.L. and Full, R.J. 1999. Many-legged maneuverability: dynamics of turning in hexapods. J. exp Bio. 202, 1603-1623.
Kubow T. M. and R.J. Full. 1999. The role of the mechanical system in control: A hypothesis of self-stabilization in hexapedal runners. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London B. 354, 849-862.
Martinez. M.M., Full, R.J. and Koehl, M.A.R. 1998. Underwater punting by an intertidal crab: a novel gait revealed by the kinematics of pedestrian locomotion in air versus water. J. exp Bio. 201, 2609-2623.
Full, R. J., Stokes, D. R., Ahn, A. and Josephson, R. K. 1998. Energy absorption during running by leg muscles in a cockroach. J. exp Bio. 201, 997-1012.
Weinstein, R., and Full, R.J. 1998. Performance limits of low temperature continuous locomotion are exceeded when locomotion is intermittent in ghost crabs. Physiol. Zool. 71, 274-284.
Autumn, K., Farley, C. Emshwiller, M. and Full, R.J. 1997. Low cost of locomotion in the banded gecko: a test of the nocturnality hypothesis. Physiol. Zool. 70, 660-669.
Kram, R., Wong, B. and Full, R.J. 1997. Three dimensional kinematics and limb kinetic energies of running cockroaches. J. exp Bio. 200, 1919-1929.
Full, R.J., Yamauchi, A. and Jindrich, D.L. 1995. Maximum single leg force production: cockroaches righting and running on photoelastic gelatin. J. exp. Bio. 198, 2441-2452.
Full, R.J. and Ahn, A. 1995. Static forces and moments generated in the insect leg: comparison of a three-dimensional musculoskeletal computer model with experimental measurements. J. exp Bio. 198, 1285-1298.
Ting, L.H., Blickhan, R. and Full, R.J. 1994. Dynamic and static stability in hexapedal runners. J. exp Bio. 197, 251-269.
Queathem, L. and Full, R.J. 1994. Variation in jump force production within an instar of the grasshopper Schistocerca americana. J. Zool. London. 235, 605-620.
Weinstein, R., Full, R.J. and Ahn, A.N. 1994. Moderate dehydration decreases locomotor performance of the ghost crab, Ocypode quadrata. Physiol. Zool. 67, 873-891.
Weinstein, R., and Full, R.J. 1994. Thermal dependence of locomotor energetics of the ghost crab, Ocypode quadrata. Physiol. Zool. 67, 855-872.
Autumn, K., Weinstein, R. and Full, R.J. 1994. Low cost of locomotion increases performance in a nocturnal gecko. Physiol. Zool. 67, 237-261.
Blickhan, R. and Full, R.J. 1993. Similarity in multilegged locomotion: Bouncing like a monopode. J. comp. Physiol. 173, 509-517.
Full, R.J., Earls K., Wong, M. A., Caldwell, R.L. 1993. Locomotion like a wheel? Nature. 365: 495.
Blickhan, R., Full, R.J. and Ting, L.H. 1993. Exoskeletal strain: evidence for a trot-gallop transition in rapid running ghost crabs. J. exp Bio. 179, 301-321.
Full, R.J. and Koehl, M.A.R. 1993. Drag and lift in running insects. J. exp Bio. 176, 89-103.
Full, R.J. and Weinstein, R.B. 1992. Integrating the physiology, mechanics and behavior of rapid running ghost crabs: slow and steady does not always win the race. Amer. Zool. 32, 382-395.
Weinstein, R.B. and Full, R.J. 1992. Intermittent locomotion alters endurance in an eight-legged ectotherm. Amer. J. Physiol. 262, R852-859.
Gatten, R., Miller, K. and Full, R.J. 1992. Locomotion energetics at rest and during exercise. In Environmental Physiology of Amphibians. (eds. M.E. Feder and W. Burggren). University of Chicago Press. New York. pp. 275-377.
Full, R.J. 1991. Animal motility and gravity. Physiologist.34, S15-18.
Full, R.J. and Blickhan, R. and Ting, L.H. 1991. Leg design in hexapedal runners. J. exp Bio. 158, 369-390.
Anderson, B.D, Feder, M.E. and Full, R.J. 1991. Energetic consequence of a gait change in toads. J. exp Bio. 158, 133-148.
Full, R.J. and Tu, M.S. 1991. Mechanics of rapid running insects: two-, four-, and six-legged locomotion. J. exp Bio. 156, 215-231.
Full, R.J. and Tullis, A. 1990. Capacity for sustained terrestrial locomotion in an insect: energetics, thermal dependence and kinematics. J. comp. Physiol. 160, 573-581.
Full, R.J. Zuccarello, D.A. and Tullis, A. 1990. Effect of variation in form on the cost of terrestrial locomotion. J. exp. Biol. 150, 233-246.
Full, R.J. and Tullis, A. 1990. The energetics of ascent: insects on inclines. J. exp. Biol. 149, 307-317.
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Full, R.J. 1987. Locomotion energetics of the ghost crab: I. Metabolic cost and endurance. J. exp. Bio. 130, 137-154.
Full, R.J. 1986. Locomotion without lungs: energetics and performance of a lungless salamander, Plethodon jordani. Am. J. Physiol. 251, R775-R780.
Herreid II, C.F. and R.J. Full. 1986. Energetics of hermit crabs during locomotion: the cost of carrying a shell. J. exp. Bio. 120, 297-308.
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Book Chapters
Johnson A.M., Libby T., Chang-Siu E., Tomizuka M., Full R.J., Koditschek, D.E. 2012. Tail assisted dynamic self-righting in Adaptive Mobile Robotics (pp. 611-620).
Komsuoglu, H., Sohn K., Full, R. J. and Koditschek, D. E. 2009. A Physical Model for Dynamical Arthropod Running on Level Ground in Experimental Robotics. Volume 54/2009. Springer: pp. 303-317. DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-00196-3_36.
Revzen, S., Koditschek, D.E. and Full, R.J. 2008. Towards Testable Neuromechanical Control Architectures for Running. Sternad, D. (ed.). Progress in Motor Control – A Multidisciplinary Perspective. New York: Springer. pp. 25-55.
Klavins, E. Komsuoglu, H., Full. R.J. and Koditschek, D. E. 2002. The role of reflexes versus central pattern generators in dynamical legged locomotion. In: Neurotechnology for Biomimetic Robots. MIT Press. pp. 351-382.
Kornbluh, R., Full, R.J., Meijer, K., Pelrine, R. and S.V. Shastri. 2002. Engineering a muscle: an approach to artificial muscle based on field-activated electroactive polymers In: Neurotechnology for Biomimetic Robots. (eds. J. Ayers, J. L. Davis, A. Rudolph) MIT Press. pp. 137-172.
Full, R.J. and Meijer, K. 2001. Metrics of natural muscle. In: Electro Active Polymers (EAP) as Artificial Muscles, Reality Potential and Challenges. (ed. Y. Bar-Cohen), SPIE & William Andrew/Noyes Publications. pg. 67-83.
Abbas, J., and Full, R. J. 2000. Neuro-mechanical interaction in cyclic movements. In Biomechanics and Neural Control of Posture and Movement. (eds. J. M. Winters and P. E. Crago) Springer-Verlag, New York, Inc. p.177-191.
Full, R.J. and Farley, C. T. 2000. Musculoskeletal dynamics in rhythmic systems. In Biomechanics & Neural Control of Posture & Movement. (eds. J.M. Winters & P.E. Crago). Springer Vaerlag-New York, Inc. p. 192-205.
Weinstein, R.B. and Full, R.J. 2000. Intermittent locomotor behaviour alters total work. In Experimental Biology Reviews: Biomechanics in Animal Behaviour (eds. P. Domenici and R.W. Blake). BIOS Scientific Publishers Ltd. p.33-48.
Full, R.J. Invertebrate locomotor systems. 1997. In: The Handbook of Comparative Physiology. (ed. W. Dantzler). Oxford University Press. pp. 853-930.
Full, R.J. 1993. Integration of individual leg dynamics with whole body movement in arthropod locomotion. In: Biological Neural Networks in Invertebrate Neuroethology and Robots. (eds. R. Beer, R. Ritzmann and T. McKenna). Academic Press. Boston. pp. 3-20.
Blickhan, R. and Full, R.J. 1992. Mechanical work in terrestrial locomotion. In: Biomechanics: Structures and Systems A Practical Approach. (ed. A. Biewener). IRL at Oxford University Press. New York. pp. 75-96.
Biewener, A. and Full, R.J. 1992. Force platform and kinematic analysis. In: Biomechanics: Structures and Systems A Practical Approach. (ed. A. Biewener). IRL at Oxford University Press. New York. pp 45-73.
Full, R.J. 1991. Concepts of efficiency and economy in land locomotion. In: Efficiency and Economy in Animal Physiology. (ed. R.W. Blake). Cambridge University Press, New York. pp. 97-131.
Full, R.J. 1989. Mechanics and energetics of terrestrial locomotion: From bipeds to polypeds. In: Energy Transformation in Cells and Animals. (ed. W. Wieser and E. Gnaiger). Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart. pp. 175-182.
Herreid, C.F. and R.J. Full. 1988. Energetics and locomotion. In Biology of the Land Crab (eds. W. Burggren and B.R. McMahon). pp. 333-377. Cambridge University Press. New York.
Published Proceedings
Wang, S.J., Kuang, D., Lee, S.D., Full. R.J., and Stuart, H.S. 2024. Squirrel-inspired tendon-driven passive gripper for agile landing. International Conference on Robotics and Automation. In review.
Caporale J., McInroe, B.W., Ning C., Libby T., Full R.J., Koditschek D.E. 2019. Coronal plane spine twisting composes shape to adjust the energy landscape for grounded reorientation. International Conference on Robotics and Automation. September 2019.
Libby, T., Johnson, A. M., Chang-Siu, E., Full, R. J., & Koditschek, D. E. (2017). Comparative design, scaling, and control of appendages for inertial reorientation. ICRA 2017. In press.
Li, C., Kessens, C.C., Young, A., Fearing, R.S., and Full, R.J. 2016. Cockroach-inspired robot reveals principles of ground-based, dynamic self-righting. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS). (pp. 2128-2134).
Chang-Siu, E., Libby, T., Tomizuka, M., Full, R. J., 2011. A lizard-inspired active tail enables rapid maneuvers and dynamic stabilization in a terrestrial robot. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pp.1887-1894, 25-30, doi: 10.1109/IROS.2011.6094658. Best Paper Award Finalist. Sept 2011.
Humbert, J. S., Chopra, I., Fearing, R. S., Full, R. J., Wood, R. J., and Dickinson, M. H. 2009. Development of Micromechanics for Micro Autonomous Systems (ARL-MAST CTA Program). Proc. SPIE, Vol. 7318, 73180L; doi:10.1117/12.820881.
Clark, J.E., Goldman, D.I., Lin, P., Lynch, G., Chen, T.S., H. Komsuoglu, H., Full, R.J., and Koditschek, D.E. 2007. Design of a Bio-inspired Dynamical Vertical Climbing Robot.” Proceedings of Robotics: Science and Systems.
Full, R. J. and Sponberg, S. 2007. The reciprocal relationships amongst research, teaching, and learning.” Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Reinvention Convention: Transforming the Culture: Undergraduate Education and the Multiple Functions of the Research University.
Hill, G.C., Soto, D.R., Lue, S.J., Peattie, A.M., Full, R.J. and Kenny, T.W. 2007. Investigating the role of orientation angle on gecko setae adhesion using a dual-axis MEMS force sensor. TRANSDUCERS ’07 & Eurosensors XXI. 2007 14th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems. IEEE. pp. 2263-6. Piscataway, NJ, USA.
Clark, J.E., Goldman, D.I., Chen, T.S., H. Komsuoglu, H., Full, R.J., and Koditschek, D.E. 2007. Toward a dynamic climbing robot. CLAWAR 2006, 9th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots.
Rizzi, A.A., Haynes, G.C., Full R.J. and Koditschek, D.E. 2006. Gait generation and control in a climbing hexapod robot. SPIE-Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. Proceedings of the SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering, vol.6230, no.1, 2006, pp. 623018-1-12.
Saunders, A., Goldman, D., Full, R., and Buehler, M. 2006. The RISE climbing robot: body and leg design. In SPIE Unmanned Systems Technology VII, volume 6230, Orlando, FL., 623017-1-13.
Autumn, K., M. Buehler, M. Cutkosky, R. Fearing, R. J. Full, D. Goldman, R. Groff, W. Provancher, A. E. Rizzi, U. Saranli, A. Saunders and D. Koditschek. 2005. Robotics in Scansorial Environments” in Unmanned Ground Vehicle Technology VII, eds. G. R. Gerhart, Charles M. Shoemaker, D. W. Gage, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 5804, 291-302.
Koditschek, D. E., Full, R. J. and Buehler, M. A principled approach to bioinspired design of legged locomotion systems. In SPIE-Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. Proceedings of SPIE – the International Society for Optical Engineering, vol. 5422, no.1, 2004, pp. 86-100.
Cowan, N.J, Ma, E.J., Cutkosky, M. and Full, R.J. 2003. “A biologically inspired passive antenna for steering control of a running robot.” In: Robotics Research: the 11th International Symposium. Springer-Verlag. (Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics).
Bartsch M.S, Federle W.,Full, R.J, and Kenny, T.W. 2003. Small insect measurements using a custom MEMS force sensor. Transducers ’03. 12th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems. Digest of Technical Papers (Cat. No.03TH8664). IEEE. Piscataway, NJ, USA. Part vol.2, pp.1039-42.
Qibing, P., Pelrine, R., Stanford, S., Kornbluh, R. D., Rosenthal, M. S., Meijer, K. and Full, R. J. Multifunctional electroelastomer rolls and their application for biomimetic walking robots. In SPIE-Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. Proceedings of SPIE – the International Society for Optical Engineering, vol. 4698, 2002, pp. 246-53. USA.
Qibing, P., Pelrine, R., Stanford, S., Kornbluh, R., Rosenthal, M., Meijer, K. and Full, R. Multifunctional electroelastomer rolls. In Electroactive Polymers and Rapid Prototyping. Symposia (Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings Vol.698). Mater. Res. Soc. 2002, pp. 165-70. Warrendale, PA, USA.
Pelrine, R, Kornbluh, R.D,, Qibing Pei, Stanford, S, Seajin Oh, Eckerle J,Full R.J., Rosenthal, M.A., and Meijer K. 2002. Dielectric elastomer artificial muscle actuators: toward biomimetic motion. SPIE-Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. Proceedings of SPIE – the International Society for Optical Engineering, vol. 4695, pp.126-37. USA.
Meijer, K., Libby, T.M. and R.J. Full. 2001. Preflexive and reflexive components of stability: cockroach as a model musculo-skeletal system. 25th Annual Meeting of the Amer. Soc. Biomechanics. 143-144.
Bartsch, M., Federle, W., Full, R. and Kenny, T. Exploring insect biomechanics with micromachined force sensors. In TRANSDUCERS ’01. EUROSENSORS XV. 11th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors and Actuators. Digest of Technical Papers. Springer-Verlag. Part vol.2, 2001, pp.1662-5 vol.2. Berlin, Germany.
Meijer, K., M. Rosenthal and R.J. Full. 2001. Muscle-like actuators? A comparison between three Electroactive Polymers. In: Smart structures and materials 2001: Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Devices, Proc. SPIE. Vol. 4329; 2-12.
Clark, J. E., Cham, J. G., Bailey, S. A., Froehlich, E. M., Nahata, P. K., Full, R. J. and Cutkosky, M. R. Biomimetic design and fabrication of a hexapedal running robot. In Proceedings 2001 ICRA. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (Cat. No.01CH37164). IEEE. Part vol.4, 2001, pp.3643-9 vol.4. Piscataway, NJ, USA.
Liang, Y.A.; Autumn, K.; Hsieh, S.T.; Zesch, W.; Wai Pang Chan; Fearing, R.S.; Full, R.J.; Kenny, T.W. (2000). Adhesion force measurements on single gecko setae. Technical Digest. Solid-State Sensor And Actuator Workshop (Trf Cat. No.00trf-0001), Hilton Head Island, Sc, USA) Cleveland, OH, USA: Transducers Res. Found. P.33-8. Xvi+376 pp.
Altendorfer, R., U. Saranli, H. Komsuoglu, D. Koditschek, H. B. Brown Jr., M. Buehler, N. Moore, D. McMordie, R. Full. 2000. “Dynamic Evidence for Spring Loaded Inverted Pendulum Running in a Hexapod Robot,” ISER2000, Honolulu, Hawai, Dec 2000.
Full, R. J. and Meijer, K. 2000. Artificial muscles versus natural actuators from frogs to flies. In Smart Structures and Materials 2000: Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Devices (EAPAD) (ed. Yoseph Bar-Cohen). Proc. SPIE Vol. 3987, p. 2-9.
Bailey, S. A., Cham, J. G., Cutkosky, M. R., Full, R. J. 2000. “Comparing the Locomotion Dynamics of a Cockroach and a Shape Deposition Manufactured Biomimetic Hexapod” 2000. International Symposium on Experimental Robotics (ISER2000), Honolulu, HI, December 10-13, 2000.
Bartsch, M. S., Partridge, A., Pruitt, B. L., Full, R. J. and Kenny, T. W. A three-axis piezoresistive micromachined force sensor for studying cockroach biomechanics. In Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS). 2000 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. ASME. 2000, pp.443-8. New York, NY, USA.
Full, R.J. And Meijer, K. 2000. Artificial muscles versus natural actuators from frogs to flies. Proceedings Of The SPIE – The International Society For Optical Engineering, Vol.3987, (Smart Structures And Materials 2000: Electroactive Polymer Actuators And Devices (Eapad), Newport Beach, CA, USA, 6-8 March 2000.) Spie-Int. Soc. Opt. Eng, 2000. P.2-9.
Garcia, M., Kuo, A., Peattie, A., Wang, P., Full, R.J. 2000. “Damping And Size: Insights and Biological Inspiration” Proceedings of the International Symposium on Adaptive Motion of Animals and Machines.
Xu, X., Cheng, W., Dudek, D., Hatanaka, M., Cutkosky, M. R. and Robert J. Full, 2000. “Material Modeling for Shape Deposition Manufacturing of Biomimetic Components.” ASME Proceedings, DETC/DFM 2000, Baltimore, Maryland, September 10-14, 2000.
Full, R.J. 1994. The importance of mechanical systems in understanding arthropod neural control of locomotion. Proc. An. Yale Workshop on Adaptive and Learning Systems. 8, 21-26.
Full, R.J., Tu, M.S. and Ting, L. 1989. Dynamics of insect locomotion compared to hexapod walking machine models. Proc. Amer. Soc. Mech. Engineering. DSC 17, 35-40.40.
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Published Conference Abstracts
Kuang, D., Wang, S., Lee, S.D., Stuart, H., Full, RJ. 2024. Squirrel paw pad stabilization of high-impact branch landings tested using a physical model. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. Seattle, WA. January 2-6.
Lee, S.D., Wang, S. Kuang, D., Yim. J., Wang, E., Hunt, N., Fearing, R., Stuart, H., and Full, R.J. 2024. Free-ranging squirrels stabilize branch landing using nonprehensile, palmar foot grasps. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. Seattle, WA. January 2-6.
Lewis, N., Shihadih D., Ovid, D., Mau, T., Winters, J., hayes, t.B., Lacey, E., and Full, R. 2024. “Faculty interviews provide key insights to successful discovery-based undergraduate course transformations.” Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research West Conference, Irvine, CA, January.
Bhatti, H. A., Gochyev, P., Wilson, M., & Full, R.J. 2023. Advancing Assessment: Utilizing Item Response Theory and Rasch Analysis to Improve Likert Survey Research [Conference presentation]. Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research (SABER), Minneapolis, MN, USA. July.
Lewis, N., Shihadih D., Ovid, D., Mau, T., Winters, J., hayes, t.B., Lacey, E., and Full, R. 2023. “Using the Discovery Teaching Practices Inventory (DTPI) to determine teaching practices and transform undergraduate biology courses.” Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research National Conference, Minneapolis, MN, July.
Kuang, D., Wang, S., Lee, S.D., Stuart, H., Full, RJ. Lee, S.D., Wang, S., Kuang, D., Stuart, H., Full, R.J. 2023. Jump distance effects on landing kinematics, forces, and torques in free-ranging fox squirrels. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. Austin, TX. January 3-7.
Kuang, D., Wang, S., Lee, S., Wang, L., and Full, R.J. 2023. Kinematic paw adjustments of fox squirrels landing on curved surfaces. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. Austin, TX. January 3-7.
Bhatti, H. A., Gochyev, P., Wilson, M., and Full, R.J. 2022. Improving Self-Reported Measures of Innovation Skills in an Interdisciplinary Undergraduate STEM Course. International Conference for the National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST), Vancouver, BC, Canada. March.
Saintsing, A. and Full, RJ. 2022. Cost of leg loss in cockroaches depends on interspecific variation in locomotor design. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. Phoenix, AZ. January 3-7.
Full, RJ. 2022. Tenets for Teaching the Biological Foundations of Bioinspired Design. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. Phoenix, AZ. January 3-7.
Siddall, R., Byrnes, G., Full, R.J., Jusufi, A. 2022. Gliding lizards crashing-landing head-first into tree trunks emulated by soft robots with active tail reflexes. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. Phoenix, AZ. January 3-7.
Flores, L. A., Estrada, M., Bhatti, H. A., and Full, R. J. 2021. Effect of team diversity on creativity of bioinspired design inventions. understanding interventions. 12(Supplemental 1).
Parikh, A.S., McInroe, B.W., and R.J. Full. 2021. Mole crab inspired robot and simulation models reveal limb scaling and coordination principles for legged burrowing. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. Washington, DC. January 3-Feb 28.
Lee, S.D., Wang, L.K., Stuart, H. and R.J. Full, 2021. Landing branch reaction forces in jumping fox squirrels. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. Washington, DC. January 3-Feb 28.
Ruopp, R., Wang, L., Lee, S. and R.J. Full. 2021. Cognitive biomechanical decisions to negotiate unstable branches in fox squirrels. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. Washington, DC. January 3-Feb 28.
Saintsing, A.J. and R.J. Full. 2021. Effects of leg loss depend on the leg lost in cockroaches. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. Washington, DC. January 3-Feb 28.
Wang, L.K., Ruopp, R., Hunt, N., Nguyen, A. and R.J. Full. 2021. Effect of motivation on sequential jump strategy in fox squirrels. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. Washington, DC. January 3-Feb 28.
McInroe, B.W., Baryshnikov, Y.M., Koditschek, D.E. and R.J. Full. 2021. Discovering simple mechanical models from motion data: A novel representation shown in ground righting geckos. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. Washington, DC. January 3-Feb 28.
Full, R. J., Estrada, M., Watson, L. and H.A. Bhatti. 2021. i4’s Toward Tomorrow Program: Bioinspired design realized by creativity, collaboration, and connection. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. Washington, DC. January 3-Feb 28.
Bhatti, H.A., Ruopp, R., McPherson, A., and R.J. Full. 2021. Early technology-based intervention promotes self-efficacy in a bioinspired design course. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. Washington, DC. January 3-Feb 28.
Siddall, R., Ibanez, V., Byrnes, G. Full, RJ. and A. Jusufi. 2021. Tail responses facilitate lizard reorientation during directed aerial maneuverability. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. Washington, DC. January 3-Feb 28.
Saintsing, A.J. and R. J. Full. 2020. Running endurance after leg loss in cockroaches. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. Austin, TX. January 3-7, 2020.
McInroe, B.W., Bolas, T., Ko, I. and R.J. Full. 2020. Reconfigurable control modules enable rapid burrowing in a decapod crustacean. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. Austin, TX. January 3-7, 2020.
McInroe, B., Libby, Thomas, D. E. Koditschek, and Full, R. J. 2019. Geckos reconfigure control modules to self-right on diverse substrates. Bulletin of the American Physical Society, vol. Volume 64, Number 2. Boston, MA. March 4–8, 2019.
Saintsing, A.J. and R. J. Full. 2019. Metabolic cost of robustness: Running after losing one or two legs. Integrative and Comparative Biology, vol. 59, pp. E400–E400. 11 February. DOI: 10.1093/icb/icz004
Song, Y. Full, R. J. and Dai, Z. 2019. Geckos actively align toes against gravity during sideways wall running, in Integrative and Comparative Biology, vol. 59, pp. E414–E414. 11 February. DOI: 10.1093/icb/icz004
McInroe, B., T. Libby, D. E. Koditschek, and R. J. Full. 2019. Identifying Control Modules in Complex, Dynamic Behaviors by Using Ground-righting in Geckos, in Integrative and Comparative Biology, vol. 59, pp. E154–E154. 11 February. DOI: 10.1093/icb/icz004.
McInroe, B., Goldman, D.I., and Full, R.J. 2018. Substrate Volume Fraction Predicts Burrowing Dynamics in Sand Crabs Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. San Francisco, CA. January 3-7, 2018.
Plecnik, M.M, Naik, S., Van Domelen, R., Ruopp, R., and Full, R.J. 2018. Role of Geometric Constraints on Reachable Workspace of Insect Limbs. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. San Francisco, CA. January 3-7, 2018.
Libby, T. and Full, R.J. 2017. Variable limb function results in similar turning behavior in lizards. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. New Orleans, LA. January 4-8, 2017.
Hunt, N.H., Frendberg-Mates, E., Jinn, J., Robin, A., Jacobs, L.F., and Full, R.J. 2017. Squirrels running on compliant branches: when to leap? Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. New Orleans, LA. January 4-8, 2017.
Lee, J.S., Fearing, R.S., Cho, K.J., and Full, R.J. 2017. Crickets jumping from diverse substrates inspire leg design in a millirobot. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. New Orleans, LA. January 4-8, 2017.
Hunt, N., Jinn, J., Full, R.J. 2016. Squirrel parkour: wall-jump maneuver adds intermediate control point to ballistic trajectories. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. Portland, OR. January 3-7, 2016.
Li, C., Tian, R., Porter, W., Hammond, Z., Strachan-Olson, D., Kooker, A.W., Olivas, J., Kessens, C.C., Jayaram, K., Fearing, R.S., and Full, R.J. 2016. Cockroach-inspired self- righting robots. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. Portland, OR. January 3-7, 2016.
Libby, T., Edgerly, J.S. and Full, R.J. 2016. Clumsy dynamics of rapid backwards running in tube-dwelling webspinners. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. Portland, OR. January 3-7, 2016.
Banjanin, B., Burden, S.A., Moore, T.Y., Revzen, S. and Full, R.J. 2016. Estimating predictive dynamical models of legged locomotion from data. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. Portland, OR. January 3-7, 2016.
Jayaram, K., Full, R.J. 2016. Cockroaches squeezing through crevices. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. Portland, OR. January 3-7, 2016.
Ng, P., Springthorpe, D., Full, R.J. 2016. Mobile manipulation: Ghost crab climbing using pincer-like claws. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. Portland, OR. January 3-7, 2016.
Libby, L., Johnson, A.M., Full, R.J., and Koditschek, D. Comparative Morphology of Inertial Reorientation, International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Seattle, May 26-30, 2015.
Jayaram, K., Full, R.J. 2015. Compressibility enables cockroach-inspired robot to crawl rapidly in confined spaces, International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Seattle, May 26-30, 2015.
Jinn, J., Nirody, J., Libby, T., Jacobs, L. F., & Full, R.J. 2015. How to walk on water: novel locomotion in a general forager, the house gecko. Presented at the Animal Behavior Society. Princeton, NJ.
Li, C., Wohrl, T., Lam, H.K., and Full, R.J. 2015. Self-righting behavior of cockroaches. Bulletin of the American Physical Society. APS March Meeting 2015. Volume 60, Number 1.
Jinn, J., Nirody, J., Jusufi, A., Libby, T., Jacobs, L.F., and Full, R.J. 2015.Quadrupedal locomotion on the water’s surface by geckos. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. West Palm Beach, FL. January 3-7, 2015.
Jayaram, K., and Full, R.J. 2015. Body size limit predictions for mechanically mediated maneuvers. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. West Palm Beach, FL. January 3-7, 2015.
Li, C., Wohrl, T., Lam, H.K., and Full, R.J. 2015.Fast, flipping cockroaches: dynamic, self-righting behavior. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. West Palm Beach, FL. January 3-7, 2015.
Full, R.J., Dudley, R., Koehl, M.A.R., Libby, T., and Schwab, C. 2015. The impact of discovery-based instruction on interdisciplinary research skills. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. West Palm Beach, FL. January 3-7, 2015.
Lee, J.S., Haldane, D., Fearing, R., and Full, R.J. 2015. Biologically inspired collapsible spines increase performance in legged robot. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. West Palm Beach, FL. January 3-7, 2015.
Qian, F,. Zhang, T., Korf, W., Umbanhowar, P.B., Full, R.J., and Goldman, D.I. 2015. Principles of foot design in robots and animals determining terradynamic performance on flowable ground. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. West Palm Beach, FL. January 3-7, 2015.
Libby, T., Johnson, A.M., and Full, R.J. 2015. Scaling of effectiveness for inertial reorientation. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. West Palm Beach, FL. January 3-7, 2015.
Hunt, N. Jinn, J., Libby, T., Jacobs, L.F., and Full, R.J. 2015. Learning to launch: targeted leaping from a dynamic obstacle in squirrels. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. West Palm Beach, FL. January 3-7, 2015.
Li, C., A. O. Pullin, D. W. Haldane, R. S. Fearing, and R. J. Full. 2014. Shape-assisted body reorientation enhances trafficability through cluttered terrain. Bulletin of the American Physical Society. 67th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics
Volume 59, Number 20.
Jayaram, K., Goldman, D., Full, R.J. 2014. Mechanics of confined space frictional legged crawling, World Congress of Biomechanics. Boston, July 6-11, 2014.
Jayaram, K., Goldman, D., Full, R.J. 2014. Performance limited by friction in confined spaces by the American cockroach, Periplaneta americana, Society of Experimental Biology, Annual Meeting, Manchester, July 1-4, 2014.
Libby, T., Hwang, M., Koh, M., Xie, B. and Full, R.J. 2014.Ground reaction forces during rapid escape turns in lizards. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. Austin, TX. January 3-7, 2014.
Hunt, N., Moon, H.S., Hammond, A., Burnett, N.P., Pritchard-Berman, M. and Full, R.J. 2014.Stability of cockroaches running rapidly on rigid rods. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. Austin, TX. January 3-7, 2014.
Springthorpe, D., Ng, P. and Full, R.J. 2014.Effect of moisture content on burrowing performance of ghost crabs. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. Austin, TX. January 3-7, 2014.
Jayaram, K, Goldman, D. and Full, R.J. 2014.Effect of friction on cockroaches running in confined spaces. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. Austin, TX. January 3-7, 2014.
Li, C. and Full, R.J. 2014. Insects traversing grass-like vertically compliant beams. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. Austin, TX. January 3-7, 2014.
Burden, S.A., Sastry, S.S. and Full, R.J. 2014.Optimization for models of legged locomotion: parameter estimation, gait synthesis, and experiment design. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. Austin, TX. January 3-7, 2014.
Jayaram, K., Springthorpe, D., Haldane, D., McKinley, S., DiRocoo, A., Full, R.J. 2013. Challenges of confined space locomotion – a case study using the American cockroach, SEB Annual Meeting 2013, Valencia, Spain, July 2-7, 2013.
Mongeau, J.-M., Sponberg, S.N. and Full, R.J. 2013. Unit responses from antenna in cockroaches generate control input predicted from control-theoretic model of wall following. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. San Francisco, CA. January 3-7, 2013.
Gillies, A. G., Lin, H., Henry, A., Ren, A., Shiuan, K., Fearing, R. S. and Full, R. J. 2013. Gecko toe and lamella adhesion on macroscopically rough surfaces. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. San Francisco, CA. January 3-7, 2013.
Jusufi, A., Byrnes, G.T. and Full, R.J. 2013. Gliding Geckos Perch on a Tree Trunk Assisted by Active Tails. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. San Francisco, CA. January 3-7, 2013.
Dallmann, C.J., Mongeau, J.-M., Jayaram, K., Mahavadi, A. and Full, R.J. 2013. Dynamic response of antenna flagellum in the American cockroach. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. San Francisco, CA. January 3-7, 2013.
Gudenus, V., Libby, T., Haldane, D.W., and Full, R.J. 2013. Designing bio-inspired tailed robots to turn using bendable backs. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. San Francisco, CA. January 3-7, 2013.
Jayaram, K., Springthorpe, D., Haldane, D., Mckinley, S., Dirocco, A. and Full, R.J. 2013. Running in confined spaces by the American cockroach. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. San Francisco, CA. January 3-7, 2013.
Springthorpe, D., Gravish, N., Mazouchova, N., Goldman, D.I. and Full, R.J. 2013. Burrowing biomechanics of the ghost crab. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. San Francisco, CA. January 3-7, 2013.
Burden, S.A., Revzen, S., Moore, T.Y., Sastry, S.S. and Full, R.J. 2013. Using reduced-order models to study dynamic legged locomotion: Parameter identification and model validation. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. San Francisco, CA. January 3-7, 2013.
Libby, T., Gudenus, V., Harrington, P. and Full, R.J. 2013. Coordination between inertial and impulsive mechanisms during rapid turns in lizards. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. San Francisco, CA. January 3-7, 2013.
Libby, T., Moore, T., Chang-Siu, E., Li, D., Jusufi, J., Cohen, D., and Full, R.J.2012. Tail assisted pitch control in a lizard, robot, and dinosaur. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. Charleston, SC. January 3-8, 2012.
Mongeau, J.-M., McRae, B., Jusufi, A., Birkmeyer, P., Hoover, A.M., Fearing, R. and Full, R.J.2012. Rapid inversion: running cockroaches, geckos, and robots swing like a pendulum under ledges. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. Charleston, SC. January 3-8, 2012.
Chang-Siu, E.H., Libby, T., Full, R.J. and Tomizuka, M. 2012. Tailbot – robot with inertial assisted control by an active tail inspired by lizards.Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. Charleston, SC. January 3-8, 2012.
Mongeau, J.-M., Alexander, T. and Full, R.J. 2012.Neuromechanical feedback during dynamic recovery after a lateral perturbation in rapid running cockroaches. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. Charleston, SC. January 3-8, 2012.
Jayaram, K., Merritt, C. and Full, R.J. 2012. Robust climbing in cockroaches results from fault tolerant design using leg spines. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. Charleston, SC. January 3-8, 2012.
Jusufi, A., Libby, T. and Full, R.J. 2012. Scales assist scaling in lizards: keeled, subcaudal scale arrays engage substrate during rapid vertical climbing. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. Charleston, SC. January 3-8, 2012.
Full, R.J., Jayaram, K., Mongeau, J.M., Birkmeyer, P., Hoover, A. and Fearing, R.S. 2011. Role of robustness in running: bio- and bio-inspired exoskeletons. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. Salt Lake City, UT. January 3-7, 2011.
Jusufi, A., Zeng, Y., Full, R.J. and Dudley, R. 2011. Aerial righting responses: A comparative approach. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. Salt Lake City, UT. January 3-7, 2011.
Revzen, S., Guckenheimer, J.M. and Full, R. J. 2011. Subtle differences in gaits: the perspective of data driven Floquet analysis. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. Salt Lake City, UT. January 3-7, 2011.
Libby, T. and Full, R. J. 2011. Active muscle enhances rapid perturbation recovery in an insect limb. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. Salt Lake City, UT. January 3-7, 2011.
Jayaram, K., Merritt, C., Cherian, A. and Full, R.J. 2011. Running without feet: the role of tarsi during high-speed horizontal locomotion in cockroaches. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. Salt Lake City, UT. January 3-7, 2011.
Demir, A., Samson, E.G., Mongeau, J.-M., Jayaram, K., Full, R. J. and Cowan, N.J. 2011. A tunable, multisegmented robotic antenna for identifying and testing biomechanical design. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. Salt Lake City, UT. January 3-7, 2011.
Moore, T., Burden, S., Revzen, S., and Full, R. J. 2010. Adding inertia to test stability predictions in rapid running insects. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. Seattle, WA. January 3-7, 2010.
Jayaram, K., J.-M. Mongeau, B. McRae, and R.J. Full. 2010. High-Speed Horizontal to Vertical Transitions in Running Cockroaches Reveals a Principle of Robustness. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. Seattle, WA. January 3-7, 2010.
Mongeau, J.-M., Jayaram, K., Lee, J., Full, R.J., and N. Cowan. 2010. Mechanical Feedback of Antenna-Substrate Interaction Simplifies Cockroach Antennal Navigation.Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. Seattle, WA. January 3-7, 2010.
Spence, A. J., S. Revzen, J. Seipel, C. Mullens, K. Yeats, and R. J. Full. 2009. Insects running on elastic surfaces: The role of feedforward control. Society of Experimental Biology Meeting Glasgow, UK, 2009. Abstract.
Jusufi, A. Gao, P., Full, R.J., Dudley, R. Gliding Geckos actively use tails for turning. 2009. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. Boston, MA. January 3-7, 2009.
Revzen, S., Guckenheimer, J.M., Full, R.J. 2009. Study of Neuromechanical Control of Rhythmic Behaviors by Floquet Analysis. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. Boston, MA. January 3-7, 2009.
Sponberg, S., Mongeau, J.M., Miller, J.P., Full, R.J. 2009.Decoding Cockroach Antennal Tactile Navigation Using Naturalistic and White Noise Stimuli in a Control Theoretic Framework. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. Boston, MA. January 3-7, 2009.
Jusufi, A., Revzen, S. and Full, R.J. 2008. “Tail-induced Air-righting Maneuver Reorients Geckos.” Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. San Antonio, TX January 2-6, 2008.
Seipel, J. and R.J. Full. 2008. “A Clock-Controlled Hip-Torqued Model for Locomotion.” Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. San Antonio, TX January 2-6, 2008.
Peattie, A. M., A.B. Corder and R.J. Full. 2008. “Effect of Variation in Length and Width on Single Seta Force in Geckos.” Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. San Antonio, TX January 2-6, 2008.
Revzen, S. M. S. Berns, D. E. Koditschek, R. J. Full. 2008. “Determining Neuromechanical Control Architecture Using Kinematic Phase Response to Perturbations.” Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. San Antonio, TX January 2-6, 2008.
Mullens, C., Sponberg S. and Full R. J. 2008. “Direct manipulation of extensor muscle phase affects swing trajectory, foot placement and turning dynamics in a running insect.” Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. San Antonio, TX January 2-6, 2008.
Sponberg, S., Libby, T. and Full R. J. 2008. “Rewriting the motor code to a muscle in a running insect alters function from energy absorption to production.” Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. San Antonio, TX January 2-6, 2008.
Sponberg, S., Spence, A., Mullens, C. and Full R. J. 2008. “Effective Fields for Muscles in the Neuromechanical Control of Running and Station-Keeping Cockroaches.” Society of Experimental Biology, Glasgow Scotland, UK March 31-April 4, 2007. Published Abstract: Comp. Biochem. & Physio. A—Mole. & Ing. Physio., 146 4: S112-S113 19 Suppl. S: APR., 2007.
Sponberg, S., Spence, A., Mullens, C.; Full R. J. 2008. “Effective fields in control muscles: efficacy of control depends on biomechanical context in an insect.” American Society of Biomechanics Final Program and Abstracts, Palo Alto, CA August 22-25th, 2007.
Full, R.J. and S. Sponberg. 2007. Reciprocal Relationships Among Research, Teaching, and Learning. Proceedings of the 3rd Nation Conference of the ReInvention Center. Published. Presentation and summary available on-line at
Sponberg, S., A. Spence, C. Mullens and R.J. Full. 2007. Effective fields for muscles in the neuromechanical control of running and station-keeping cockroaches. Journal of Comp. Physiology A. 1464 S1: S112-S113. Society of Experimental Biology Annual Meeting. March 31 – April 4, 2007 Glasgow, Scotland.
Hill, G. C., Soto, D. R, Lue S. J., Peattie A M, Full, R, J., Kenny T. W. 2007. Investigating the role of orientation angle on gecko setae adhesion using a dual-axis MEMS force sensor. APS Meetings, March 5-9, 2007, Denver, CO.
Spence, A., S. Revzen, K. Yeats, C. Mullens and R. J. Full. 2007. Insects Running on Compliant Surfaces. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. Jan 3-7 Phoenix, AZ.
Revzen, S., J. Bishop-Moser, A. Spence and R. J. Full. 2007. Testing Control Models In Rapid Running Insects Using Lateral Ground Translation. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. Jan 3-7
Weingarten, J., H. Komsuoglu, T. Kubow, M. Wehner, P. Jennings, N. Zvarik, D. Koditschek and R. J. Full. 2007. Using Bio-inspired Robots as Physical Models in the Teaching Laboratory. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. Jan 3-7 Phoenix, AZ.
Goldman, D.I., W. L. Korff, M. Wehner, M. Berns and R. J. Full. 2007. The Mechanism of Rapid Running in Loosely Packed Sand.Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. Jan 3-7 Phoenix, AZ.
Peattie, A. M., C. Majidi, A.B. Corder and R.J. Full. 2007. Similar Elastic Modulus of Setal Keratin for Two Species of Gecko. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. Jan 3-7 Phoenix, AZ.
Libby, T. and R. J. Full. 2007. Passive Muscle Facilitates Rapid Perturbation Recovery in an Insect Leg. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. Jan 3-7 Phoenix, AZ.
Jusufi, A., D. I. Goldman, and R.J. Full. 2007. Active Tail Stabilizes Rapid Vertical Running in Geckos. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. Jan 3-7 Phoenix, AZ.
Sponberg, S., A. Spence, C. Mullens and R.J. Full. 2007. Effect of Rewriting the Neural Code to Muscles in Running and Stationary Insects. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. Jan 3-7 Phoenix, AZ.
Seipel, J., R.J. Full and P. Holmes. 2007. Effects of leg number and posture for a class of simple three-dimensional point-mass running models. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. Jan 3-7 Phoenix, AZ.
Dudek, D.M., P. Holmes, M. Srinivasan, K. Rogale, R. Kukillaya and R.J. Full. 2007. The relevance of resonant frequency in running cockroaches modeled by a spring-loaded, inverted pendulum. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. Jan 3-7 Phoenix, AZ.
Peattie, A. M., A.B. Corder and R.J. Full. 2006. Effect of Morphological Variation on Single Seta Force in Geckos. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. Jan 4-8 Orlando, FL.
Dudek, D.M., S. Dastoor, and R.J. Full. 2006. Rapid Recovery From An Impulse Perturbation To A Leg In Running Insects. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. Jan 4-8 Orlando, FL.
Sponberg, S., A. Spence, and R.J. Full. 2006. Testing Neural Control Models for Antenna-based Tactile Navigation in Cockroaches. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. Jan 4-8 Orlando, FL.
Goldman, D.I., T. C. Chen, and R.J. Full. 2006. A Template for Rapid Vertical Climbing. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. Jan 4-8 Orlando, FL.
Revzen, S., D. Koditschek, and R.J. Full. 2006. Testing Feedforward Control Models In Rapid Running Insects Using Large Perturbations. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. Jan 4-8 Orlando, FL.
Spagna, J.C., D.I. Goldman and R.J. Full. 2005. Contribution of a Distributed Foot to Running Performance in Arthropods. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. Jan 4-8 San Diego, CA.
Peattie, A. M., S. M. Delannoy, A. P. Russell and R.J. Full. 2005. Deformation of isolated gecko setal arrays: bending or buckling? 1. Kinematics. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. Jan 4-8 San Diego, CA.
Goldman, D.I., Dudek, D.M. and Full, R.J. 2005. Dynamics of Rapid Vertical Climbing in Hexapods. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. Jan 4-8 San Diego, CA.
Huffard, C.L. and Full, R.J. 2005. Underwater bipedal locomotion by octopuses in disguise. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. Jan 4-8 San Diego, CA.
Sponberg, S., C. Chang, and R.J. Full. 2005. Feedforward, sensory independent control in cockroaches running over rough surfaces.Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. Jan 4-8 San Diego, CA.
Cowan, N. J. Lee, and R.J. Full. 2005. Dynamical Control of Antennal Wall Following in the American Cockroach. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. Jan 4-8 San Diego, CA.
Dudek, D.M. and R.J. Full. 2004. Mechanical properties of the support tripod in running insects.Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. Jan 4-9 New Orleans, LA.
Peattie, A.M., M. Sitti, R.S. Fearing, R. J. Full. 2004. Using a simple beam model to predict morphological variation in adhesive gecko hairs. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. Jan 4-9 New Orleans, LA.
Full, R.J., J. Seipel and P. Holmes. 2004. Dynamic Stability Model Predicts Constraints In Sprawled Posture Running. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. Jan 4-9 New Orleans, LA. p. 286.
Full, R. J., T. Kubow, M. Garcia, W. Schwind and D. Kodistchek 2003. Can a simple neural oscillator generate rapid running in cockroaches? Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Toronto, ON, Canada.
Irschick, D. J. and R. J. Full 2003. Running without a back: Experimental manipulations of axial bending in geckos and effects on kinematics and force dynamics. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Toronto, ON, Canada. Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program & Abstracts. 2003. 202. Phoenix, AZ.
Irschick, D.J., S. Bocchi and R. J. Full. 2001. Does power limit climbing performance? Loading small climbing lizards. American Zoologist. 416. 1481.
Federle W. and Full R J. Thin liquid films and ant adhesion. 2001 American Zoologist.416. 1441.
Peattie, A. M., M. S. Garcia, A. D. Kuo, P.C. Wang and R. J. Full. 2001. Damping estimates in insect legs indicate a role in control. American Zoologist. 41.
Libby, T., K. Meijer and R. J. Full. 2001. Partioning preflex and reflex contributions toward cockroach leg stability: a simulation study. American Zoologist. 41.
Dudek, D.M. and R.J. Full. 2001. Leg function in running insects: resilience and impedance of legs linked to a body. American Zoologist. 41.
Full, R. J. 2000. Bestowing biological inspiration and getting novel insight from engineering and entertainment. American Zoologist. 40 6: 1022.
Full, R. J. 2000. Stability and maneuverability in sprawled posture, legged locomotion. American Zoologist. 40 6: 1021-1022.
Meijer, K.; Libby, T. M.; Full, R. J. 2000. Passive stability provided by the musculo-skeletal properties of an insect leg. In: American Zoologist. 40 6: 1129-1130.
Anderson, B. D.; Full, R. J.; Garcia, M. 2000. A spring-mass model of centipede locomotion. American Zoologist. 40 6: 928.
Dudek, D. M.; Full, R. J. 2000. Spring-like behavior of the legs of running insects. American Zoologist. 40 6: 1002-1003.
Jindrich, D. L.; Full, R. J. 2000. Dynamic stabilization of rapid hexapodal locomotion. American Zoologist. 2000. 40 6: 1077.
Chen, J.J., A.M. Peattie, K. Autumn, and R.J. Full.1999.Differential leg function in sprawled-posture quadrupedal trotters. American Zoologist. 39 5: 106A.
Ahn A.N and Full R.J. 2000. History-dependent properties result in differential function between muscles innervated by the same motor neuron. Society of Experimental Biology, Exeter, England, 2000.
Meijer, K. and R.J. Full 2000. Stabilizing properties of the coxa-femur extensor muscles of the cockroach (Blaberus discoidalis). Society of Experimental Biology, Exeter, England, 2000.
Meijer K., S. V. Shastri and R.J. Full. 1999. Evaluating the muscle-like properties of an ElectroActive Polymer actuator. In: Utilization of Electroactive Polymers: Advanced Technologies for the Commercial Development of Novel Applications October 28-29, Coronado, CA, USA.
Autumn, K., Hsieh, T.; Zesch, W.; Chan, W.-P.; Fearing, R.; Full, R. J. 1999. How gecko feet work. American Zoologist. 39 (5): 105A.
Ahn, A. N. and Full, R. J. 1999. Muscles stimulated by the same motor neuron function differently in running roaches. American Zoologist, v.39, n.5.:117A-118A.
Meijer, K. and Full, R. J. 1999. Stabilizing properties of invertebrate skeletal muscle. American Zoologist, v.39, n.5.:117A.
Anderson, B. D. and Full, R. J. 1998. Mechanical energy of a virtual stride in centipedes. American Zoologist. 38:81A.
Jindrich, D. L.; Full, R. J. 1998. Kinematic variability during constant average speed running in cockroaches. American Zoologist. 38:81A.
Full, R. J.; Autumn, K.; Chung, J. I.; Ahn, A. 1998. Rapid negotiation of rough terrain by the death-head cockroach. American Zoologist. 38:81A.
Kubow, T.; Full, R. J. 1998. Effects of changing morphology on running stability shown by linearization of a two dimensional hexapod model. American Zoologist. 38:81A.
Autumn, K.; Hsieh, S. T.; Dudek, D. M.; Chen, J.; Chitaphan, C.; Full, R. J. 1998. Function of feet in ascending and descending geckos. American Zoologist. 38:84A.
Autumn, K.; Hsieh, S. T.; Dudek, D. M.; Chen, J.; Chitaphan, C.; Full, R. J. 1998. Dynamics of geckos running vertically. American Zoologist. 38:84A.
Full, R. J.; Kubow, T.; 1997. The role of the mechanical system in control. Biona. 13:215-216.
Ahn, A N; Full, R J. 1997. A motor and a brake: Similar EMGs in two adjacent leg extensor muscles result in completely different function. American Zoologist. 37:107A.
Kubow, T M; Full, R J. 1997. Stability analysis of a 2D hexapedal model shows that nonlinear properties are important to the dynamics of running. American Zoologist 37:174A.
Jindrich, D L; Full, R J. 1997. Requirements for self-stabilizing running in hexapods. American Zoologist 37:176A.
Full, R J; Glasheen, J; Autumn, K; Jagger, A E; Yamauchi, A. 1997. Dynamics of cockroach climbing: Vaulting, bouncing or powering over a step? American Zoologist 37:177A.
Kubow, T.M., Glasheen, J.W. and Full, R. J. 1996. Sprawled posture with opposing leg forces yields dynamic stability in a 2D insect model. Amer. Zool. 36: 9A.
Martinez, M. M., Full, R. J. and Koehl, M A R. 1995. Mechanics of aquatic pedestrian locomotion in crabs. Amer. Zool. 35: 4A.
Tullis, A. and Full, R J. 1995. The energetics and kinematics of running upside-down. Amer. Zool. 35: 141A.
Full, R. J., and Chang, K. 1995. Tuned tracks for hexapedal runners? Amer. Zool. 35: 142A.
Martinez, M., Full, R.J. and Koehl, M.A.R. 1995. Kinematics of crabs locomoting in water versus air. Pro. of the Amer. Soc. of Biomech. 19: 237-238.
Ahn, A., Eckel, C.M. and Full, R.J. 1995. Extensor and flexor function in exoskeletons: Musculo-skeletal model of an insect leg. Pro. of the Amer. Soc. of Biomech. 19: 239-240.
Anderson, B.D. and Full, R.J. 1995. The kinetics of centipede locomotion. Pro. of the Amer. Soc. of Biomech. 19: 107-108.
Jindrich, D.L. and Full, R.J. 1995. Mechanics of turning in hexapods. Pro. of the Amer. Soc. of Biomech. 19: 105-106.
Anderson, B.D. and Full, R.J. 1995. The locomotor mechanics of metachronal gaits in the centipede Scolopendra heros. Physiol. Zool. 68: 58.
Jindrich, D.L. and Full, R.J. 1995. Dynamics of turning in a running cockroach. Physiol. Zool. 68: 57.
Martinez, M.M., Full, R.J. and Koehl, M.A.R. 1995. Kinematics of intertidal crabs locomoting through water and air. Physiol. Zool. 68: 58.
Full, R.J. 1995. Biological inspiration toward the design of hexapedal robots: stability and maneuverability. Physiol. Zool. 68: 56.
Ahn, A. and Full, R.J. 1995. Effect of phase, cycle frequency and activation kinetics on power output by an insect leg extensor during oscillatory motion using a three-dimensional computer model. Physiol. Zool. 68: 45.
Full, R.J., Kram, R. and Wong, B. 1994. Mechanical energy of swinging six legs. Amer. Zool. 34: 45A.
Anderson, B.D. and Full, R.J. 1994. Locomotor mechanics of the centipede Scolopendra heros. Amer. Zool. 34: 45A.
Jindrich, D.L. and Full, R.J. 1994. Turning behavior of cockroaches. Amer. Zool. 34: 38A.
Weinstein, R.B., Harrison, J.F. and Full, R.J. 1994. Intracellular muscle pH recovers rapidly in ghost crabs following exercise to exhaustion. Physiologist 37: A80.
Full, R.J., Kram, R. and Wong, B. 1994. Instantaneous joint power of running roaches. Physiologist 37: A75.
Queathem, E.J. and Full, R.J. 1994. Ontogenetic change in the energetic cost of locomotion in the cockroach. Physiologist 37: A74.
Autumn, K. and Full, R.J. 1994. Phylogenetic patterns of nocturnality and physiological capacity in geckos. Physiologist 37: A61.
Eckel, C., Ahn, A. and Full, R.J. 1993. Three dimensional simulation of flexor musculo-apodeme function in insects. Amer. Zool. 32: 29A.
Yamauchi, A., Wong, B., Kram R., and Full, R.J. 1993. Strategy of scaling steps in insects. Amer. Zool. 32: 29A.
Hoekstra, H., Queathem, E. and Full, R.J. 1993. Molting alters maximum force production in insects. Amer. Zool. 32: 29A.
Lee, C.S., Full, R.J., and Weinstein, R.B.. 1993. Exercising intermittently increases endurance in an insect. Amer. Zool. 33: 29A.
Full. R.J., Kram, R., and Wong, B. 1993. Instantaneous power at the leg joints of running roaches. Amer. Zool. 33: 140A.
Ahn, A. and Full, R.J 1993. Predicting static joint moment from estimates of muscle moment. Amer. Zool. 33: 140A.
Queathem, E., Hoekstra, H. and Full, R.J. 1993. Effect of the molt cycle on the energetics of running in insects. Amer. Zool. 33: 139A.
Van Laarhoven, M., Weinstein, R.B. and Full, R.J. 1993. Intermittent locomotion does not increase performance in anaerobic fiddler crabs. Amer. Zool. 33: 139A.
Yamauchi. A. and Full, R.J. 1992. Cockroaches running and righting on jello: a comparison of force production. Amer. Zool. 32: 46A.
Ahn, A., Full, R.J. and Earls, K. 1992. Partitioning of joint moment among muscles in an insect leg. Amer. Zool. 32: 31.
Full, R.J., Ting, L. and Blickhan, R. 1992. Minimization of moments in multi-legged locomotion: roaches and robots. Amer. Zool. 32: 35A.
Lee, C.S. , Full, R.J. and Weinstein, R.B. 1992. Intermittent locomotion in insects. Amer. Zool. 32: 39A.
Weinstein, R.B. and Full, R.J. 1992. Foraging ghost crabs move intermittently. Amer. Zool. 32: 45A.
Full, R.J., Blickhan, R. 1992. Generality of a spring-mass model in predicting the dynamics of many-legged terrestrial locomotion. Physiologist. 35: 185.
Weinstein, R.B. and Full, R.J. 1992. Exercising intermittently alters distance capacity in the lizard, Teratoscincus przewalskii. Physiologist. 35: 187.
Weinstein, R.B. and Full, R.J. 1991. Intermittent locomotion increases distance capacity at low temperature in the ghost crab. Amer. Zool. 31: 141A.
Ahn, A. Weinstein, R.B. and Full, R.J. 1991. Increased temperature and water loss decrease performance of the ghost crab. Amer. Zool. 31: 141A.
Autumn, K., Weinstein, R.B. and Full, R.J. 1991. Low cost of locomotion permits activity at low temperatures in a nocturnal gecko. Amer. Zool. 31: 141A.
Full, R.J., Blickhan, R. and Ting, L. 1991. Gait changes in ghost crabs: evidence from exoskeletal strain. Amer. Zool. 31: 140A.
Full, R.J., Earls K., Wong, M. A., Caldwell, R.L. 1991. Locomotion like a wheel?: backward somersaulting stomatopods. Amer. Zool. 31: 140A.
Ting, L., Full, R.J., Blickhan, R. and Tu, M.S. 1990. Is static stability important in hexapedal runners? Amer. Zool. 30:135A.
Tan, I.C. and Full, R.J. 1990. Energetics of obstacle negotiation: insects traversing irregular terrain. Amer. Zool. 30:135A.
Wong, S.K., Full, R.J., Wallin, H., Ekbom, B. and Tan, I.C. 1990. Do beetles travel at their minimum cost of locomotion in the field? Amer. Zool. 30:136A.
Weinstein, R.B. and Full, R.J. 1990. Effect of temperature on the locomotion energetics of the ghost crab. Amer. Zool. 30:136A.
Anderson, B.D, Full, R.J. and Chen, T. 1990. Mechanics of centipede locomotion. Amer. Zool. 30:135A.
Weinstein, R.B. and Full, R.J. 1990. The importance of rest pauses during intermittent exercise in the ghost crab, Ocypode quadrata. Physiologist 33:A36.
Full, R.J. and Min, C. 1990. Do insects have a maximal oxygen consumption? Physiologist 33:A89.
Anderson, B.D, Full, R.J. and C.F Herreid, C.F. 1990. Energetics of undulations in centipedes. Physiologist 33:A36.
Weinstein, R.B. and Full, R.J. 1989. Intermittent activity: how relevant are steady-state limitations? Amer. Zool. 29:127A.
Zuccarello, D.A. and Full, R.J. 1989. Interspecific variation in the cost of locomotion on land. Amer. Zool. 29:128A.
Pham, D.T. and Full, R.J. 1989. Effect of variation in morphology on the metabolic cost of locomotion: 4- vs. 6-legged cockroaches. Amer. Zool. 29:128A.
Tullis, A. and Full, R.J. 1989. Energetics of ascent. Amer. Zool. 29:128A.
Ting, L.H., Full, R.J. and Blickhan, R. 1989. Leg design and function in hexapedal runners. Amer. Zool. 29:140A.
Full, R.J. and Koehl, M.A.R. 1989. Drag and lift on rapid running insects. Amer. Zool. 29:140A.
Tu, M.S. and Full, R.J. 1989. Mechanics of one gram, high-speed hexapedal runners. Amer. Zool. 29:140A.
Anderson, B.D, Feder, M.E. and Full, R.J. 1989. Energetics of sustainable locomotion in toads: does a gait change conserve energy? Amer. Zool. 29:141A.
Full, R.J. and Pham, D. 1989. Hot hexapedal runners: exercise induced heat production in the American cockroach. Pro. Int. Union Physiol. Sci. 17:296.
Anderson, B.D., Feder, M.E. and Full, R.J. 1988. Energetics of sustained walking versus hopping in the toad, Bufo woodhousei fowleri. Amer. Zool. 28:121A.
Zuccarello, D.A. and Full. R.J. 1988. The effect of form, loading and sex on locomotion energetics. Am. Zool. 28:120A.
Tullis, A. and Full, R.J. 1988. Exercise induced endothermy in running cockroaches. Am. Zool. 28:120A.
Tu, M.S. and Full, R.J. 1988. Terrestrial locomotion mechanics: A comparison of 2-, 4-, 6, and 8-legged runners. Am. Zool. 28:120A.
Full, R.J., Tu, M.S. and Tullis, A. 1988. Bouncing endothermic insects. Europ. Soc. of Comp. Physiol. and Biochem. 167:66.
Full, R.J., Anderson, B.D., Finnerty, C.M. and Feder, M.E. 1987. Lunged versus lunged salamanders: Terrestrial locomotion energetics and endurance. Amer. Zool. 27: 8A.
Feder, M.E., Full, R.J. and Piiper, J. 1987. Kinetics of inert gas elimination in resting and active lungless salamanders: Can cutaneous gas conductance be adjusted? Physiologist. 30: 158.
Full, R.J. and K. Prestwich. 1986. Anaerobic metabolism of bouncing gaits in ghost crabs.” Amer. Zoo. 26: 88A.
Full, R.J. and C.F. Herreid. 1986. Energetics of multilegged locomotion. Pro. Int. Union Physiol. Sci. 16: 403.
Full, R.J. and R. Blickhan. 1985. Ghost crab locomotion: the efficiency of traveling sideways. Amer. Zool. 55A: 25.
Blickhan R. and R.J. Full. 1985. Ghost crab locomotion: the mechanical energy changes of the center of mass. Amer. Zool. 55A, 25.
Herreid, C.F., D.A. Sperrazza, R.B. Weinstein and R.J. Full. 1985. Energetics of locomotion of crawling caterpillars. Physiologist 28: 277.
Full, R.J. 1985. Exercising without lungs: energetics and endurance in a lungless salamander, Plethodon jordani . Physiologist 28: 342.
Full, R.J., J.A. Assad and C.F. Herreid. 1984. The economics of cockroaches exercising with loads. Amer. Zool. 24: 124A.
Herreid, C.F. R.J. Full, R.B. Weinstein and G.M. Sadlo. 1984. Does the number of legs affect the cost of locomotion? Amer. Zool. 24: 123A.
Herreid, C.F. and R.J. Full. 1984. Hermit crab energetics on treadmill and beach: the energetic cost of shell carrying. Amer. Zool. 24: 123A.
Full, R.J. 1984. Exercising crabs: an intraspecific comparison of the cost of locomotion as a function of mass. Pro. Roch. Acad. Sci. 16: 24.
Harwitz, J.M. and R.J. Full. 1984. Long distance crabs: the effects of training. Pro. Roch. Acad. Sci. 16: 23.
Assad, J.A. and R.J. Full. 1984. Aerobic response to loading in cockroaches. Pro. Roch. Acad. Sci. 16: 23.
Harwitz, J.M., R.J. Full and C.F. Herreid II. 1983. Training the sideways runner. Amer. Zool. 23: 957.
Assad, J.A., R.J. Full and C.F. Herreid II. 1983. Cockroaches pulling paper clips: an energetic evaluation of loading. Amer. Zool. 23: 957.
Full, R.J. 1983. Running ghosts (Ocypode quadrata ): a comparison of large and small crabs. Amer. Zool. 23: 957.
Full, R.J., J.A. Assad and C.F. Herreid II. 1982. Net lactate production during sustained exercise in the fiddler crab. Amer. Zool. 22: 959.
Assad. J.A., R.J. Full and C.F. Herreid II. 1982. Enigmatic energetics of exercising marsh crabs. Amer. Zool. 22: 959.
Harwitz. J.M. and R.J. Full. 1982. Exercising cockroaches: the effects of training. Pro. Roch. Acad. Sci. 15: 25.
Full, R.J. 1982. Energetic cost of locomotion in crabs: an evaluation of aerobic and anaerobic contributions. Pro. Roch. Acad. Sci. 15: 2.
Assad, J.A. and R.J. Full. 1982. Aerobic response to locomotion in the marsh crab. Pro. Roch. Acad. Sci. 15: 10.
Prawel, D.A., R.J. Full and C.F. Herreid II. 1981. Locomotion energetics of cockroaches: cost of transport. Pro. Roch. Acad. Sci. 14: 257.
Full, R.J. and C.F. Herreid II. 1981. The aerobic response to exercise in the fastest pedestrian invertebrate. Amer. Zool. 21:917.
Herreid II, C.F., R.J. Full and S.M. Woolley. 1981. Hermit crab locomotion: energetic cost of carrying a shell. Physiologist. 24: 57.
Full, R.J. and C.F. Herreid II. 1980. Energetics of running sideways. Amer. Zool. 20: 909.
Herreid II, C.F. and R.J. Full. 1980. Energetics of running tarantulas. Physiologist. 23: 40.
Full, R.J., D.A. Prawel and C.F. Herreid II. 1979. Effect of temperature on the energetic cost of running in the cockroach. Amer. Zool. 19: 898.
Carlson, D., R.J. Full, A. Schueckler and C.F. Herreid II. 1979. Effect of air flow on oxygen consumption in mice. Amer. Zool. 19: 864.
Herreid II, C.F., D.A. Prawel and R.J. Full. 1979. Energetics of running cockroaches. Physiologist. 22: 55.
Research Presentations and Invited Lectures
International – Invited Symposia and Presentations
INVITED INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIA AND PRESENTATIONS Switzerland. AI for Good. IUT Event. Synergy of Biorobotics and Robots for Biology. Workshop Webinar on Biorobotics for emulating and studying animal locomotion. (Geneva, CH) 2023
UK. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. Workshop on Agile Movements: Animal Behavior, Biomechanics, and Robot Devices. “Decisions, Learning, Innovation and Embodied Control: Squirrel Cognitive Biomechanics.” (London, UK) 2023
United States. National Academies of Science Workshop “Biohybrid Materials and Technologies for Today and Tomorrow. Planning Committee and Discussion Leader. (Washington, DC) 2023
United States. Gordon Research Conference: From Basic Science to Robot Systems. “Decisions, Learning, Innovation and Embodied Control: Squirrel Cognitive Biomechanics.” (Ventura, CA) 2022
United States. International Workshop on Art+Nature. Sponsored by The Institute of International Studies (IIS) in association with the University of Tokyo. “Bio-inspired Design.” (Berkeley CA) 2019
United States. Keynote Speaker, 1st International Workshop on Bio-Inspired Geotechnics. National Science Foundation. “Organisms as Sources of Knowledge and Solutions.” (Aslimar, CA) 2019
United States. Plenary Lecture, International Conference on Living Machines. “The Challenges of Advancing BioDesign Principles, Processes, and Inclusive Excellence.” Stanford University. (Stanford, CA) 2017
England. Cambridge Philosophical Society. New Frontiers in Robotics. “The Challenges of Bioinspired Robotics.” Cambridge University. (Cambridge, UK) 2017
Switzerland. Ecoles Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne. Reconfigurable Robotics Laboratory. “BioMotion Science: Leapin’ Lizards, Compressed Cockroaches and Smart Squirrels Inspire Robots.” (Lausanne, Switzerland) 2017
United States. Plenary Lecture, 7th International Conference on Adaptive Motion of Animals and Machines. “Motion Science of Animals and Machines – An Exemplar of Convergence”. (Cambridge, MA) (June) 2015
United States. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. Workshop on Robotics Inspired Biology. “Challenges of Bioinspired Robotics and Robot Enabled Biology”. (Seattle, WA) (May) 2015
Switzerland. Plenary Lecture, 2nd The Biomimicry Europe Innovation and Finance Summit. “The Challenges of Biological Inspiration: From Idea to Innovation.” (Zurich, Switzerland) (Sept) 2014
Spain. Plenary Lecture, 13th International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior. “Principles of Robustness in Motion Science of Animals, Animations and Robots.” (Castellón, Spain) (July) 2014
United States. Symposium Co-organizer (2), Chair and Introduction, 7th World Congress of Biomechanics. “Design of Feet in Relation to Locomotion and Maneuvering on Challenging Terrain.” (Boston, USA) (July) 2014
China. Plenary Lecture, 4th International Conference on Bionic Engineering. “Biological Inspiration: How We Learn from Nature to Design Robots, Adhesives and Exoskeletons. “ (Nanjing, PRC) (August) 2013
England. Royal Veterinary College. “Robustness – Inspiration for the Next Generation Robot.” (London, UK) (August) 2013
England. Plenary Lecture, Living Machines, 2nd International Conference. “Robustness – Inspiration for the Next Generation Robot.“ (London, UK) (July) 2013
England. Cambridge University.Department of Zoology. “Robustness – Inspiration for the Next Generation Robot.” (Cambridge, UK) (July) 2013
United States. Plenary Talk. “Robustness in Animals as Inspiration for the Next Generation Robot.” IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. (San Francisco, USA). 2011
United States. NSF Sponsored U.S.-Japan Workshop on Bio-inspired Engineering of Next-Generation Sensors and Actuators. “Cautions on extracting principles from Nature to inspired the design of sensors and actuators.” (Berkeley, USA). 2011
Germany. Plenary Lecture. BIOKON. International Industrial Convention of Biomimetics.“How We Learn from Nature to Design Robots, Exoskeletons and Adhesives.” (Berlin, GER) 2011
England. Meeting Opening Plenary Lecture. Cold Spring Harbor, Wellcome Trust Conference on Engineering Principles in Biological Systems. “Neuromechanical Systems Biology: A Tale of Tails.” (Cambridge, UK) 2009
England. Cambridge University.Department of Zoology. “Neuromechanical Systems Biology. Gripping Geckos, Bipedal Bugs and Galloping Ghost Crabs.” (Cambridge, UK) 2009
Switzerland. Keynote Address. Ecoles Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne Research Day.“Biological Inspired Robots.” (Lausanne, Switzerland) 2009
Switzerland. Ecoles Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne. Summer Research Institute Seminar Series. “Bipedal Bugs, Galloping Ghosts and Gripping Geckos: Biological Inspiration.” (Lausanne, Switzerland) 2008
Switzerland. Workshop on Control of Locomotion: From Animals to Robots. Meeting of Robotics: Science & Systems. “Biological Perspective on Neuromechanical Control Architectures.” (Zurich, Switzerland) 2008
England. Royal Veterinary College. “Bipedal Bugs, Galloping Ghosts and Gripping Geckos: Neuromechanical Systems Biology.“ (London, UK) 2008
England. Meeting Opening Plenary Lecture. Biological Approaches for Engineering.“The Challenges of Providing Biological Inspiration.” (Southampton, UK) 2008
Italy. Advanced Robotics Technology and Systems Laboratory. The Sant’ Anna School of Advanced Studies of Pisa. “Neuromechanical Systems Biology.” (Pisa, ITA) 2007
Italy. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. Workshop on Biomimetic Robotics. “From Bio-inspiration to Robotic Implementation”. (Rome, Italy) 2007
England. University of Bath Workshop. Biologically Inspired Robots. (Bath, UK) 2004
Japan. Keynote Address. 2nd International Symposium on Adaptive Motion of Animals and Machines. “Biorobotics in the Age of Integration.” (Kyoto, Japan) 2003
Canada. World Congress of Biomechanics. Symposium on Self-Stability. “Scaling of Damping: Implications for Stability.” (Calgary, Canada) 2002
Germany. Symposium on Systems Approach to Motor Behavior. “BioInspiration: From Template to Anchor.” (Bielefeld, Germany) 2002
Germany. “Bipedal Bugs, Galloping Ghosts and Gripping Geckos: BioInspiration for Animation, Adhesives and Robots.” Berlin Institute of Advanced Studies. (Berlin, Germany) 2002
Japan. Symposium on Evolutionary Robotics From Intelligent Robotics to Artificial Life “Using Biological Inspiration to Build Artificial Life that Locomotes.” (Tokyo, Japan) 2001
Germany. Keynote Address. 2nd International Conference on Motion Systems. Friedrich-Schiller-Universitat. “Control and Stability: From Galloping Ghosts to Gripping Geckos.” (Jena, Germany) 2001
England. Society of Experimental Biology. Symposium on Mechanical Function of Muscle: Molecules to Movement. “The role of muscle in the control of dynamically coupled systems.” (Exeter, England) 2000
Japan. Symposium at International Biological Award Presentation supported by the Emperor of Japan and the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). “Neuromechanics: Lessons from Many-Legged Locomotors.” (Nagoya, Japan) 1999
Scotland. Symposium on Design of Life: The Science of Biomechanics. Society of Experimental Biology. “Biomechanical templates and anchors: Invertebrate legged locomotion on land.” (Edinburgh, Scotland) 1999
Scotland. Symposium on Biomechanics and Behavior. Society of Experimental Biology. “Intermittent Work Alters Distance Capacity.” (Edinburgh, Scotland) 1999
England. Symposium on Neuromechanics. Society of Experimental Biology “The role of the mechanical system in the neuromuscular control of arthropod walking and running.” (York, UK) 1998
Germany. Keynote Address. International Conference on Motion Systems. Friedrich-Schiller-Universitat. “The role of the mechanical system in control.” (Jena, Germany) 1997
Mexico. Neural Control of Movement Conference. Workshop. “Human locomotion: What should our next step be?” (Cancun, Mexico) 1997
Canada. Intersociety Conference and the American Physiological Society. Symposium on linking muscle mechanics to energetics: from cross-bridge to locomotion. The Integrative Biology of Exercise. “3D Dynamic models: Multiple muscle systems to whole body terrestrial locomotion.” (Vancouver, Canada) 1996
England. Symposium Organizer. Symposium on Comparative physiology and robotics. 4TH International Congress of Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry sponsored by the International Union of Biological Sciences.“Biological inspiration toward the design of hexapedal robots: stability and maneuverability.” (Birmingham, UK) 1995
USSR. Symposia on Current concepts in gravitational biology. International Union of Physiological Sciences. Meeting on Gravitational Biology. “Comparative animal motility and gravity.” (Leningrad, U.S.S.R.) 1990
Finland. Proceeding of the International Union of Physiological Sciences, XXXI Congress. “Hot hexapedal runners: exercise induced heat production in the American cockroach.” (Helsinki, Findland) 1989
Austria. International Symposia on Energy transformation in cells and animals. 10th Conference of the European Society of Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry. “Bouncing endothermic insects.” (Innsbruck, Austria) 1988
Canada. University of British Columbia. Department of Zoology. “Terrestrial locomotion energetics and performance: From running sideways to exercising without lungs.” (Vancouver, Canada) 1988
Canada. Proceeding of the International Union of Physiological Sciences, XXX Congress. “Energetics of multi-legged locomotion.” (Vancouver, Canada) 1986
West Germany. Max Planck Institut. “Energetics and endurance in arthropods and some lower vertebrates.” (Goettingen, West Germany) 1985
National – Invited Symposia and Presentations
National Science Foundation. Convergence Accelerator Workshop Bio-inspired Design, External Advisory Board. (Wyss Institute, Boston, MA) 2022
Bay Area Robotics Symposium. Keynote Speaker. “Decisions, Learning, Innovation and Embodied Control: Smart Squirrels.” (Berkeley, CA) 2022
Janelia Research Campus. Symposium on 4D Cellular Physiology: Mechanics in Physiological Systems: From Organelle to Organisms. Speaker. “Embodied Control of Behavior in Complex Environments.” (Remote) 2021
American Physical Society Meeting. Symposium: Robophysics: Robotics Meets Physics IV: Complex Environment. Speaker. “BioInspired Embodied Control of Locomotion in Complex Environments.” (Remote) 2021
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. Workshop on Robot Inspired Biology. Introductory Speaker. Remote. 2020
Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Regional Meeting. Plenary Speaker. “Biodesign: Using Diversity to Understand Nature, Transform Education, and Invent the Future.” California State University, San Marcos (San Marcos, CA) 2018
Emerging Innovations in Biodiversity Research Conference. iDigBio (NSF). Keynote Speaker. Technological Innovation from Digital Data Opportunities and Challenges to Bio-inspired Design. University of California at Berkeley (Berkeley, CA) 2018
Bay Area Robotics Symposium. Keynote Speaker. “Grand Challenges of Robotics.” (Berkeley, CA) 2017
Workshop on Biological Collections as a Resource for Technical Innovation. Keynote Speaker. Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History. “Bringing Museum Specimens to Life: Opportunities and Challenges to Bio-inspired Engineering.” (Washington, DC) 2016
Future Directions Workshop on Foundations of Intelligent Sensing, Action and Learning. Sponsored by the Basic Research Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering, “Capabilities Inspired
from Motion Science of Animals.” University of Pennsylvania (PA) 2015
Santa Fe Institute. Annual Science Board Symposium. “Robustness in Complex Environments: Leaping lizards, crashing cockroaches, and running robots.” (NM) (May) 2015
International Society of Optics and Electronics (SPIE). Symposium on Defense and Security. Micro- and Nanotechnology Sensors, Systems, and Applications VII. “Bio-inspired principles of terrestrial motion science.” (Baltimore, MD) (April) 2015
San Diego Zoo. Plenary Lecture. 4th Annual Conference on Biomimcry: Accelerating the Development of Nature’s Solutions. “The Challenges of Biological Inspiration: From Idea to Innovation.” (San Diego, CA) Nov .2013
American Association of Advancement of Sciences – Local. Inaugural Meeting. Invited Speaker. “Curiosity-based Research: Animals, Robots & Adhesives” (Mountain View, CA) April 2013
15th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies for Mobile Machines (CLAWAR). Plenary & Meeting Opening Lecture. “Robustness in Animals as Inspiration for the Next Generation Robot” Johns Hopkins University. (Baltimore, MD) July 2012
Wyss Institute. Keynote Lecture. Symposium on Rhythm & Noise. Harvard University. “Neuromechanical Control Architectures: Diversity Enables Discovery.” (Cambridge, MA) 2012
National Science Foundation. IGERT PI Meeting. “Leaping lizards, bio-inspired robots and dinosaurs.” (Washington, DC) 2012
National Science Foundation / Army Research Office. Meeting Opening Presentation. Workshop on Why Animals are Better: Integration of Physics, Engineering and Biology. (Washington, DC) 2012
National Science Foundation / Army Research Office. Workshop on Why Animals are Better: Integration of Physics, Engineering and Biology. “Robustness.” (Washington, DC) 2012
Bio Mechanical Engineering Conference at Stanford. Keynote Speaker. Stanford University. “Leaping Lizards, Gripping Geckos & Crashing Cockroaches Inspire Mobile Robots.” (Stanford, CA) 2012
CalTech Neuromorphic Engineering Student Society Retreat. “Neuromechanical Systems Biology.” (Dana Point, CA) 2011
Cold Spring Harbor. “Neuromechanical Systems Biology.” (Cold Spring Harbor, NY) 2011
San Diego Zoo. Plenary Lecture. Symposium on Biomimcry. “Making it Real: From Idea to Innovation.” (San Diego, CA) 2011
Micro-Autonomous Systems Technology (MAST). Collaborative Technology Alliance (CTA). Center on Microsystems Mechanics. Mobile Robotics Inc. “Ambulation.” (Joppa, MD) 2011
Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology. Symposium on Bioinspiration: Applying Mechanical Design to Experimental Biology. “Role of robustness in running: bio- and bio-inspired exoskeletons.” (Salt Lake City, UT) 2011
Entomological Society of America. Symposium on Bio-Inspiration. “Biological Inspiration: Running Robotics, Artificial Muscles and Computer Animation” (San Diego, CA) 2010
Humanitarian Demining. Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study. Harvard University. “Bio-inspired mobility in challenging terrains.” (Cambridge, MA) 2009
Biotechnology Symposium. Special Session on Interfacing Biotechnology and Engineering. California State University, Los Angeles. “Biological Inspiration: Robots, Artificial Muscles and Gecko-inspired Adhesives.” (Los Angeles, CA) 2009
Micro-Autonomous Systems Technology (MAST). Collaborative Technology Alliance (CTA). Center on Microsystems Mechanics. Univ. of Maryland. “Ambulation.” (College Park, MD) 2008
Mathematical Biosciences Institute. Co-organizer. Symposium on Neuromechanics of Locomotion. Ohio State University. “Biological Perspective on Neuromechanical Control Architectures.” (Columbus, OH) 2008
Bio-X Symposium. Life in Motion. Stanford University. “Using Dynamic Models to Test Neuromechanical Control Hypotheses.” (Stanford, CA) 2007
Cold Spring Harbor Banbury Center. Design Principles in Biological Systems. “Challenges of an Integrative Systems Biology.” (Cold Spring Harbor, NY) 2007
American Association of Advancement of Sciences Annual Meeting. Sustainable Partners in Search and Rescue, Environmental Monitoring and Exploration.” Robotics Seminar Part I: Robots – Our Future’s Sustainable Partner. “Biologically Inspired Robot Motion.” (San Francisco, CA) 2007
National Science Foundation. Workshop Speaker and Session Leader at National Research Council Committee on Conceptual Basis of Biology for the 21st Century. “Toward an Integrative Biology.” (Arlington, VA) 2006
Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology. Symposium on Biomechanics and Neuromuscular Control. “Principles of Neuromechanics: Integration of Experiments, Mathematical and Physical Models.” (Orlando, FL) 2006
Google Science Foo. Google Inc. “Bipedal Bugs, Galloping Ghosts and Gripping Geckos Bio-Inspired Computer Animation, Robotics, Artificial Muscles and Adhesives.” (Mountain View, CA) 2006
Symposium on Biologically-inspired Design and Engineering. Keynote Address. Georgia Institute of Technology. “Galloping Ghosts, Gripping Geckos and Bipedal Bugs: Bio-Inspired Robots, Adhesives and Artificial Muscles” (Atlanta, GA) 2006
Progress in Motor Control V – A Multidisciplinary Approach. Penn State University. “Neuromechanical Integration: Templates and Anchors.” (College Park, PA) 2005
Robotics Institute 25th Anniversary. Plenary Lecture. Robots and Thought. Grand Challenges Symposium. Carnegie Mellon University. “Bipedal Bugs, Galloping Ghosts and Gripping Geckos: BioInspired Computer Animation, Robotics, Artificial Muscles and Adhesives.” (Pittsburgh, PA) 2005
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. Biodynotics Program. “Biological Inspiration for a Dynamic Climbing Robot.” (Pittsburgh, PA) 2005
National Science Foundation. U.S. Automation from the Leading Edge of Research. Robots: Highlighting The WTEC International Study of Robotics. RiSE and RHex Demonstration. (Arlington, VA) 2005
Inaugural Robotics: Science and Systems Conference. Meeting Opening Plenary Lecture. MIT. “Biological Inspiration in the Design of Legged Robots.” (Cambridge, MA) 2005
International Union of Physiological Sciences Satellite Symposium. Symposium on Biophysical and Biomechanical Adaptation and Bioinspired Engineering. California Institute of Technology. “Extending the Preflex: Perturbation Rejection, Distributed Feet and Task Level Control.” (Pasadena, CA) 2005
Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology. “Dynamic Stability Model Predicts Constraints In Sprawled Posture Running.” (New Orleans, LA) 2004
American Chemical Society Meeting. Symposium on Interface of Polymers and Biomimetics. “Evolutionary Nanotechnology: Gecko Adhesive Mechanisms.” (Anaheim, CA) 2004
Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology. “Can a simple neural oscillator generate rapid running in cockroaches?” (Toronto, Canada) 2003
22nd Highlands Forum on Life Sciences Complexity and National Security. Invitation from Secretary of Defense and DARPA. “Programming Work to Go Anywhere: Bio-Inspired Robots, Artificial Muscles and Adhesives.” (St. Michaels, MD) 2003
Bio2003. Biotechnology Industry Organization. Session on More than Medical-Emerging Application for Biotechnology in Biodefense. “Biological Inspiration.” (Washington, DC) 2003
Meeting of the National Science Collections Alliance. Plenary Lecture. University of California at Berkeley.“Bipedal Bugs, Galloping Ghosts and Gripping Geckos: Natural History Leading to Computer Animation, Robotics and Adhesives” (Berkeley, CA) 2003
Defense Science Research Council. “Dynamic Energy Storage Systems.” Workshop on Dynamically Stable Malleable Materials and Structures. (Washington, DC) 2003
Power of Design Conference. Young Presidents Organization. Quadrus Club. “Biological Inspiration.” (Palo Alto, CA) 2003
University of California Systemwide Biomedical Engineering Symposium. Plenary Lecture. University of California at San Diego.“Bipedal Bugs, Galloping Ghosts and Gripping Geckos: BiopInspired Robots, Adhesives and Artificial Muscles” (San Diego, CA) 2003
Boz, Allen and Hamilton – DARPA Study Group. Meeting on Cognitive Arthropods. “Problems and Challenges in BioRobotics.” (Washington, DC) 2003
American Physiological Society. Organizer. Symposium on The Influence of Comparative Physiology on Engineering: Neuromuscular Biological Inspiration toward the Design of Artificial Muscle and Robots. “Inspiration from Comparative Physiology in the Design of Artificial Muscles, Skeletons and Control Systems.” (San Diego, CA) 2002
Association for Computing Machinery. Special Interest Group on GRAPHics and Interactive Techniques (ACM SIGGRAPH) “Bipedal Bugs, Galloping Ghosts and Gripping Geckos: BioInspiration for Computer Animation.” (San Antonio, TX) 2002
Sigma Xi – Scientific Research Society. “Bipedal Bugs, Galloping Ghosts and Gripping Geckos: BioInspiration for Animation, Adhesives and Robots.” (Berkeley, CA) 2002
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. Bio-Vision Seminar Series “Biological Inspiration for Robotics.” (Arlington, VA) 2002
Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology. Opening Meeting Plenary Presentation. “Bipedal Bugs, Galloping Ghosts and Gripping Geckos: BioInspiration for Animation, Adhesives and Robots.” (Anaheim, CA) 2002
Fortune 500 CEO Public Relations Seminar. “Bouncing Bugs, Galloping Ghosts and Gripping Geckos: All in the Name of Bioinspiration.” (Naples, FL) 2002
Technology Panel of the Defense Science Board of the United States. “Biological Inspiration for Robotics.” (Arlington, VA) 2001
Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology. Co-organizer. Symposium on Stability and Maneuverability. “Stability And Maneuverability In Sprawled Posture, Legged Locomotion.” (Chicago, IL) 2001
Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics. Plenary Presentation. “Dynamics of Galloping Ghosts, Gripping Geckos and Running Robots.” (Snowbird, UT) 2001
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. Meeting on Controlled Biological Systems. “Computational Neuromechanics and Component Technologies for Climbing.” (Breckenridge, CO) 2001
National Research Council – Study Group. Co-organizer with D. Koditschek. Workshop on Frontiers at the Interface between Computing and Biology. Beckman Center. “Challenges and Opportunities in Bio-Inspired Computing and Enabling Technologies.” (Irvine CA) 2001
American Society of Biomechanics. “Preflexive and reflexive components of stability: cockroach as a model musculo-skeletal system. (San Diego, CA) 2001
Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology. Organizer. Symposium on Intermittent Locomotion. “The Next Step for Locomotion.” (Atlanta, GA) 2000
Neural Information Processing Systems Conference. “Neuromechanical Integration: From Galloping Ghosts to Gripping Geckos.” (Denver, CO) 2000
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, NASA. Symposium on Robotic Explorers. “An Insect Inspired Hexapod Running Machine.” (Pasadena, CA) 2000
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. Focus 2000 Meeting. Symposium Organizer. “Biology on the Move, From Molecules to Organisms.”(Washington, DC) 2000
Society of Optical Engineering. Keynote. Smart Structures Meeting. Symposium on Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Devices. “Artificial muscles versus natural actuators from frogs to flies.” (Newport Beach, CA) 2000
7th Annual Pacific Rim Conference on Exercise Science & Sports Medicine. Keynote Presentation. “Animal and Robot Athletes.” (Berkeley, CA) 2000
International Society of Robotics Research. Plenary Lecture. “Biological inspiration: lessons from many-legged locomotors.” (Snowbird, UT) 1999
International Conference on Field and Service Robotics. Plenary Lecture. “Biological inspiration: lessons from many-legged locomotors.”Carnegie Mellon University (Pittsburgh, PA) 1999
JASON Project. “Biological inspiration: lessons from many-legged locomotors.” (McClean, VA) 1999
Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology. “Rapid negotiation of rough terrain by the death-head cockroach.” (Denver, CO) 1999
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. Controlled Biological Systems Meeting. “Computational Neuromechanics: Programming Work in Biological Systems.” Presented with University of Michigan. (Washington, DC) 1999
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. Controlled Biological Systems Meeting. Demonstration presented with IS Robotics Inc. (now iRobot). “Component technologies of climbing.” (Washington, DC) 1999
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. Controlled Biological Systems Meeting. “Component technologies of climbing.” Presented with IS Robotics Inc. (Tucson, Arizona) 1999
NASA, Goddard. “Biological inspiration: lessons from many-legged locomotors.” (Goddard, MD) 1999
Institute for Mathematics and Its Applications. Symposium on Animal Locomotion and Robotics. “Neuromechanics of self-stabilization and maneuverability in polypeds.” (Minneapolis, MN) 1998
Clinical Gait Society. Presidential Keynote Address. “Diversity enables discovery: lessons from many-legged animals and robots.” (San Diego, CA) 1998
Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology. “Dynamics of Cockroach Climbing: Vaulting, Bouncing or Powering Over A Step?” (Boston, MA) 1998
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, NASA. Symposium on Biomorphic Explorers. “Inspiration from nature toward the design of surface-roving biomorphic explorers.” (Pasadena, CA) 1998
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. Controlled Biological Systems Meeting. “Neuromechanics of self-stabilization, maneuverability and gripping in polypeds.” (San Diego, CA) 1998
Office of Naval Research. Naval EOD Technology Center. Workshop and Symposium onLegged locomotion – muscle-like actuators. “Self-stabilization, maneuverability and gripping.”(Indian Head, MD) 1998
Santa Fe Institute. Workshop on Neuromechanics. “Neuromechanical Systems, Approaches, Techniques and Variables: When do they matter most?” (NM) 1998
Swedish Medical Center. University of Washington. Pinkham Lecture Series Continuing Medical Education Workshop. “Walking machines and the biomechanics of movement.” (Seattle, WA) 1997
Office of Naval Research. Workshop and symposium held in the MIT Leg Laboratory onPattern generation vs the use of dynamic feedback and hybrid approaches. “Polyped self-stabilization, preflexes and performance.”(Boston, MA) 1997
Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology. Symposium on Muscle properties and organismal function: shifting paradigms. “Muscles inside skeletons: a 3D leg musculo-skeletal model.” (Albuquerque, NM) 1996
Defense Sciences Research Council. Workshop on Mesoscopic Machines. “Animal locomotion: biological inspiration toward the design of new meso-robots.” (San Diego, CA) 1996
Naval Undersea Warfare Center. Autonomous Robotic Systems For U.S. Navy Littoral Operations Workshop. “Biological inspiration for the design of legged, amphibious robots.” (Newport RI) 1996
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. Workshop on Recent trends on robot locomotion. “Lessons from many-legged locomotors.” (Albuquerque, NM) 1997
The Ninth Engineering Foundation Conference on Biomechanics and Neural Control of Movement. Symposium Organizer. Symposium on Rhythmic Movement in Natural and Artificial Systems. “The challenge of integrating musculo-skeletal mechanics with the neural control – a comparative view.” (Columbus, OH) 1996
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. Workshop on “Bio-Mechatronics,” sponsored by the East Japanese Railway Corp. “Biomechanics of bouncing insects – Implication for robot design.” (Minneapolis, MN) 1996
Association for Computing Machinery. Special Interest Group on GRAPHics and Interactive Techniques (ACM SIGGRAPH) “The AAPE center at U. C. Berkeley: Using Data Acquisition, Analysis, Presentation, and Exchange to address Biological Complexity.” (New Orleans, LA) 1996
National Academy of Sciences Annual Meeting. “Diversity enables discovery: Lessons from many legged locomotors.” (Washington, DC) 1995
Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology. “Tuned tracks for hexapedal runners?” (Washington, DC) 1995
American Society of Zoologists. “Mechanical energy of swinging six legs.” (St. Louis, MO) 1995
American Society of Biomechanics. Symposium on Comparative Locomotion. “Muscles inside a skeleton: Isolated muscle function and musculo-skeletal modeling of running insects.” (Stanford University, CA) 1995
American Physiological Society. “Instantaneous joint power of running roaches.” (San Diego, CA) 1994
National Academy of Sciences 6th Annual Symposium on the Frontiers of Science. Beckman Center. “Animal locomotion and robot design.” (Irvine, CA) 1994
Adaptive and Learning Systems Conference. Yale University. “The importance of mechanical systems in understanding arthropod neural control of locomotion.” (New Haven, CT) 1994
American Society of Zoologists. “ Instantaneous power at the leg joints of running roaches.” (Los Angeles, CA) 1993
Defense Advanced Projects Research Agency. “Inspiration from crustaceans toward the design of legged amphibious robots.” (Washington, DC) 1993
National Academy of Sciences Study Center. Office of Naval Research. Symposium on Aquatic Locomotion. “Biomechanics of crab locomotion.” (Woods Hole, MA) 1993
American Society of Zoologists. “Minimization of moments in multi-legged locomotion: roaches and robots.” (Vancouver, Canada) 1992
National Academy of Sciences Study Center. Office of Naval Research. Symposium on Control of Invertebrate Legged Locomotion. “Mechanics of legged locomotion in invertebrates.”(Woods Hole, MA) 1991
Pacific Coast Entomological Society. California Academy of Sciences. “Inspiration from insects: the design of legged robots.” (San Francisco, CA) 1991
American Society of Zoologists. “Gait changes in ghost crabs: evidence from exoskeleton strain.” (Atlanta, Georgia) 1991
American Society of Zoologists. Symposium on The Compleat Crab. “Energetics and endurance of continuous and intermittent activity in ghost crabs (Ocypode quardata).” (San Antonio, TX) 1990
American Physiological Society. “Do insects have a maximal oxygen consumption?” (Orlando, FL) 1990
American Society of Zoologists. “Drag and lift on rapid running insects.” (Boston, MA) 1989
American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Division of Dynamics and Control. Symposium on Locomotion and lower extremity control. “Dynamics of insect locomotion compared to hexapod walking machines.” (San Francisco, CA) 1989
American Society of Zoologists. Symposium on Concepts of efficiency in biological systems. “Cost of transport and the efficiency of invertebrate terrestrial locomotion.” (San Francisco, CA) 1988
American Society of Zoologists. “ Exercising with and without lungs: a comparative study of gas exchange and endurance in salamanders.” (New Orleans, LA) 1987
American Society of Zoologists. “Anaerobic metabolism of bouncing gaits in ghost crabs.” (Nashville, TN) 1986
American Physiological Society. Symposium on Physiological limitations to performance: A comparative approach. “Exercise limitations in many-legged travelers: arthropod terrestrial locomotion.” (New Orleans, LA) 1986
American Society of Zoologists. “Ghost crab locomotion: the efficiency of traveling sideways.” (Baltimore, MD) 1985
American Physiological Society. “Exercising without lungs: energetics and endurance in a lungless salamander, Plethodon jordani.” (Niagara Falls, NY) 1985
American Society of Zoologists. “Economics of cockroaches exercising with loads.” (Denver, CO) 1984
American Society of Zoologists. “Running ghosts (Ocypode quadrata): a comparison of large and small crabs.” (Philadelphia, PA) 1983
Rochester Academy of Science. St. John Fisher College. “Exercising crabs: an intraspecific comparison of the cost of locomotion as a function of mass.” (Rochester, NY) 1983
American Society of Zoologists. “Net whole body lactate production during sustained exercise in the fiddler crab.” (Louisville, KY) 1982
Rochester Academy of Science. “Energetic cost of locomotion in crabs: an evaluation of aerobic and anaerobic contributions.” (S.U.N.Y. College at Brockport, NY) 1982
American Society of Zoologists. “Aerobic response to exercise in the fastest pedestrian invertebrate.” (Dallas, Texas) 1981
American Society of Zoologists. “Energetics of running sideways.” (Seattle, WA) 1980
American Society of Zoologists. “The effect of temperature on the energetic cost of locomotion in the cockroach.” (Tampa, FL) 1979
University Presentations
Fresno State University. “BioInspired Design Compressed Cockroaches, Gliding Geckos, and Smart Squirrels.” (Remote) 2022
Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics. “BioInspired Design: Gripping Geckos, Compressed Cockroaches, and Smart Squirrels.” (Nanjing, China) 2021
Grinnell College. “BioInspired Design Compressed Cockroaches, Gliding Geckos, and Smart Squirrels.” (Remote) 2021
University of Nebraska. Department of Biomechanics. “Nature’s Extremes in Motor Control. Leapin’ Lizards, Compressed Cockroaches and Smart Squirrels Inspire Robots.” (Omaha, NB) 2018
Johns Hopkins University. Introduction of Noah Cowan for The Don P. Giddens Inaugural Professorial Lecture Series honoring newly promoted full professors. (Baltimore, MD) 2018
Stanford University. Department of Mechanical Engineering. “BioMotion Science Leapin’ Lizards, Compressed Cockroaches and Smart Squirrels Inspire Robots.” (Stanford, CA) 2017
Tufts University. Kenneth Roeder Memorial Lecture. Department of Biology. “Bioinspiration from Neuromechanics.” (Medford, MA) (April) 2015
Georgia Institute of Technology.Department of Bioengineering. “Leaping lizards, Gripping Geckos and Galloping Ghost Crabs Inspire Robots.” (Atlanta, GA) 2012
Virginia Technical University. Kevin Granata Memorial Lecture. 5th Anniversary honoring his heroic behavior during the tragic shootings. Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics. “Neuromechanical Systems Biology. Gripping Geckos, Bipedal Bugs and Galloping Ghost Crabs.” (Blacksburg, VA) 2012
Brown University.Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology. “Neuromechanical Systems Biology. Gripping Geckos, Bipedal Bugs and Galloping Ghost Crabs.” (Providence, RI) 2010
Wake Forest University. Keynote Presentation. 25th Annual Perspectives In Biology Seminar. “Amazing Feats of Feet: How Geckos Stick.” (Winston-Salem, NC) 2009
Wake Forest University. Keynote Presentation. 25th Annual Perspectives In Biology Seminar. “Bio-Inspired Computer Animation, Robotics, Artificial Muscles and Adhesives.” (Winston-Salem, NC) 2009
Harvard University. Department of Organismal Biology and Evolution. “Neuromechanics of Legged Locomotion: Inspiring the Design of Robots.” (Cambridge, MA) 2009
University of California, Santa Barbara. Department of Mechanical Engineering. “Bipedal Bugs, Galloping Ghosts and Gripping Geckos: Control of Neuromechanical Systems.“ (Santa Barbara, CA) 2008
Wake Forest University. Department of Biology. “Bio-Inspired Computer Animation, Robotics, Artificial Muscles and Adhesives.” (Winston-Salem, NC) 2007
University of Washington. Robotics, Controls and Mechantronics Colloquium. “Neuromechanical Systems Biology.” (Seattle, WA) 2007
Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Distinguished Lecturer. Dertouzos Lecture Series. Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL). “Neuromechanical Systems Biology.” (Cambridge, MA) 2007
State University of New York at Buffalo. 2005-2006 Distinguished Alumni Speaker. Department of Biological Sciences. “Bipedal Bugs, Galloping Ghosts and Gripping Geckos Bio-Inspired Computer Animation, Robotics, Artificial Muscles and Adhesives.” (Buffalo, NY) 2005
University of Pennsylvania. GRASP Laboratory Lecture. “Bipedal Bugs, Galloping Ghosts and Gripping Geckos Bio-Inspired Computer Animation, Robotics, Artificial Muscles and Adhesives.” (Philadelphia, PA) 2005
Johns Hopkins University. XXII Alexander Graham Christie Lecture. Department of Mechanical Engineering. “Bipedal Bugs, Galloping Ghosts and Gripping Geckos Bio-Inspired Computer Animation, Robotics, Artificial Muscles and Adhesives.” (Baltimore, MD) 2005
Harvey Mudd College. “Bipedal Bugs, Galloping Ghosts and Gripping Geckos: BioInspired Computer Animation, Robotics, Artificial Muscles and Adhesives.” (Claremont, CA,) 2004
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories (EX-Ls)150. “Bipedal Bugs, Galloping Ghosts and Gripping Geckos: BioInspiration for Animation, Adhesives and Robots.” (Berkeley, CA) 2004
University of California at Irvine. Plenary Lecture. Symposium on Exercise. Department of Biology. “Bipedal Bugs, Galloping Ghosts and Gripping Geckos: BioInspiration for Animation, Adhesives and Robots.” (Irvine, CA) 2004
Harvard University. Department of Organismal Biology and Evolution. “Bipedal Bugs, Galloping Ghosts and Gripping Geckos: BioInspiration for Animation, Adhesives and Robots.” (Cambridge, MA) 2004
Princeton University. Department of Aerospace Engineering and Applied Mathematics. “Bipedal Bugs, Galloping Ghosts and Gripping Geckos: BioInspiration for Animation, Adhesives and Robots.” (Princeton, NJ) 2004
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center. “Bipedal Bugs, Galloping Ghosts and Gripping Geckos: BioInspired Robotics, Artificial Muscles and Adhesives.” (Stanford, CA) 2003
Pennsylvania State University. Department of Kinesiology – Action Club. “Neuromechanics of Locomotion: Coupled Clocks and Leg Springs Tested in Physical Models that Run.” (College Park, PA) 2003
Pennsylvania State University. Department of Biology and Kinesiology. “Bipedal Bugs, Galloping Ghosts and Gripping Geckos: BioInspiration for Animation, Adhesives and Robots.” (College Park, PA) 2003
University of Southern California. Mann Institute for Biomedical Engineering & Computer Science Department and Neuroscience Program. “Bipedal Bugs, Galloping Ghosts and Gripping Geckos: BioInspiration for Artificial Muscles, Adhesives and Robots.” (Pasedena, CA) 2002
Case Western University. NSF Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship Program invited speaker. “Bipedal Bugs, Galloping Ghosts and Gripping Geckos: BiopInspired Robots, Adhesives and Artificial Muscles.” (Cleveland, OH.) 2002
Cornell University. Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering. “Muscles as Multi-functional Materials.” (Ithaca, NY) 2002
Cornell University. Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering. “Bipedal Bugs, Galloping Ghosts and Gripping Geckos: BioInspiration for Animation, Adhesives and Robots.” (Ithaca, NY) 2002
Stanford University. AI, Geometry, Graphics, Vision, and Robotics: Stanford Broad Area Colloquium. “Bipedal Bugs, Galloping Ghosts and Gripping Geckos: BioInspiration for Rapid Running Robots.” (Palo Alto, CA) 2001
California Institute of Technology. Department of Physics. “Diversity enables discovery: Insights from many legged locomotors.” (Pasadena, CA) 2000
University of California at Santa Cruz. Department of Physics. “Diversity enables discovery: Insights from many legged locomotors.” (Santa Cruz, CA) 2000
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center. “Neuromechanics: Lessons from Many-Legged Locomotors.” (Stanford, CA) 2000
San Diego State University. Carpenter Lecture. “Biological inspiration: lessons from many-legged locomotors.” (San Diego, CA) 1999
Boston University. Department of Mathematics. “Lessons for the design of legged robots.” (Boston, MA) 1997
University of Michigan. Department of Biology. “Poly-pedal animal locomotion: lessons for the design of legged robots.” (Ann Arbor, MI) 1997
University of Michigan. Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science – Complex Systems Group. “3D dynamic models: multiple muscle systems to whole body terrestrial locomotion.” (Ann Arbor, MI) 1997
University of California at Irvine. Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. “Poly-pedal animal locomotion: lessons for the design of legged robots.” (Irvine, CA) 1996
University of California at Irvine. Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. “3D dynamic models: multiple muscle systems to whole body terrestrial locomotion.” (Irvine, CA) 1996
University of Washington. Electrical Engineering. “Diversity enables discovery: Insights from many legged locomotors.” (Seattle, WA) 1996
University of Washington. Department of Zoology. “Muscles inside skeletons.” (Seattle, WA) 1996
University of Puget Sound. Department of Biology. “Diversity enables discovery: Insights from many legged locomotors.” (Tacoma, WA) 1996
California Institute of Technology. Department of Neurobiology. “Diversity enables discovery: Insights from many legged locomotors.” (Pasadena, CA) 1996
University of Arizona. Motor Control Training Program. “Muscles inside skeletons.” (Tucson, AZ) 1995
University of Arizona. ARL Division of Neurobiology, Department of Physiology. “Diversity enables discovery: Insights from many legged locomotors.” (Tucson, AZ) 1995
Duke University. Department of Zoology. Biomechanics Group. “ Muscles inside skeletons.” (Durham, NC) 1995
Marine Biological Laboratory. “Diversity enables discovery: Lessons from many legged locomotors as inspiration for robot design.” (Woods Hole, MA) 1995
State University of New York at Buffalo. Alumni Awards Meeting. “Diversity enables discovery: Lessons from many legged locomotors.” (Buffalo, NY) 1995
Hopkins Marine Station. Stanford University. “Diversity enables discovery: Inspiration from insects: the design of legged robots.” (Monterey, CA) 1994
State University of New York at Buffalo. Department of Biological Sciences. “Diversity enables discovery: Inspiration from insects: the design of legged robots.” (Buffalo, NY) 1994
University of California at Los Angeles. Department of Biology. “Diversity enables discovery: Inspiration from insects: the design of legged robots.” (Los Angeles, CA) 1994
Scripps Oceanographic Institute. University of California at Los Angeles. “Diversity enables discovery: Inspiration from arthropods: the design of legged robots.” (Los Angeles, CA) 1994
Scripps Oceanographic Institute. University of California at San Diego. “Inspiration from arthropods: the design of legged robots.” (LaJolla, CA) 1993
University of California at Riverside. Department of Biology. “Inspiration from insects: the design of legged robots.” (Riverside, CA) 1993
Stanford University. Department of Bioengineering. “Inspiration from insects: the design of legged robots.” (Stanford, CA) 1992
Case Western Reserve University. Howard Hughes Regional Lecture. “Diversity enables discovery.” (Cleveland, OH) 1992
Case Western Reserve University. Department of Biology. “Inspiration from insects: the design of legged robots.” (Cleveland, OH,) 1991
Brown University. Department of Biology. “Mechanics of polypedal locomotion.” (Providence, RI) 1991
University of Utah. Department of Biology. “Mechanics of terrestrial locomotion.” (Salt Lake City, UT) 1991
University of Utah. Department of Biology. “Endurance capacity of terrestrial locomotion.” (Salt Lake City, UT) 1991
University of California at Irvine. Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. “Energetics of terrestrial locomotion.” (Irvine, CA) 1991
University of California at Irvine. Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. “Mechanics of terrestrial locomotion.” (Irvine, CA) 1991
Idaho State University. Sigma Xi Chapter. “Diversity enables discovery.” (Pocatello, ID) 1991
Idaho State University. Department of Biology. “Endurance capacity of terrestrial locomotion.” (Pocatello, ID) 1991
San Diego State University. Department of Biology. “Energetics and mechanics of terrestrial locomotion.” (San Diego, CA) 1990
Stanford University. Design Division. Department of Mechanical Engineering. “Dynamics of 6-legged runners compared to hexapedal walking machines.” (Stanford, CA) 1989
University of Oklahoma. Department of Zoology. “Locomotion energetics: from running sideways to exercising without lungs.” (Norman, OK) 1989
Scripps Oceanographic Institute. University of California at San Diego. “Energetics of terrestrial locomotion.” (LaJolla, CA) 1989
Duke University. Department of Zoology. Biomechanics Group.”Mechanics of polypedal locomotion.” (Durham, NC) 1989
Duke University. Department of Zoology. “Locomotion energetics: from running sideways to exercising without lungs.” (Durham, NC) 1989
State University of New York at Buffalo. Department of Physical Therapy. “Mechanics of terrestrial locomotion: polypeds to bipeds.” (Buffalo, NY) 1988
University of Kentucky. Department of Zoology. “Mechanics and energetics of terrestrial locomotion.” (Lexington, KY) 1987
California State, Hayward. Department of Biology. “Terrestrial locomotion energetics and performance.” (Hayward , CA) 1987
University of California at Davis. Department of Biology. ”Locomotion energetics and performance: From running sideways to exercising without lungs.” (Davis, CA) 1987
College of the Holy Cross. Department of Biology. “Locomotion without lungs” (Worcester, MA) 1987
University of Florida. Department of Biology. “Terrestrial locomotion energetics.” (Gainesville, FL) 1986
College of the Holy Cross. Department of Biology. “Locomotion energetics and performance.” (Worcester, MA) 1985
Wellesley College. “Multilegged exercise.” (Wellesley, MA) 1984
The University of Chicago. Department of Anatomy. “Invertebrate locomotion.” (Chicago, IL) 1984
Duke University Marine Laboratory. “The invertebrate runner.” (Beaufort, NC) 1981
Corporate/Industry presentations
Pixar. Leapin’ Lizards, Gripping Geckos, Compressed Cockroaches, and Smart Squirrels Inspire Materials, Controllers, and Robots. BioMotion Science Accelerated by Bioinspired Design. (Emeryville, CA) 2018
Infinity Ward – Activision. “Bio-inspired Motion Science.” (Los Angeles, CA) 2015
Activision/Infinity ward. “Bio-inspired Motion Science.” (Los Angeles, CA) (Jan) 2015
Activision/Blizzard Entertainment. “Bio-inspired Motion Science: Bipedal Bugs, Gripping Geckos and Compressed Cockroaches Inspire Robots, Adhesives and Exoskeletons.” (Santa Barbara, CA) (Feb) 2014
Yahoo. Tech Pulse Meeting. “Biological Inspiration.” (San Jose, CA) 2011
BP. “Biological Inspiration – How We Learn from Nature”. (Berkeley, CA) 2011
ITT/ Vanguard. NextGens Technologies. “Biological Inspiration.” (Charlottesville, NC) 2010
Applied Brilliance. “Biological Inspiration.” (Ojai, CA) 2010
Procter & Gamble. “Biological Inspiration – How We Learn from Nature: Gecko Adhesion”. (Berkeley, CA) 2010
Kimberly-Clark (Adhesive Company). “Biological Inspiration – How We Learn from Nature: Gecko Adhesion”. (Berkeley, CA) 2010
Michelin (Tire Company). “Biological Inspiration – How We Learn from Nature: Gecko Adhesion.” (Berkeley, CA) 2009
Nike Inc. “Gecko Inspired Synthetic Adhesive.” (Berkeley, CA) 2009
Willow Garage (Robot company). “Bio-inspired Motion.” (Menlo Park, CA). 2008
Blizzard Entertainment. “The Science of Motion: Bipedal Bugs, Somersaulting Shrimp, and Galloping Ghosts.” (Irvine, CA) 2008
Lockheed Martin, Nitto Denko, Henkel, Avery Dennison, North Safety, Kimberly-Clark, Johnson & Johnson and Nike Inc. “Biology Inspiration’ Gecko Inspired Adhesion Symposium, CiBER. (Berkeley, CA) 2008
KLA-Tencor Microsoft.“The Science of Motion: Bipedal Bugs, Somersaulting Shrimp, and Galloping Ghosts.” Microsoft Graphics Advisory Board Summit. (Seattle, WA) 2008
Tata Chemicals Innovation Centre. “Biological Inspiration – How We Learn from Nature: Gecko Adhesion”. (Berkeley, CA) 2008
Kimberly-Clark (Adhesive Company). “Biological Inspiration – How We Learn from Nature: Gecko Adhesion”. (Berkeley, CA) 2008
Avery-Dennison (Adhesive Company). “Biological Inspiration – How We Learn from Nature: Gecko Adhesion” (Pasadena, CA) 2008
Nike Inc. “Gecko Inspired Synthetic Adhesive.” (Beaverton, OR) 2008
Samsung. “Biological Inspiration – Materials.” Leading the Next Symposium. (Berkeley, CA) 2007
General Motors. Workshop on Bio-inspired materials & Systems. “Biological Inspiration in the Design of Complex Systems.” (Detroit, MI) 2006
Google. Google Zeitgeist. “Bio-Inspired Robots.” (Mountain View, CA) 2006
Samsung. “Biological Inspiration.” Leading the Next Symposium. (Seoul, Korea) 2005
Mitre Corporation. “Bipedal Bugs, Galloping Ghosts and Gripping Geckos: BioInspiration for Animation, Adhesives and Robots.” (Bedford, MA) 2004
Samsung. “Biological Inspiration.” Leading the Next Symposium. (Seoul, Korea) 2004
Johnson & Johnson. “Biological Inspiration.” (Newark, NJ) 2003
Tippett Studio. “Unlocking the Secrets of Biomotion.” (Berkeley, CA) 2003
DreamWorks. “Unlocking the Secrets of BioMotion.” 2003
Foundation Capital. “Simple Solutions to Complex Problems.” 2002
Deka Research & Development Corp. (Segway). “Bipedal Bugs, Galloping Ghosts and Gripping Geckos: BioInspiration for Animation, Adhesives and Robots.” (Manchester, NH) 2002
Microsoft Research. “Where will you go tomorrow? BioInspiration for Animation, Adhesives and Robots.” (Redmond, WA) 2002
Nike Inc. “Biological Inspiration of Preflexive Behavior” (Beaverton, OR) 2002
Industrial Light & Magic. “Dynamic Simulations Directed by Newton? Running, Robots and Reality.” (San Rafael, CA) 2001
Nike Inc. “Biological Inspiration of Locomotion and Adhesion.” (Beaverton, OR) 2001
Global Business Network. “Clean technologies for transportation.” (Berkeley, CA) 2001
Henkel. “Gripping Geckos: Integration Provides Inspiration toward Mecho-geckos and Dry Adhesives.” (Dusseldorf, Germany) 2001
Disney Imagineering. “The design of spiders.” Disney Imagineering. (Anaheim, CA) 2000
Xerox PARC. “Gripping geckos.” (Menlo Park, CA) 2000
Pixar. “Diversity enables discovery: Lessons from many legged locomotors”, for Movie, A Bug’s Life. (Richmond, CA) 1995-96
Character Shop. “Insect Locomotion.’ Movie, the Mimic, from Mirimax Films (Los Angeles, CA) 1994
Rockwell International. “Inspiration from crustaceans toward the design of legged amphibious robots.” (Thousands Oaks, CA) 1993
National Instruments. MacWorld Convention. “Galloping ghosts and data acquisition technology.” (San Francisco, CA). Moving real-time data acquisition technology from research to teaching. Instructional Technologies Program. Sponsored by Apple Computer and National Instruments. 1989
University of California at Berkeley
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute. “Bioinspired Design. Compressed Cockroaches, Gliding Geckos, and Smart Squirrels. 2022
Seminar/Class. Department of Bioengineering. “Gripping Geckos, Compressed Cockroaches, and Smart Squirrels, (BioE 26) 2022
University of California Retirees’ Association at Berkeley (UCRAB). “Bioinspired Design. Compressed Cockroaches, Gliding Geckos, and Smart Squirrels. 2021
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Colloquium. “BioDesign: Using Diversity to Understand Nature, Transform Education, and Invent the Future” 2018
Seminar. Department of Bioengineering. “Bipedal Bugs, Galloping Ghosts and Gripping Geckos: BioInspired Computer Animation, Robotics, Artificial Muscles and Adhesives.” (BioE 26) 2017
Panel to Discuss the Future of Science. (MCB 15) 2015
The Seventh Warren William Chupp Distinguished Lecture. Lawrence Hall of Science. (May) 2014
Science@Cal Public Presentation. Biological Inspiration: How We Learn from Nature to Design Robots, Exoskeletons and Adhesives.” (May) 2014
Graduate Course on Biomimetics. Department of Mechanical Engineering. “Challenges of Biological Inspiration.” (April) 2014
Miller Institute. Invited Speaker. “BioMotion: Bipedal Bugs, Gripping Geckos and Leaping Lizards Inspire Robots.”(March) 2014
Panel toDiscuss the Future of Science. (MCB 15) (Feb) 2014
Exploring Biology at Berkeley (MCB 98). Guest Speaker. “Biological Inspiration.” (Oct.) 2013
Panel toDiscuss the Future of Science. (MCB 15) (Feb) 2013
Freshman Seminar. Guest Speaker. “Biological Inspiration: Running Robots, Artificial Muscles and Gecko-inspired Adhesives.” (Oct.) 2013
Freshman Seminar. Guest Speaker. “Biological Inspiration: Running Robots, Artificial Muscles and Gecko-inspired Adhesives.” Nov. 2012
Biological Division Services Seminar. “Biological Inspiration: Running Robots, Artificial Muscles and Gecko-inspired Adhesives.” 2012
Biological Division Services Teaching Staff Seminar. “Comparative Biomechanics and Physiology Courses at Berkeley.” 2012
Freshman Seminar. Guest Speaker. “Biological Inspiration: Running Robots, Artificial Muscles and Gecko-inspired Adhesives.” 2011
Graduate Division Donor Hosted Event Lecture. “Bio-inspiration.” 2011
Biomechanics Seminar. “Bio-inspired Design Challenges.” 2011
Cal Day. “Bio-Inspired Robots: Bipedal Bugs, Galloping Ghosts and Gripping Geckos.” 2011
Freshman Seminar. Guest Speaker. “Biological Inspiration: Running Robots, Artificial Muscles and Gecko-inspired Adhesives.” 2010
Graduate Course on Biomimetics. Department of Mechanical Engineering. “Biological Inspiration of Dry Adhesion.” 2010
Center for Intelligent Systems. Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. “The Role of Mechanical System in the Control of Locomotion.” 2010
Graduate Course on Biomimetics. Department of Mechanical Engineering. “Biological Inspiration of Dry Adhesion.” 2009
Freshman Seminar. Guest Speaker. “Biological Inspiration: Running Robots, Artificial Muscles and Gecko-inspired Adhesives.” 2009
Seminar. Department of Bioengineering. “Neuromechanics of Locomotion.” 2009
Freshman Seminar. Guest Speaker. “Biological Inspiration: Running Robots, Artificial Muscles and Gecko-inspired Adhesives.” 2008
Graduate Seminar. “How would nature do that?” Lecture. “Biological Inspiration of Fibrillar Adhesives.” 2008
Cal Day. “Biological Inspiration: Running Robots, Artificial Muscles and Gecko-inspired Adhesives.” 2008
Knight Digital Media Center. “How we learn from nature: Biological Inspiration.” 2008
Development Group. “Center for interdisciplinary Bio-inspiration in Education and Research.” 2008
Inaugural Industrial Symposium, CiBER – Center for interdisciplinary Bioinspiration in Education and Research. “Biological Inspiration – How We Learn from Nature: Gecko Adhesion.” 2008
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Robotics and Control Seminar. Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. “Bio-inspired Legged Robots: Insights from Animal Neuromechanics.” 2008
Army Research Laboratory Site Visit Presentation. “Biological Inspiration for Microsystems Mechanics – Ambulation.” 2008
Cal Day. “Biological Inspiration: Running Robots, Artificial Muscles and Gecko-inspired Adhesives.” 2006
College of Letters & Science Donor Recognition Lecture. “Bipedal Bugs, Galloping Ghosts and Gripping Geckos Bio-Inspired Computer Animation, Robotics, Artificial Muscles and Adhesives.” 2006
Graduate Course on Biomimetics. Guest Speaker. Department of Mechanical Engineering. “Bio-inspired Robots and Artificial Muscles.” 2005
Graduate Course on Biomimetics. Guest Speaker. Department of Mechanical Engineering. “Biological Inspiration of Dry Adhesion.” 2005
Letters & Science Intro Course 1. “Bipedal Bugs, Galloping Ghosts and Gripping Geckos: BioInspired Computer Animation, Robotics, Artificial Muscles and Adhesives.” 2003
Seminar. Department of Bioengineering. “Bipedal Bugs, Galloping Ghosts and Gripping Geckos: BioInspired Computer Animation, Robotics, Artificial Muscles and Adhesives.” 2003
University of California Berkeley Emeriti Association. “Bipedal Bugs, Galloping Ghosts and Gripping Geckos: BiopInspired Robots, Adhesives and Artificial Muscles” 2003
Cal Homecoming and Parent Weekend. “Bipedal Bugs, Galloping Ghosts and Gripping Geckos: BioInspiration for Animation, Adhesives and Robots.” 2002
Mechanics of Organisms Class. Guest Lecture. “Mechanics of locomotion.” 2002
Letters & Science Intro Course 1. “Bipedal Bugs, Galloping Ghosts and Gripping Geckos: BioInspired Computer Animation, Robotics, Artificial Muscles and Adhesives.” 2002
Seminar. Department of Integrative Biology. “Gripping Geckos: Integration Provides Biology Inspiration toward Mecho-Geckos and Dry Adhesives.” 2001
Museum of Paleontology. Lawrence Hall of Science. “Dinosaurs: Movies, Robots and Reality.” 2001
Mechanical Engineering Course. Guest Lecture. “Mechanics of locomotion.” 2001
Mechanical Engineering Course. Guest Lecture. “Mechanics of locomotion.” 1999
SCIBUGS – Society of Integrative Biology Undergraduates Presentation. “The philosophy behind Integrative Biology.” 1999
Mechanical Engineering Course. Guest Lecture. “Mechanics of locomotion.” 1998
Computer Science Course. User-Interfaces to Computer Systems. Guest Lecture. “Dynamic modeling in movement.” 1998
Letters & Science Alumni Presentation. “Diversity Enables Discovery: Inspiration from Insects in the Design of Legged Robots.” (Modesto, CA) 1996
Chancellor’s Forum. “Diversity Enables Discovery: Inspiration from Insects in the Design of Legged Robots.” 1996
Cal Parents Day. “Diversity Enables Discovery: Inspiration from Insects in the Design of Legged Robots.” 1996
Commencement Speech. Department of Integrative Biology “Integrative Biology at Cal: A thank you.” 1996
Mechatronics Course. Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. “Inspiration from insects: the design of legged robots.” 1995
Berkeley Alumni Association. University of California at Berkeley. “Inspiration from biology: the design of legged robots.” (Monterey Bay, CA) 1994
Seminar. Department of Biological Psychology. “Inspiration from insects: the design of legged robots.” 1993
Berkeley Alumni Association. “Inspiration from biology: the design of legged robots.” (Walnut Creek, CA) 1993
Seminar. Department of Mechanical Engineering. “The design of six-legged robots.” 1992
Seminar. Department of Integrative Biology. “Inspiration from insects: the design of legged robots.” 1992
Seminar. Department of Zoology. “Locomotion without lungs.” 1988
Seminar. Phys. Ed. Department. ” Variation in exercise energetics and performance.” 1988
Bodega Marine Laboratory. “Terrestrial locomotion energetics and performance.” 1987
Seminar. Department of Entomology. “Locomotion energetics and performance of insects and other arthropods.” 1987
Seminar. Department of Zoology. “Locomotion energetics and performance: From running sideways to exercising without lungs.” 1986
Back to Top
Education – Professional Service to Societies, Agencies, Institutes and Schools
Center for Interdisciplinary Bio-inspiration in Education and Research (CiBER). Founder and director of center for undergraduate and graduate students with the goal of integrating research-based education and original research. 2008-present
Undergraduate Education
Executive Board of the Society of Howard Hughes Medical Institute Professors. (Chevy Chase, MD). Elected. 2023-present
National Academies of Sciences Board on Life Sciences Speaker. Promises and Challenges of Learning from & Interfacing with Nature – Bioinspiration & Biomimetics. Keck Center of the National Academies. (Washington, DC). 2018
Tapping the Potential of All Students: Undergraduate Research for Community Colleges. Opening, Plenary Lecture on “Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Research-based Learning” North Hennepin Community College, Brooklyn Park, MN. 2013
Congressional Briefing. Briefed policymakers and staffers of United States House of Representatives Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Education Caucus on Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Research and American Innovation. 2010
Undergraduate Research as Transformative Practice: Developing Leaders and Solutions for a Better Society. Council on Undergraduate Research Conference Meeting (CUR). Opening, plenary lecture on “The Value of Interdisciplinary Research-based Learning” 2010
Undergraduate Biology in the 21st Century. Invited by National Science Foundation to participate in workshop and offer a vision for the future. 2008
Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS). Steering Committee Member and presented Plenary Lecture at annual Meeting. ABRCMS is the largest multidisciplinary student conference in the United States. Conference attracts approximately 2,600 underrepresented minorities, including 1,650 undergraduate students interested in attending graduate school, 300 graduate students/ postdoctoral scientists and 750 faculty and administrators. 2006-2012
Reinventing Undergraduate Education Conference, Transforming the Culture: Undergraduate Education and the Multiple Functions of the Research University. Invited to organize workshop and published report on The Reciprocal Relationships Among Research, Teaching, and Learning. 2006
California Science Teachers Association. Presented on the value of research-based instruction at annual meeting. 2006
Science Education for New Civic Engagements and Responsibilities (SENCER) Education Conference. Opening Plenary Lecture at national meeting (2006-8) and serving on Advisory Board. SENCER has established and supports a community of faculty, students, academic leaders, and others to improve undergraduate STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) education by connecting learning to critical civic questions. 2006-10
Investigating Introductory Science Courses in the Undergraduate Context: A Systems Approach. Invited to participate in a workshop at The National Academies’ Center for Education in conjunction with the Board on Science Education. 2004
National Academy of Sciences Summer Institutes for Undergraduate Education in Biology. Support from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. Invited by Bruce Alberts, then President of the National Academy of Sciences and the Chair of The National Research Council, to assist in creating a summer institute on undergraduate biology education specifically designed for faculty at research universities. The goal of the institute is to serve as a forum for faculty to work together to improve the teaching of science to undergraduate biology students. 2003, -05
National Academies of Sciences Board on Life Sciences. Selected from the 30 participants in the Pilot Summer Institute to speak at the National Research Council’s Board on Life Sciences on research-based biology education. 2003
University of California, Berkeley
Academic Innovation Studio, the Center for Teaching and Learning, and the Academic Senate’s Committee on Teaching Dialogue. Panel. “Designing Successful Team Projects: Why, How, and For Whom.” (UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA) 2017
Center for Teaching and Learning. Teaching Excellence Colloquium with Distinguished Faculty. Panel sharing with new faculty. (UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA) 2017
Graduate Education
Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship (IGERT) Grant. Supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF). Principal Investigator on 5-year graduate training grant that teaches the next generation of biologists and engineering how to learn from Nature through mutualistic teaming. In association with the Center for Interdisciplinary Bio-Inspiration in Education & Research (CiBER). 2009-16
NSF-AGEP California Alliance – Second Annual Retreat of Stanford, Berkeley, UCLA and Caltech consortium that supports over 100 underrepresented minority doctoral students and postdoctoral fellows in the physical sciences, mathematics and engineering as they advance into the professoriate and other leadership careers. Theme – The Next Generation of Researchers. Served on panels, roundtable discussion and met with students to offer career advice. (Caltech, CA). (April) 2015
The California Alliance Mentor Matching Program – Mentored underrepresented minority from Stanford. (May) 2015
German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft). Consulting for Juergen Breitkopf, Division of Research Careers, to improve the doctoral education in Germany. 2010
K-12 Education
National Youth Leadership Forum on Technology. Board of Advisors and presented Plenary Lecture. Organization serves the nation’s best high school students through a yearly conference. 2004-06
Designed and Implemented Inquiry-based Learning in Public Middle School Curriculum. Assisted in teaching 6th Grade Public Middle School Science Class that included lectures on Bio-inspired Design, student group presentations, a visit to UC Berkeley, hands-on experiments, a group project to design a Biomorphic Explorer Robot for NASA, and a simulated Mission to Mars. 1998-99
Education – Presentations and Invited Lectures
Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Class. BioInspired Design Gripping Geckos, Compressed Cockroaches, and Smart Squirrels. (Nanjing, CN) 2021
Centre for Research and Interdisciplinarity (CRI). NightScience: Collective creativity in scientific discovery and education. “i4s Beyond the Classroom.” Faculty of Medicine – Paris Descartes University (Paris, FR) 2013
Centre for Research and Interdisciplinarity (CRI). Workshop: Hands-on Experiments, Scientific Discovery Games and Citizen Science – Learning through Research for all. “Bio-inspired Design Challenges.” Faculty of Medicine – Paris Descartes University (Paris, FR) 2011
Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting. “Tenets for Teaching the Biological Foundations of Bioinspired Design.” Symposium on Best Practices for Bioinspired Design Education, Research and Product Development. (Phoenix, AZ) 2022
Understanding Interventions. Effect of Team Diversity on Creativity of Bioinspired Design Inventions. Remote. (July) 2021
Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting. “i4’s Toward Tomorrow Program: Bioinspired Design Realized by Creativity, Collaboration, and Connection.” Symposium on Biology Beyond the Classroom: Experiential Learning through Authentic Research, Design & Community Engagement. (Washington, DC) 2021
Howard Hughes Medical Institute. Update & Challenge for i4’s Toward Tomorrow Program Using Bioinspired Design. (Chevy Chase, MD) (July) 2019
Howard Hughes Medical Institute. Introduction to i4’s Toward Tomorrow Program Using Bioinspired Design. (Chevy Chase, MD) 2018
Howard Hughes Medical Institute. i4’s Toward Tomorrow Program Using Bioinspired Design. (Chevy Chase, MD) 2017
Convocation at the National Academy of Sciences on “Integrating Discovery-Based Research into the Undergraduate Curriculum” sponsored by the Board on Life Sciences and Science Education of the National Research Council. “Interdisciplinary Laboratory Course Facilitating Knowledge Integration, Mutualistic Teaming and Authentic Discovery.”(Washington, DC) (May) 2015
Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting. Full, R.J., Dudley, R., Koehl, M.A.R., Libby, T., and Schwab, C. “The impact of discovery-based instruction on interdisciplinary research skills.” Symposium on Leading Students and Faculty to Quantitative Biology Through Active Learning. (West Palm Beach, FL.) (Jan) 2015
Undergraduate Capstone Research Conference at Mathematical Biosciences Institute. Keynote Speaker. “Using Mathematical, Physical and Animal Models to Discover the Principles of Motion Science.” The Ohio State University (Columbus, OH) 2014
Technology, Entertainment & Design Conference – Youth. “I4s Eyes Toward Tomorrow.” (New York, NY) 2011
Science Center Dedication. Grand Opening Celebration Albright College. “The Value of Interdisciplinary Research-based Learning.” (Reading, PA) 2011
Council on Undergraduate Research Conference (CUR) – Undergraduate Research as Transformative Practice, Developing Leaders and Solutions for a Better Society. “The Value of Interdisciplinary Research-based Instruction” Weber State University. (Ogden, UT) 2010
National Science Foundation /American Association for the Advancement of Science. Plenary Speaker. Course, Curriculum, and Laboratory Improvement (CCLI) PI Conference. “The Value of Interdisciplinary Research-Based Instruction.” (Washington, DC) 2008
Science Education for New Civic Engagements and Responsibilities (SENCER) Annual Meeting. Meeting Opening Plenary Lecture. “SENCER & Interdisciplinary Research-based Learning.” (Portland, Maine) 2007
Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS) “Research-based Education: From Galloping Ghosts to Gripping Geckos.” Plenary Lecture. (Anaheim, CA) 2006
Re-inventing Undergraduate Education Meeting on Transforming the Culture: Undergraduate Education and the Multiple Functions of the Research University. Workshop leader and speaker. “The Reciprocal Relationships Among Research, Teaching, and Learning.” (Washington, DC) 2006
Science Education for New Civic Engagements and Responsibilities (SENCER) Summer Institute. Meeting Opening Plenary Lecture. “The Value of Interdisciplinary Research-based Learning – the Student as Colleague.” Santa Clara University. (Santa Clara, CA) 2006
National Academe of Sciences. National Research Council. Summer Institute for Undergraduate Education in Biology. “The Value of Interdisciplinary Instruction.” Univ. of Wisconsin. (Madison, WI) 2005
Massachusetts Institute of Technology/Howard Hughes Medical Institute. “The Value of Interdisciplinary Education.” (Cambridge, MA) 2005
California Science Teachers Association Meeting. “The Value of Interdisciplinary Research-Based Instruction.” (San Francisco, CA) 2005
National Academy of Sciences. Investigating Introductory Sciences Courses in the Undergraduate Context: A Systems Approach. NRC Education Center. “The Value of Interdisciplinary Education.” (Washington, DC) 2004
Chapman University. “The Value of Interdisciplinary Education in K-12.” (Concord, CA) 2004
American Association for the Advancement of Science. Symposium: Developing Student-Scientist Relationships Through Robotics: Educating the Future Generation. “Sharing Research Discoveries Enables Students to Design Novel, Bio-inspired Robots.” (Denver, CO) 2003
National Academy of Science. Board on Life Sciences. “The Value of Interdisciplinary Instruction.” Beckman Center. (Irvine, CA) 2003
National Academe of Sciences. National Research Council. Bio 2010: Summer Institute Pilot. “The Value of Interdisciplinary Instruction.” Univ. of Wisconsin. (Madison, WI) 2003
McGraw Hill Center for Teaching and Learning. Princeton University. “Closing the Gap between Teaching and Research – Shared Discoveries.” McGraw Hill Center for Teaching and Learning. (Princeton, NJ) 2001
Workshop on Education – Meeting of Deans ands Vice Provosts of UC Universities. “Closing the gap between teaching and research.” (UCLA, Los Angeles, CA) 1998
Oklahoma Scholar Leadership Enhancement Program. Oklahoma State University. “Diversity enables discovery: Inspiration from insects in the design of legged robots.” (Stillwater, OK) 1994
University of California at Berkeley
Integrative Human Biology, IB 77A. Curiosity, Serendipity, and Diversity Bioinspired Designs from Gripping Geckos, Bouncing Bugs, and Smart Squirrels. 2021
Jacob Design Innovation Institute Teaching Toolkit Workshop. Pre-interview to create toolkit and discussion participation. 2020
Bioengineering Honor Society. Guest Panelists. Breaking Down BioE Day. 2019
Integrative Biology Teaching Colloquium Class 375. The Development and Identification of Critical Thinking in Education. Lecture. 2019
Golden Bear Orientation. Presentation to Freshman Class. “Your First Lecture: Curiosity, Serendipity, and Diversity.” Pauley Ballroom. 2019
Teaching Excellence Colloquium (TEC). “If I knew then what I know now….” New faculty connecting with academic partners and colleagues. Academic Innovation Studio. 2019
Academic Innovation Studio. Teaching a Large-Enrollment Classes. Participant. 2019
Graduate School of Education and the SESAME Program Seminar. i4’s Toward Tomorrow Program – Bioinspired Design Realized by Creativity, Collaboration, and Connection. 2018
Integrative Biology Teaching Colloquium Class 375. The Development and Identification of Critical Thinking in Education. Lecture. 2018
Mini Lecture Series in Letters & Science Deans’ Office. Presentation. “BioMotion Science to Bioinspired Design.” 2018
Integrative Human Biology, IB 77A. Curiosity, Serendipity, and Diversity Bioinspired Designs from Gripping Geckos, Bouncing Bugs, and Smart Squirrels. 2018
Biology 1B Next Steps Meeting. 2018
Lawrence Hall of Science Staff. i’4s Toward Tomorrow Program. July 2018
Mentorship in the Life Sciences Event. Attended and submitted suggestions for effective mentorship. Mar 2018
Moffitt Center for Connected Learning Visioning Session. Assisted in reimagining the library for the 21st century. Feb 2018
Graduate Student Interview Weekend Presentation. Department of Integrative Biology. Jan 2018
Integrative Human Biology, IB 77A. “Curiosity, Serendipity, and Diversity Bioinspired Designs from Gripping Geckos, Bouncing Bugs, and Smart Squirrels.” Aug 2017
Golden Bear Orientation. Presentation to Freshman Class. “Bioinspired Design – Learn from Nature & Invent!” 2040 VLSB. Aug 2017
Integrative Biology Teaching Colloquium Class 375. The Development and Identification of Critical Thinking in Education. Lecture. Sept 2016
Berkeley Collegium “Novel curriculum connecting undergraduate explorers at UCB. 2014
Grad Division alumni event. “Biological Inspiration, Learning from Nature.” (New York City, NY) 2013
Public Understanding of Science Panel. Molecular and Cell Biology Class 15 Feb. 2013-15
Bio-inspired Design Challenges. Integrative Biology Class 232. 2011
Cal Parents Board. “The Value of Interdisciplinary Research-Based Instruction.” 2009
Frontiers of Education Symposium. Chancellor’s Inauguration. “The Value of Interdisciplinary Instruction.” 2005
e-Berkeley Symposium. From Information Overload to Information Rich: Teaching and Critical Thinking in the Point-and-Click Age. Session C – Changing the Recipe: Designing Alternatives to the Research Project. “From Personal to Universal Discovery Research-Based Instruction in the Classroom.” 2005
The Development and Identification of Critical Thinking in Education. Lecture. Integrative Biology Class 303. 2004
The Development and Identification of Critical Thinking in Education. Lecture. Integrative Biology Class 303. 2003
Mellon Faculty Institute on Undergraduate Research. “Educating the Next Generation: Sharing Research Discoveries Enables Engagement, Creativity and Critical Thinking.” 2003
Graduate Student Instructor FORUM. “Teaching Undergraduates to Conduct Research.” 2001
Biomechanics Seminar. “Closing the Gap between Teaching and Research – Shared Discoveries.” 2001
Short Course for Faculty Advisors of GSIs and Professional Developers of GSIs. “Closing the gap between teaching and research.” 1999
Graduate Student Instructor Affairs Meeting and Graduate Student Instructor FORUM. “Rethinking teaching in light of research.” 1999
SCIBUGS – Society of Integrative Biology Undergraduates. “The philosophy behind Integrative Biology.” 1999
Letters & Science Alumni Presentation. “Closing the gap between teaching and research.” 1999
FORUM on Education – Meeting with UC President. “Shared Discoveries Program.” 1998
Graduate Student Instructor Affairs Meeting and Graduate Student Instructor FORUM. “Rethinking teaching in light of research.” 1999
Graduate Student Instructor Affairs Meeting and Graduate Student Instructor FORUM. “Development of critical thinking using the Perry model.” 1992
Howard Hughes Medical Institute Professor 2017
National Academy of Sciences Mentor in the Life Sciences 2005
Goldman Professorship 1998-99
Distinguished Teaching Award – UC Berkeley 1996
Featured in Education Highlight by Hoopes Laura L. Mays. CBE-Life Sciences Education. Vol. 9, Issue. 4, 390-391, doi: 10.1187/cbe.10-09-0115. 2010
Undergraduate Researchers
258 Students
54 Awards / Fellowships
14 Departmental Citation, LeConte, Franklin Henry or Marian Diamond Awards
27 Journal articles with at least one undergraduate researcher
7 Published Proceedings with at least one undergraduate researcher
88 Published Abstracts with at least one undergraduate researcher
43 Presentations at National Meetings
1 University of California, Berkeley Award for Excellence in Creative Innovation 2002
3 Harvard University Professors former undergraduate researchers
Undergraduate Courses
59 Courses, 4,432 Students
Interactive Seating Design Competition, Design Innovation (1 Semester, 25 students)
Bioinspired Design (6 Semester, 984 students)
Biomotion (4 Semesters, 346 students)
Physiology, Structure and Biomechanics (5 Semesters, 969 students)
The Mechanics of Organisms (6 Semesters, 480 students)
The Mechanics of Organisms Laboratory (7 Semesters, 116 students)
Comparative Animal Physiology (19 Semesters, 1,390 students)
Physiological Ecology (8 Semesters, 404 students)
Physiological Ecology Laboratory (6 Semesters, 86 students)
Graduate Courses
53 Seminars, 714 Students
Bio-inspired Robots (1 Semester, 25 students)
Biomechanics (30 Semesters, 445 students)
Biomimetic Engineering (1 semester, 29 students)
Research (7 Semesters, 7 students)
Controversies in Comparative Physiology (10 Semesters, 85 students)
Invertebrate Review (3 Semesters, 31 students)
Academic Survivorship (5 Semesters, 114 students)
Locomotion (1 Semester, 22 students)
Goals of Dissemination of Research: Your Interface with the Public (1 Semester, 6 students)
Undergraduate Student Directed Research
Research/Independent Study/Thesis/Honor Thesis (134 Courses, 152 students)
Graduate Student Directed Research
Research/ Special Study (146 Courses, 210 students)
Undergraduate Student Research
Research Advised (258 students)
Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Briefed U.S. House of Representatives Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Education Caucus on Undergraduate Research and American Innovation. Highlighted competitive advantage diversity plays in discovery-based teaching and research. (CUR Sponsorship) 2010
Howard Hughes Medical Institute – Inclusive Excellence. i4’s Toward Tomorrow Program Using Bioinspired Design. $1,000,000 to University of California, Berkeley. Goal – Expand STEM workforce with early, inspirational and interdisciplinary experience using culturally sustaining connections to show diverse minds are required to invent the future. 2018-present
National Institutes of Health, National Institute of General Medical Sciences Minority Programs Review Committee 5-year Grant totaling $4,700,000 to the Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS), the largest multidisciplinary student conference in U.S. Provided ideas and structure to support national meeting for 5 more years serving an estimated 20,000 underrepresented students interested in attending graduate school. 2011-16
National Science Foundation Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship (IGERT) on Biological and Bio-inspired Motion Systems Operating in Complex Environments. 5-year Grant totaling $3,200,000. Principal Investigator. Created an Underrepresented Minority and At-risk Populations Recruitment Program. Outreach to two historically black universities. Successful in recruiting, 21% underserved/minorities (7-year, 800 trainee IGERT average 7%) and 28% women in a field dominated by men. 2009-2016
Steering Committee Member of the Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS). Assisted on all program matters and meeting content along with new program innovations. Led development of recognition and awards for interdisciplinary research. 2006-2012
Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS) “Research-based Education: From Galloping Ghosts to Gripping Geckos.” (Anaheim, CA) 2006
Research Experiences for Undergrads Information Talks. Panelist. Sponsored by the Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS) at UC Berkeley and the Latino Association of Graduate Students in Engineering and Science (LAGSES) at UC Berkeley. Dec 2019
Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS). Professional Development Session. “Diverse Minds are Required to Invent the Future: An Inclusive Model Program for Learning from Nature for Societal Benefit.” (Anaheim, CA) Nov 2019
Society for Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS) National Meeting. Participated in Conversations with Scientists where attendees engaged in informal round-table discussions about discipline-specific careers. (Honolulu, HI) Nov 2019
NSF REU Site for Integrative Biology from Molecules to Ecosystems. Presentation “Learning from Nature Physiology, Biomechanics & Bio-Inspired Robots.” 10-week program attracts URMs from all over the country. (UC Berkeley) June 2019
Inclusive and Innovative Teaching practices. Berkeley Symposium on Integrating Research with Education Outreach. Panel Member. (UC Berkeley) May 2019
Howard Hughes Medical Institute Professors. Discussion and review for Anbar A, Elgin S, Jez J, O’Dowd D, Shapiro B, Zaman M. Improving societies’ harassment policies. Science. 2018 7;361(6406):984-5. (Chevy Chase, MD) Sept 2018
NSF REU Site for Integrative Biology from Molecules to Ecosystems. Presentation “Learning from Nature Physiology, Biomechanics & Bio-Inspired Robots.” 10-week program attracts URMs from all over the country. (UC Berkeley) June 2018
NSF REU Site for Integrative Biology from Molecules to Ecosystems. Presentation “Learning from Nature Physiology, Biomechanics & Bio-Inspired Robots.” 10-week program attracts URMs from all over the country. (UC Berkeley) June 2017
NSF REU Site for Integrative Biology from Molecules to Ecosystems. Presentation “Learning from Nature Physiology, Biomechanics & Bio-Inspired Robots.” 10-week program attracts URMs from all over the country. (UC Berkeley) June 2016
Society for Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS) Annual Meeting. Speaker in a Session on “You’re Gonna Build a What? Creativity and Vision in Biomedical Engineering.” Participated in Conversations with Scientists. Student attendees engaged in informal round-table discussions about discipline-specific careers. (Los Angeles, CA) (Oct) 2014
Society for Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS) National Meeting. Participated in Conversations with Scientists where attendees engaged in informal round-table discussions about discipline-specific careers. (Los Angeles, CA) 2014
Public Understanding of Science Panel participation. (Molecular and Cell Biology Class 15 Class). Organized by the Biology Scholars Program for URMs. 2013-2015
Womyn in Science and Engineering Theme Program – WiSE O.N.E. (Outreach Networking Empowerment). Panel participation. 2013
Morgan State University. Historically Black University. 15th Annual Undergraduate and Graduate Research Symposium. Keynote Speaker. “Biological Inspiration: Robotics, Artificial Muscles and Adhesives.” (Baltimore, MD) 2008
Berkeley Edge Conference (Minority Recruitment). Presentation on “Graduate School Decisions: CiBER-IGERT.” Session dedicated to the Bay Area’s Interdisciplinary Centers at UCB and the National Laboratories. (Berkeley, CA) Nov 2011
Minority Biomedical Research Support-Research Initiative for Scientific Enhancement (MBRS-RISE), Consortium for Evolutionary Studies and Tri-Beta Biological Honor Society. California State University, Fresno. “Biological Inspiration: Running Robots, Artificial Muscles and Gecko-inspired Adhesives.” (Fresno, CA) Apr 2010
Biology Fellows Program/Initiative for Maximizing Student Diversity/ Minority Access to Research Careers and Biology Scholars Program Panel. “What makes a good graduate school applicant?” (Berkeley, CA) Nov 2010
Berkeley Edge Conference (Minority Recruitment). Presentation on “Graduate School Decisions: CiBER-IGERT.” Session dedicated to the Bay Area’s Interdisciplinary Centers at UCB and the National Laboratories. (Berkeley, CA) Nov 2010
California State University Program for Education & Research in Biotechnology Symposium (CSUPERB). “Biological Inspiration: Robots, Artificial Muscles and Gecko-inspired Adhesives.” California State University, Los Angeles. (Los Angeles, CA) Jan 2009
STEM Equity Conference. HHMI Collaborative Program to Build a Faculty Learning Community. (UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA) Oct 2019
Tour of CiBER. Native American (Pinoleville Pomo Nation) Recruitment. (UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA) July 2018
Stasis and change: integrative approaches to catalyzing an inclusive STEM culture. Attended and met with speakers. (UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA) April 2018
Designing Equitable Classrooms: A Conversation with Angela Stacy and Team. Academic Innovation Studio. (UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA) Feb 2018
Redesigning Introductory STEM courses, Equity & Inclusion and the Center for Teaching and Learning. (UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA) Feb 2018
STEM Equity Conference. HHMI – UC Faculty Learning Community Program, A Practice-Based Approach to Designing Equitable Undergraduate Science Courses. (UC Santa Barbara, online) Jan 2018
Expanding Undergraduate Success in STEM (EUSS) Conference. Participant. Berkeley Biology Scholars Program. (UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA) Dec 2017
Womyn in Science and Engineering Theme Program (Faculty Dinner). (UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA) Oct 2017
STEM Equity Conference. HHMI – UC Faculty Learning Community Program Annual Meeting/Workshop at the University of California, Riverside) Sept 2016
NSF-Alliances for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (AGEP) California Alliance. Annual Retreats of four-institution consortium. Served on panels, roundtable discussions and met with students to offer career advice. Participated in the California Alliance Mentor Matching Program. 2015-2017
Expanding Undergraduate Success in STEM Conference. Organized by Biology Scholars Program. Data-driven conference to create solutions to barriers that limit success of STEM majors. (UC Berkeley) Oct 2015
Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS). Participated as a poster and oral talk Judge (San Jose, CA) Nov 2012
Minority Access to Research Careers (MARC) Program. Mentored minority student from Morgan State University (HBU) who attended the 2011
ABRCMS and received special recognition for her poster in interdisciplinary science. 2011
Annual Meeting of the Society for Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science. Participated as a Poster Judge and Faculty Advisor for UCB NSF IGERT Program. (Nov) 2011
Minority Student Travel Awards to Discipline Specific Meetings. Committee on Broadening of the Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology. 2009
Professional Service to Societies, Agencies and Institutes – Research
National Science Foundation – Directorate for Technology, Innovation, and Partnerships. Assistance with Workshop for a Convergence Accelerator in Bioinspired Design. May 2023
International Bionic Award. BIOKON. Judge. 2012, 2014, 2016, 2018-2020, 2023
Board of Life Sciences, National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine Workshop Planning Committee and Organizer. “Biohybrid Materials and Technologies for Today and Tomorrow – Proceedings of A Workshop in Brief” Jan 2023
German National Academy of Science and Engineering. Expert interview for US potential. Study on innovation potential of biologization in the materials sciences (Funded by German Federal Ministry of Education and Research). July 2019
German Government. Fraunhofer interview/advisement for strategic initiative (BIOTRAIN) investigating potential of biological transformation of industrial value creation until 2035. April 2018
National Science Foundation – Army Research Office. Meeting Opening Presentation. Workshop on Why Animals are Better: Integration of Physics, Engineering and Biology. Themes and Modes in Locomotion Systems Science. Advisory Board. 2012
San Diego Zoo – Biomimicry in Business and Education 2011-present
Swiss National Science Foundation. National Centre for Competence in Research (NCCR) Robotics – Science Advisory Board. 2011-present
Wyss Institute – Biomimetics, Science Advisory Board. Harvard University. 2010-present
Research Corporation for Science Advancement. Presidential Advisory Board Member. Yearly meetings. 2009-13
National Science Foundation. Civil, Mechanical, and Manufacturing Innovation (CMMI) Workshop on Neuromechanical Engineering. 2009
Virtual Faculty Member of the Institute of Cognitive Interaction Technology (CITEC). Bielefeld, Germany. 2008-present
National Academies’ Research at the Interface of the Physical and Life Sciences Committee Member. Issued report identifying high priority research opportunities at this intersection, articulate the potential benefits to society, and recommend strategies for realizing them. 2007-09
Committee on Defining and Advancing the Conceptual Basis of Biology in the 21st Century. Invited participant. National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences. 2008
Founder and Elected Chair of the Comparative Biomechanics Division – Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology. 2006-11
National Academies of Science Panel on the Future of Biomaterials. Invited perspective and presentation. Lawrence Berkeley Laboratories (Berkeley, CA) 2006
NASA Advanced Planning and Integration Presidential Commission. Team member for the Autonomous Systems and Robotics Capability Roadmap to 2030 for a Moon-Mars Mission. Planned complete mission. Met with teams at all NASA space centers. 2004-05
NASA Review of Mars Technology Program Tasks in Regional Mobility at Jet Propulsion Laboratory. 2005
Google Zeitgeist, Google Inc. Zeitgeist, translated from German, means “spirit of the times.” Meeting attended by over two hundred leaders from technology and the media. Discussed biological inspiration with former Vice President Al Gore and General Colin Powell. 2006
Steering Committee of the “Towards an Integrative Biology” Program. International Union of Biological Sciences. 2005
National Science Foundation Panel Member. 2001, -05
Executive Committee as a Member at Large for the Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology. Elected. 2003-06
Biology, Complex Systems, and National Security – 22nd Highlands Forum. Invited participant. Explored in a cross-disciplinary way, the future of life sciences and the relationship of life sciences research to national security interests. 2003
Evolutionary Robotics: From Intelligent Robotics to Artificial Life. Invited by Applied AI to give advice to the leaders of Japanese business on the future of manufacturing using Evolutionary Robotics. Canadian Embassy, Tokyo, Japan. 2001
Bio2003. Invited by Director of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) to expand our view of Biodefense at the largest Biotechnology Industry Meeting in the world. 2003
US Defense Science Board. Invited by the Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition, Technology and Logistics) and the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Science and Technology) to present 10-30 year vision for bioinspired robotics. 2001
Engineering Research Center (ERC) Review. Invited by the National Science Foundation to review the Center for Neuromorphic Systems Engineering (CNSE) at Caltech. 2003
The Clean Revolution: Technologies from the Leading Edge. Invited to assist Clean Edge in producing a report on the environment and clean technologies as they relate to transportation for GBN Worldview Meeting. 2001
National Research Council on Bio-Inspired Computing and Enabling Technologies. Invited to provide vision of bio-inspired computing at National Academy of Sciences Study Center. 2001
Focus 2000. Invited by Undersecretary of Defense and the Director of DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Project Agency) to provide a vision for the direction of biologically inspired robotics integrating biology, information technology and physical sciences. 2000
Program Advisory Committee. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology. 1996-2001
Chair of Science Task Force. Invited to provide vision for the direction of the Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology. 1999
Chair Electronic Communication Committee. Created the first World Wide Web Site for the Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology. 1994-96
Student/Post-Doctoral Committee Workshop. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology. 1998
Presidential nomination committee. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology. 1998
Review Committee for the Bartholomew Award. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology. 1998
Expansion of the Biosystems, Analysis and Control Panel. National Science Foundation. Opening opportunity for biologists to collaborate with engineers. 1995
Chair Membership Committee. American Society of Zoologists. Produced 12-point action plan to move society into the next century. Suggested name change to Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology. 1990-94
Constitutional Amendment for American Society of Zoologists. Drafted amendment that allowed for the first time outstanding undergraduates to be members of the society and present at national meetings. 1987
University Facility Directorships
Director of the Center for interdisciplinary Bionspiration in Education and Research (CiBER). 2005-present
Principal Investigator. National Science Foundation. Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship Program. Biological and Bio-inspired Motion Systems Operating in Complex Environments. 2009-16
Director for the Multimedia and Scientific Visualization Center using data Acquisition, Analysis, Presentation, and Exchange (AAPE) to address Biological Complexity – VLSB. 1996-2004
Service to Journals
Editorial Board Member
Science Robotics Journal. American Association for the Advancement Science. Science Advisory Board. 2016-present
Bioinspiration & Biomimetics from the Institute of Physics. Editor-in-Chief. 2013-present
Bioinspiration & Biomimetics from the Institute of Physics. Editorial board. 2006-13
Assistant Editor. Editorial Board Experimental Biology Online. 1998
Proc. Nat. Acad. Sciences
Journal of Experimental Biology
Biological Cybernetics
IEEE Robotics and Automation
Journal of Comparative Physiology
Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B.
National Science Foundation
NASA Grants
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation)
Consulting / Advisement
Science & Engineering Advisory Boards
National Academy of Sciences Board of Life Sciences 2017-2023
DaVINCI Global Advisory Board (bio-inspired business, innovation and finance) 2015-17
National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) – Robotics. Swiss National Science Foundation. Science Advisory Board. 2011 – present
Wyss Institute, Harvard University. Science Advisory Board. 2010 – present
Sandbox Innovations Inc. 2008 – present
Samsung Inc. 2003-06
Adhesives – Synthetic, Gecko-inspired
Termuro 2011
Procter & Gamble 2010
Kimberly-Clark 2008, -10
Michelin 2009
Avery Dennison 2008
Nitto Denko 2008
North Safety 2008
Lockheed Martin 2008
KLA-Tencor 2008
Johnson & Johnson 2003, -08
Henkel 2001, -08
Nike 2001, -02, -09
Biologically Inspired Design – Approach & Forecasting
Tencent (WeChat, China) 2018
Swedish Biomimetics 3000, 2011
San Diego Zoo 2011,13
ITT/Vanguard 2010
Applied Brilliance 2010
Samsung. Leading the Next Symposium. Seoul, Korea 2004
General Motors. Biological Inspiration in the Design of Complex Systems 2006
Foundation Capital. Simple Solutions to Complex Problems 2002
Primordial (toy company) 1996
Willow Garage Robot Company 2008
Microsoft Research 2002
Global Business Network. Clean technologies for transportation 2001
Deka Research & Development Corporation (Segway) 2002
Disney Imagineering. Design for It’s Tough to be a Bug! Attraction at Disneyland 2000
Boston Dynamics 2003-08, 14
SRI International 1998-2006
iRobot (IS Robotics) 1996-2003
Intelligent Inferences Systems Inc. 1995
Computer Animation
Pixar. Leapin’ Lizards, Gripping Geckos, Compressed Cockroaches, and Smart Squirrels Inspire Materials, Controllers, and Robots. BioMotion Science Accelerated by Bioinspired Design. (Emeryville, CA) July 2018
Activision/Infinity ward. “Bio-inspired Motion Science.” (Los Angeles, CA) (Jan) 2015
Activision/Blizzard Entertainment. “Bio-inspired Motion Science: Bipedal Bugs, Gripping Geckos and Compressed Cockroaches Inspire Robots, Adhesives and Exoskeletons.” (Santa Barbara, CA) (Feb) 2014
Microsoft Graphics Advisory Board. The Science of Motion 2008
Blizzard Entertainment. The Science of Motion – World of Warcraft 2008
Dreamworks. Character motion for movie, “Kung Fu Panda” 2005
Tippett Studio. Unlocking the Secrets of Biomotion 2003
Industrial Light and Magic. Dynamic Simulations Directed by Newton? 2001
Pixar. Character design for A Bug’s Life, Disney Movie 1995-96
Clorox (pesticide division). Computer simulation for commercial 1995
Character Shop. Creature design for movie, the Mimic, from Mirimax Films directed by Guillermo del Toro 1994
High-speed Video Capture & Analysis
Xcitex Inc. ProAnalyst. Motion analysis software 2007-12
Fastec 2007-11
AOS Technologies 2007-10
Redlake 1996-06
Peak Performance Technologies Inc. (motion analysis corporation) 1990-92
National Instruments. Data acquisition 1990-92
Kodak 1990-92
Education & Outreach
San Diego Zoo 2011-present
Service to the University of California at Berkeley
University Committees
Berkeley Discovery Departmental Innovation Award – Integrative Biology. Principle investigator and Director. Aug 2021-present
Jacobs Institute of Design Innovation Director’s Council Aug 2018-present
Lawrence Hall of Science Faculty Advisory Committee Aug 2018-present
Jacobs Institute of Design Innovation Advisory Board Presentation Nov 2017
Discovery Initiative Committee. Expanding and Scaffolding Curricular Entry Points and Pathways for Discovery Projects. July-Aug 2017
Jacobs Institute of Design Innovation Director Search Committee 2015 Jacobs Institute of Design Innovation Launch Committee 2014-2015
Sponsored Project Office User’s Network (SUN) (April) 2014-present
Design, development and directorship of center – the Center for interdisciplinary Bioinspiration in Education and Research (CiBER) 2005-present
Assistance and advice to the Office of Technology Licensing (OTL) and the Office of the President’s Office of Technology Transfer (OTT). 2001-08
Network Advisory Committee. 2002-03
Re-accreditation of the University of California at Berkeley Committee. Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) Academic Engagement Working Group to provide vision for the future of education at Berkeley. 2001-03
Educational Technology Committee. 2001
Senate Committee on Computing and Communication. 2000-01
Advisory Committee for the Formation of the Center for Teaching, Learning and Technology. 2000-01
Member of Executive Committee for the UCB/UCSF Joint Department of Bioengineering. 1999
Life Sciences Complex Shop Committee. 1998-2000
Office of Media Services Director Search Committee. 1998
Commission on Campus Computing. 1997-98
Campus Ad hoc Review Committees 1996, 1999, 2001, 2005, 2006-07
Undergraduate Research Initiative Committee. 1994-96
Instructional Technologies Representative. 1994-95
Division of Biological Sciences Shop Review Committee. 1994
Chancellor’s Advisory Council on Biology. 1993-1996
Life sciences complex shop committee. 1993-96
Committee for Affairs of Gump Tropical Research Laboratory on Moorea. 1992-94
Committee on Animal Housing Space. 1992-94
Ad hoc Review Committee for Evaluation of the Behavior Station. 1992
Ad hoc Review Committee for Evaluation of Physical Education Department. 1990
Valley Life Science Building Management and Program Planning Committee. Advised committee on issues of policy, space allocation, funding allotment, retrofit, repair, networking, and equipment spending for construction of the largest academic building for biology in the country. 1988-1996
Department Committees (Zoology and Integrative Biology)
Academic Curriculum Committee 2019-present
Faculty Search Committee. Vertebrate physiologist. 2019-2020
Academic Curriculum Committee (Co-Chair) 2018-2019
Ad hoc Promotion Committees 2016, 2017, 2019
Development Committee 2014-present
Space Committee 2012-13
UCB Student Learning Initiative (IB) 2007
Integrative Biology Funding Initiatives Committee 2004
Safety and Facilities Committee 2000-2008
Search Committee 2003, 2004
Search Committee 2001
Computing Committee 1996,1999
Vice Chair of Integrative Biology 1994-1996
Academic Program Planning Committee 1994-1996,1998-2003, 2006-2007
Chair Search Committee 1994
Integrative Biology Executive Committee 1994-1996, 2005
Personnel and Promotion 1994-1996
Graduate Advisor 1992-1994, 1998-2007
Vice Chair of Education and Academic Program Committee 1990-1994
Development and Public Relations Committee 1990-1994
Academic Curriculum Committee 1986-1990
Chair 2007-2008
Undergraduate Advisor 1986-1992
Computing Committee 1986-1994
Awards Committee 1986-1990; 2003-2004
Research Allocation Committee 1986-1990
Community Service & Public Outreach – Presentations, Activities and Invited Lectures
TEDxBerkeley – Theme, Finding x. Demonstrated cockroach inspired robot. (UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA) 2016
Technology, Entertainment & Design Conference. “Robustness in Design.” (Vancouver, CA) 2014
Technology, Entertainment & Design Conference – XSan Diego. TEDxSanDiego. Demonstration of Gecko-inspired Adhesive. (San Diego, CA) 2011
Technology, Entertainment & Design Conference – Youth. “I4s Eyes Toward Tomorrow.” (New York, NY) 2011
Technology, Entertainment & Design Conference. TED2009. “Beyond Biomimetics: Biomutualism.” (Long Beach, CA) 2009
Technology, Entertainment and Design Conference, TED. “Biologically Inspired Design.” (Monterey, CA) 2005
Technology, Entertainment and Design for Medicine, TEDMED3 Conference. “Unlocking the Secrets of BioMotion.” (Philadelphia, PA) 2003
Technology, Entertainment and Design Conference, TED. “Bouncing Bugs, Galloping Ghosts and Gripping Geckos: BioInspired Materials, Robots and Adhesives.” (Monterey, CA) 2002
Technology, Entertainment and Design Conference, TED. 7th Annual. “Roots, rules and relevance: the importance of integrative biology.” (Monterey, CA) 1997
Berkeley Letters & Science. Basic Science Lights the Way. Inspired by Nature. Bioinspired Design. UC Berkeley. Remote. Nov 2021
University of California Retirees’ Association at Berkeley (UCRAB). Bioinspired Design – Compressed Cockroaches, Gliding Geckos, and Smart Squirrels. UC Berkeley. Remote. Oct 2021
Girls in Engineering. Virtual lab tour, video on squirrel biomechanics, and presentation on gecko adhesion. UC Berkeley. June 2020
Science@Cal. East Bay Science Café. Public Presentation. Bioinspired Designs from Gripping Geckos, Bouncing Bugs, Leap’n Lizards, and Smart Squirrels.” Sept 2018
CITRIS Connected Communities Initiative in collaboration with the Office of the Lt. Governor of California. A Wake-Up Call for California: Innovations in Earthquake Preparedness. Invited Speaker. “Bioinspired Search and Rescue Robots.” (UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA) 2016
Swissnex. Bay Area Science Festival. Invited presentation on “Bio-Inspired Robots: Learning from Nature.” (San Francisco, CA) 2015
National Youth Leadership Foundation on Technology. Invited Presentation on “Bio-Inspired Robots: Bipedal Bugs, Galloping Ghosts and Gripping Geckos.” (Berkeley, CA) 2015
Chabot, Space & Science Center. Invited Public Lecture. “Bio-Inspired Robots: Bipedal Bugs, Galloping Ghosts and Gripping Geckos.” Robots at Chabot Weekend. (Oakland, CA) 2015
Northgate High School. Invited Lecture. “Journey from Sensing to Movement.” Physiology and veterinary students. (Walnut Creek, CA) 2013
Northgate High School. Senior Projects. Judge. (Walnut Creek, CA) 2012 World Science Festival. Invited Panelist. “Radicle Innovation in Nature.” (New York City, NY) 2012
Northgate High School. Invited Lecture. “Walking, Running, Climbing, Robots and Animation.” Sports medicine, robotics club and animation students. (Walnut Creek, CA) 2012
Northgate High School. Invited Lecture. “Journey from Sensing to Movement.” Physiology and veterinary students. (Walnut Creek, CA) 2012
Berkeley Edge Conference (Minority Recruitment). Session dedicated to the Bay Area’s Interdisciplinary Centers at UCB and the National Laboratories. “Graduate School Decisions: CiBER-IGERT.” (Berkeley, CA) 2011
Northgate High School. Senior Projects. Judge. (Walnut Creek, CA) 2011
Cal Day. Public Lecture. “Bio-Inspired Robots: Bipedal Bugs, Galloping Ghosts and Gripping Geckos.” (Berkeley, CA) 2010
Cal Day. Public Lecture. Public Television – KQED QUEST. University of California at Berkeley. “Bio-inspiration: Nature as Muse” (Berkeley, CA) 2010
Cottrell Scholar Conference for Early Career Research Scientists. Research Corporation for Science Advancement. “The Value of Interdisciplinary Research-based Instruction.” at the Cottrell Scholar Conference. Led conference-wide discussion with Harry Gray entitled. “The Challenges to Bridging the Ever Widening Gap Between the Research Frontier and Teaching.” (Tucson, AZ) 2009
Beckman Scholars Symposium for Undergraduate Researchers. ‘Bipedal Bugs, Galloping Ghosts and Gripping Geckos and Bipedal Bugs: Bio-Inspired Robots, Adhesives and Artificial Muscles.” (Irvine, CA) 2009
MathScience Innovation Center Conference. Remote video presentation. “Biological Inspiration: Running Robots, Artificial Muscles and Gecko-inspired Adhesives.” to the (Richmond, VA) 2009
The Science and Entertainment Exchange. The National Academies. “Biologically Inspired Robots.” (Los Angeles, CA) 2008
Cal Day. Public Lecture. “Biological Inspiration: “Bipedal Bugs, Galloping Ghosts and Gripping Geckos.” (Berkeley, CA) 2008
15th Annual Undergraduate and Graduate Research Symposium. Keynote Speaker. Morgan State University. “Biological Inspiration: Robotics, Artificial Muscles and Adhesives.” (Baltimore, MD) 2008
Mathematical Biosciences Institute. Public Lecture. The Ohio State University. “Biological Inspiration: “Bipedal Bugs, Galloping Ghosts and Gripping Geckos.” (Columbus, OH) 2008
National Youth Leadership Foundation on Medicine. Lecture “Bio-inspired Design in Medicine.” (Berkeley, CA) 2007
Foothill Middle School. “Human evolution.” Ancient Civilizations. (Walnut Creek, CA) 2007
National Youth Leadership Foundation on Technology. Plenary Lecture. “Bipedal Bugs, Galloping Ghosts and Gripping Geckos: BioInspired Computer Animation, Robotics, Artificial Muscles and Adhesives.” (San Jose, CA) 2005
Exploratorium. Mission to Mars Celebration. Webcast Live. “Robotic BioMotion.” (San Francisco, CA) 2004
Woodside Elementary School. “Bugs and Robots.” (Walnut Creek, CA) 2004
Siemens Westinghouse Science Mathematics and Technology Competition Presentation. University of California at Berkeley. “Bipedal Bugs, Galloping Ghosts and Gripping Geckos: BioInspired Computer Animation, Robotics, Artificial Muscles and Adhesives.” (Berkeley, CA) 2003
National Youth Leadership Foundation on Technology. Plenary Lecture. “Bipedal Bugs, Galloping Ghosts and Gripping Geckos: BioInspired Computer Animation, Robotics, Artificial Muscles and Adhesives.” (San Jose, CA) 2003
Robotics Society of America. “Bipedal Bugs, Galloping Ghosts and Gripping Geckos: BioInspired Computer Animation, Robotics, Artificial Muscles and Adhesives.” (San Francisco, CA) 2003
Cal Day. Public Lecture. University of California at Berkeley. “Bipedal Bugs, Galloping Ghosts and Gripping Geckos: BioInspiration for Animation, Adhesives and Robots.” (Berkeley, CA) 2002
New York Hall of Science. “Bipedal Bugs, Galloping Ghosts and Gripping Geckos: BioInspiration for Animation, Adhesives and Robots.” – Giving hope to children after 9/11. (New York, NY) 2002
Spencer Trask Public Lecture. Princeton University. “Bipedal Bugs, Galloping Ghosts and Gripping Geckos: BioInspiration for Rapid Running Robots.” (Princeton, NJ) 2001
Science, Entertainment and Teaching. Symposium. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology. “Bestowing Biological Inspiration And Getting Novel Insight From Engineering And Entertainment.” (Chicago, IL) 2001
Cal Day. Public Lecture. “Bipedal bugs, galloping ghosts and gripping geckos: animation and design of rapid running robots.” (Berkeley, CA) 1999
Exploratorium. “Treadmill toads, bipedal bugs, galloping ghosts and gripping geckos: animation and design of rapid running robots.” (San Francisco, CA) 1999
Exploratorium. Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation. “Life in Motion Outreach.” (San Francisco, CA) 1999
Northern California Science Writers Association. Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. “Diversity enables discovery.” (Berkeley, CA) 1997
33rd Annual Briefing New Horizons in Science. Council for the Advancement of Science Writing. “Diversity enables discovery: Lessons from many legged locomotors as inspiration for robot design.” (Durham, NC) 1995 Contra Costa District Elementary School Science Fair. “Bugs, robots and science.” (Concord, CA) 1993
Community Service & Public Outreach – Television and Video
General Public – International
BBC Natural World, Natural History Unit – “The Super Squirrels.” Cognitive Biomechanics Research. June 2018
German Public Television. Bilderfest. Factual Entertainment. “Biological Inspiration in Animal Locomotion.” (Jan) 2013
Nature Publishing Co. Video. Leaping lizards! Jurassic Park got it right (Jan) 2012
Australian Broadcast Corporation Television’s Catalyst Series. “Robot Biomimicry.” 2009
Dutch Science TV. Series of science shorts focusing on nature and engineering. Kleven als een gekko. Dat willen wij ook. Episode 4. 2004
Korean Broadcasting System segment on “Science 21.” 2003
Dutch Public Television Science Documentary on “We want that too.” The program goal is to amaze people by our own ingenious ways to imitate nature. 2003
National Danish Broadcasting Company (Nightly News and Radio) segment by Peter Hesseldahl on “The PolyPEDAL Lab.” 2002
National Geographic Channel. “Locomotion” from the Toyota World of Wildlife Series. 160 countries. 2002
Oxford Scientific Films – BugWorld Series. 2002
BBC Natural History Unit and The Learning Channel–“Robocritters.”profile of the latest in robotic technology and of the scientists who look to nature for inspiration as they design the world’s newest generation of robots. 2000
Australian Broadcast Corporation – Quantum on “Polypedal Robots” 2000
General Public – National Series
PBS. Nature Television Show. “A Squirrel’s Guide to Success” Featured explaining cognitive biomechanics research. Nov 2018
National Geographic. “Watch: Cockroaches Survive Squeezing, Smashing, and More.” 2016
Nanotechnology. The World Beyond Micro. Silicone Run Productions featured gecko and gecko-inspired adhesive. Aug 2012
Discovery Channel. Daily Planet featured Poly-PEDAL Lab and CiBER in “How Lizards and Robots Use Tails.” 2012
PBS. QUEST featured Poly-PEDAL Lab and CiBER in “Bio-Inspiration: Nature as Muse.” 2008
Discovery Channel. Prototype This. Episode on “Gecko Superman Suit.” 2008
Discovery Channel. Prototype This. Episode on “Six-legged All Terrain Vehicle.” 2008
Discovery Channel. Daily Planet Show. Episode on “Gecko Tails”. 2008
History Channel. Modern Marvels Television Series. Episode on “Sticky Stuff” featuring how geckos stick and the inspired they provided for climbing robots. 2007
Animal Planet. Most Extreme Series. Movers. Gecko featured as one of the top ten swiftest animals. 2005
National Geographic Television and Film. “The Shape of Life – The Conquerers” Series produced by Sea Studios Foundation. Premiered on PBS. 2002
Beyond 2000. TV Series. “Feets of Daring” 2000
Discover 2000. TV Series. “Can man mimic organic life-forms with machinery?” 2000
ABC Special. “Living a Bug’s Life”. Explained how we assisted Disney and Pixar with computer animation movie. 1998
Science. Watch a human try to crush this cockroach-inspired robot—and fail by Kelly Mayes. July 2019
Science News. Watch this cockroach-inspired robot try to walk through walls by Michael Allen. (Feb) 2018
NY Times Video. How Cockroaches Crash Into Walls and Keep Going by Douglas Quenqua. (Feb) 2018
NY Times Video. Cockroaches: Indestructible, and Instructive to Robot Makers by James Gorman. 2016
SmartPlanet (CNET). Video. Robots Inspire Leaping lizards. March 2012
CBS Evening News. Segment on “Robotic creepy creatures give new meaning to software bugs.” 2003
CBS Up to the Minute. Segment on “Insects; Insects are the little inspirations behind some big advances in robotics.” 2003
CBS Evening News. Segment “Better Cockroach; Cockroaches are inspiring scientists to build the next generation of robots.” 2003
Tech Live, TechTV. Segment on “Biological Inspiration.” 2002
New York Times Television. Segment on “Bio-Inspiration.” 2002
Next@CNN. Segment on “Bug Bots.” 2002
ABC Television World News Tonight/Morning with Peter Jennings – Ned Potter interview. Segment on “Bug Robots” 2000
ABC Television World News Tonight/Morning with Peter Jennings – Ned Potter interview. Segment on “Evolution: Sticky Fingers.” 2000
ABC Television World News Tonight/Morning with Peter Jennings – Robert Krulwich. Assisted in week-long nightly segments comparing animals to athletes for the upcoming Olympics. 2000
Discovery Channel News. Segment on “Gecko Feats.” 2000
Science and Technology Network. Segment on “Gecko Feats” 2000
Children – K-12
Wild Kratts. PBS TV Children’s cartoon. “The Gecko Effect.” Ep. 38 S1 (Oct) 2013
PBS Random House Preschool TV. Cat in the Hat Knows All About That. “Talk a walk.” Program on animal gaits in nature. (Oct) 2011
PBS DragonflyTV. Nano. Children Science Series. “Gecko Feet.” 2009
Kids and Chaos. Show dedicated to allowing children to see what it is like to be a researcher. 1999
Disney Channel Documentary. “Movie surfers go inside ‘A Bug’s Life”. Explained how we assisted Disney and Pixar with computer animation for the movies. 1999
Learning Channel Cable in the Classroom. “See how they run.” Elementary School Educational Documentary Series. Edited script for entire show and provided scientific consulting. 1997
Community Service & Public Outreach – Radio & Podcasts
National Public Radio. Science Friday. “Learning to walk like a gecko, see like a lobster.” 2016
BBC Radio. The Science Hour. “Cockroaches Inspire Search and Rescue Robot.” 2016
National Public Radio. KQED FM. “Biorobotics goes high tech.” 2012
German Public Radio. “Disappearing cockroaches.” 2012
American Association for the Advancement of Science Podcast. 2012
German Public Radio. “Leaping lizards, robots and dinosaurs.” 2012
Pulse of the Planet. Kids Science Challenge. 2009
APM Market Place. “Gecko inspired Adhesive.” 2008
Robot Podcast. Switzerland – EPFL “Bio-inspired Locomotion” 2008
Science Podcast. “Gecko tails.” 2008
KQED Public Radio. Living on Earth. “Biomimicry.” 2007
ABC Radio National. The Science Show. “Robots.” 2007
National Public Radio. Science Friday. Gecko adhesives designated as one of the top 10 scientific advances for 2006. 2006
BBC Radio. Leading Edge. “Walking octopuses.” 2005
Exploratorium Museum. Webcast Live. “Journey to Mars.” 2004
National Public Radio. All Things Considered with Linda Wertheimer. “Lizard Study May Create Super-Strong ‘Gecko’ Tape.” 2003
CBC Radio. 2000
BBC Radio – Radio Science Live – Science in Action. 2000
German Public Radio. “Sticky geckos.” 2000
Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s Radio National Breakfast. 2000
Learning Channel Cable in the Classroom. “See how they run.” Elementary School Educational Documentary Series. Edited script for the entire show and provided scientific consulting. 1997
Community Service & Public Outreach -Selected Books, Newspapers, Magazines and Websites Communicating Science to the Public
Watch this gecko smash headfirst into a tree—and still stick the landing: High-speed video reveals why crash landings are no problem for geckos and other jumpers by Elizabeth Pennisi Jan 2022
Watch out, Olympic gymnasts: These squirrels have their own gold medal moves by Elizabeth Pennisi Aug 2021
Learning to move in the real world by Karen E. Adolph, Jesse W. Young. Aug 2021
Watch a human try to crush this cockroach-inspired robot—and fail by Kelly Mayes. July 2019
Here’s how geckos (almost) walk on water by Laurel Hamers. Dec 2018
Watch this cockroach-inspired robot try to walk through walls by Michael Allen. Feb 2018
Why is it so hard to squash a cockroach? by Elizabeth Pennisi. 2016
Cockroaches and Geckos ‘Vanish’ With Amazing Acrobatics. 2012
Tails Guided Leaping Dinosaurs to a Safe Landing. 2012
Racing Crash-Happy Cockroaches. Science Meeting Briefs. 327, 776 2010 One Tail, Many Feats. 2008
Crab’s Downfall Reveals a Hole in Biomechanics Studies. 315, 325 2007
Scurrying Roaches Outwit Without Their Brains. 307, 346-347 2005
Cockroach Stability. 297, 1643 2002
Biology Reveals New Ways to Hold on Tight. 296, 250-251 2002 How geckos stick on der Waals. 2002
It’s Not Easy to Derail a Roach. 2002
Geckos Climb by the Hairs of Their Toes. 288, 1717-1718 2000
Better Than Nature Made It. 288, 5463 2000
In Nature, Animals That Stop And Start Win The Race. 288: 83-85 2000
Nature (Journal) and (On-line)
Squirrels do parkour. 2021
Geckos slap their feet and swish their tails to race over water. Biophysics. Dec 2018
Cockroaches inspire robot. Nature 530, 257. doi:10.1038/530257d. 2016
Leaping lizards! Jurassic Park got it right. Velociraptor adjusted the angle of its tail to stay stable when jumping by Charlotte Stoddart. 2012
News and Views. “Biomechanics: Leaping lizards and dinosaurs.” by R. McNeill Alexander. 2012
Ninja Geckos (with video). 2008
Evidence for van der Waals Adhesion in Gecko Setae. 2002
Biomechanics: Gripping Feat. 405, 631 2000
NY Times (Newspaper and On-line)
NY Times. Squirrel Acrobats Are as Smart as They Are Athletic by James Gorman. Aug 2021
Geckos Can Run on Water by James Gorman. Dec 2018
How Cockroaches Crash Into Walls and Keep Going by Douglas Quenqua. (Feb) 2018
Cockroaches: Indestructible, and Instructive to Robot Makers by James Gorman. 2016
Now You See It, Now It’s Swung Out of Sight.” by Sindya N. Bhanoo. 2012
When a Sticky Gecko Starts to Slip, Its Tail Comes to the Rescue. 2008
They’re Robots? Those Beasts! 2004
The TED Conference: 3 Days in the Future. 2002
Design Debut: Trade Secrets of the 6-Legged Set. 2002
Engineers Ask Nature for Design Advice. 2001
Pitter-patter of hairy feet. 2000
Smithsonian Magazine. Rachael L. Ten Scientific Discoveries From 2021
That May Lead to New Inventions. Innovation for Good. Solutions to today’s biggest challenges. Dec. 29. 2021
Scientific American. “Squirrels Use Gymnastics to Navigate Treetop Canopies.” Aug 2021
The Conversation. “We used peanuts and a climbing wall to learn how squirrels judge their leaps so successfully – and how their skills could inspire more nimble robots.” Aug 2021
ArsTechnica. “Squirrels show off killer parkour moves as they leap from branch to branch pushing off vertical surface helped squirrels adjust their speed for a better landing” by Jennifer Ouellette Aug 2021
Smithsonian. “Squirrels Use Parkour Moves and Savvy to Stick Tricky Landings” by Alex Fox Aug 2021
ArsTechnica. “Gecko’s soft hairy toes reorient to help it stick to different types of surfaces. The research helped answer a fundamental question: Why have many toes?” by Jennifer Ouellette. May 2020
Science Daily. “You can’t squash this roach-inspired robot: Insect-sized device scurries at the speed of a cockroach and can withstand the weight of a human.” July 2019
ABC World News Tonight. Scientists have discovered a hidden talent of geckos. Dec 2018
Today. “How cockroaches crash into walls and keep going” by Douglas Quenqua. Feb 2018
Time. “Here’s Why it’s so hard to kill a cockroach” by Nolan Feeney. 2016 Scientific American. “Robotic coaches can squeeze into small spaces.” 2016
Los Angeles Times. “If you can’t squish ’em, join ’em: Scientists build cockroach robot” by Amina Khan. 2016
Popular Science. “This roach-inspired robot crawls even when squished” by Kelsey D. Atherton. 2016
Tech Insider. “Scientists came up with some wild experiments to build a robotic cockroach.” 2016
Reuters. “Robot roaches to the rescue” Ben Gruber. 2016
Los Angeles Times. “Engineers look to insects for robotic inspiration.” Tracey Lien. 2015
Reuters. “Cockroach robot uses shell to overcome obstacles.” 2015
CNBC. “What a robot shaped like a cockroach can do” by Robert Ferris. 2015
Popular Science. “Watch a robotic roach learn to tuck and roll” by Kelsey D. Atherton. 2015
IEEE Spectrum. “Armored Exoskeletons Help Roachbots Go Anywhere, Handle Anything” by Evan Ackerman. 2015
Tech Times. “Roach-inspired robot scuttles through clutter with ease” by Andrea Alfano. 2015
New Scientist. “Robo-roach rolls its curved back to wriggle through cracks” by Sandrine Ceurstemont. 2015
BBC News. “Sandpit probes walking strategies.” Institute of Physics. 2015 “On soft ground? Tread lightly to stay fast.” 2015
Science Daily. “Lessons from cockroaches could inform robotics.” 2013
IEEE Spectrum. “UC Berkeley’s Little Legged Robots Grow Wings and Tails.” by Evan Ackerman. 2013
Nova Next. “The Evolution of the Bioinspired Robot” by Rachel Nuwer. 2013
Washington Post. “Leaping lizards and the power of interdisciplinary collaboration.” by Emi Kolawole. 2012
Cal Parents Magazine. Letters Home. Undergrad researchers push the knowledge envelope. 2011
National Geographic. Biomimetics: Design by Nature by Tom Mueller. 2008
California Magazine. “Back to nature: The latest inventions are inspired by the world around us.” Nov/Dec by Vicki Haddock. 2008
Book, “The Gecko’s Foot – Bio-inspiration: Engineering New Materials from Nature” by Peter Forbes. W. W. Norton & Company: 288 pages. 2006
Wired Magazine. Featured in article “Why 6-Legged Bots Rule,” by Tom McNichol. 2002
Metropolis Magazine. Featured in article “Bioninspiration: Take design cues from the natural world,” by Martin C. Pedersen. 2002
Book, “Evolution of a New Species: Robo sapiens.” Featured in robotics book by Menzel, P. and D”Aluisio, F. Cambridge. MIT Press. p. 90-101. Presents interviews on the inspiration in the design of four mobile robots using principles from nature. 2000
International Design Magazine. “Secrets of Motion.” Sept/Oct. by Chee Pearlman. 1997
Discover Magazine. “See How They Run.” September by Carl Zimmer. 1994
Business & Industry (Print and On-line)
Manufacturing Business Technology. “Squirrels Inspire More Nimble Robots.” Aug 2021
Business Times. “How cockroaches crash into walls and keep going”. 2018
Forbes. “Robotic Roaches May Be The Future Of Earthquake Rescue” by Janet Burns. 2016
MIT Technology Review. “This Uncrushable Robot Cockroach Just Wants to Rescue You” by Will Knigh. 2016
The Atlantic. “Atlantic. Why You Can’t Keep Cockroaches Out of Your Home” by Ed Yong. 2016
Slate. “Why Cockroaches Are So Difficult to Crush. It could make them excellent rescue robots in disasters” by Rachel Becker. 2016
Market Business News. “Robot cockroach squeezes through tiny cracks great for rescue missions“ by Marie Singer. 2016
The Economist. Insect acrobatics: Flipping roaches: How cockroaches vanish. 2012
Nanopatents and Innovation. “Leaping Lizards And Dinosaurs Inspire Robot Design.” 2012
PC World. “Tailbot Grows A Lizard-Like Tail, Could Help Save Lives.” by Elizabeth Fish. 2012
Newsweek. “Nature is the Model Factory.” 2010
Biotech Business Week. Featured in article “Arrays; New adhesive mimics gecko toe hairs” 2008
Nanotechnology Today. “The pitter patter of little feet… climbing straight up a wall.” 2008
R&D. “This gecko’s not selling car insurance.” 2008
Associated Press Financial Wire. “Scientists taking cues from nature to solve tech problems.” 2006
Forbes. “The Robots are Coming – The Stickybot.” Designated as one of the “EGang” list of technology innovators. 2006
U.S. Industry Today.“Biomimicry” 2003
Economist. “A bug’s life for robots: roachmobile on the march.” 2003
Newsfactor Innovation. “Gecko Glue May Aid Computer Chipmaking.” 2003
BusinessWeek. “Geckos stick like glue -without goo.” 2000
Fortune Magazine. “Biobots.” 2000
The Economist. “Climbing the walls.” 2000
Chemical & Engineering News. “Gecko bonding.” 2000
Chemistry and Industry. “Secrets of a gecko’s sticky fingers.” 2000
International (Print and On-line)
UK. The Telegraph. “Science’s next great leap: using squirrels to teach robots how to ‘parkour’ “ by Joe Pinkstone Aug 2021
Australia & New Zealand. Scimex. “Robotic roaches run headlong into walls without damage.” 2018
Africa. Mail&Guardian. “Versatile ‘cockroach’ robots to the rescue” by Oliver Milman. 2016
India. The Telegraph. “Eeks! A robot inspired by roach” by G.S. Mudur. 2016
UK. BBC News Magazine. “How cockroaches could save lives.” 2015
Pakistan. A1Pakistan. “Cockroach robot uses shell to overcome obstacles.” 2015
India. Business Insider. “This cockroach-inspired robot uses ‘parkour’ moves to sneak through obstacles” by Tanya Lewis. 2015
UK. Daily Mail. “The terrifying cockroach bot that can squeeze through the tiniest of gaps” by Mark Prigg. 2015
France. French Tribune. “African Lizards Inspire Creation of Search-and-Rescue Robots.” by Raoul Girard. 2012
UK. The Guardian. “Leaping lizards.” 2012
Al Jazeera. “Leaping lizards give technology a nudge.” 2012
India. The Hindu. “African leaping lizards inspire.” 2012
SouthAsia News. “Leaping lizards help design robots with tails.” 2012
Indonesia. Jakarta Globe. “UC Berkeley Lab Makes Robot That Emulates Leaping Lizard.” 2012
South Africa. Brainstorm Magazine. ”Turning to nature for the robot revolution.” 2010
Indonesia. Situs Kimia. “Rahasia di balik kemahiran tokek merayap.” 2009
UK. The Daily Telegraph. “Gecko’s use their tails to run up walls.” 2008
UK. BBC News. “Tail ‘key’ for gecko acrobatics.” 2008
India. Daily India. “Gecko’s tail aids aeronautics researchers.” 2008
UK. The Guardian. Science: In control. “How geckos stay upright.” 2008
Germany. Focus Magazine. “Gecko-Schwanz verhindert Stürze.” 2008
- Die Welt. “Geckos steuern mit ihrem Schwanz;Nach dem Vorbild von Füßen und Schwänzen der Echsen wollen Forscher Kletter- und Gleitroboter entwickeln.” 2008
- Die Welt. Geckofüße halten bis zu 140 Kilogramm. 2008
Spain. El Mundo. “El paracaídas corporal de los lagartos; Descubren que los gecos usan su cola para trepar y evitar descensos bruscos.” 2008
Germany. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. “Natur und Wissenschaft; Im Sauseschritt die Wand hoch Wie Geckos ihre Zehen verankern und wieder lösen.” 2006
UK. The Guardian. “Two legs good for tiptoeing octopus.” 2005
UK. BBC News. “Walking Octopus Inspired Soft Robotics.” 2005
India. The Hindu. “Wall-climbing Robot to Combat Terror.” 2003
Germany. Stern. “Roboter.” 2000
India. Times of India. “Scientists working on synthetic gecko feet.” 2000
UK. The Daily Telegraph. “Gripping solution to mystery of geckos.” 2000
France. Liberation. “Lézards appliqués. Le gecko colle même sur les surfaces lisses. Les scientifiques lèvent le voile sur sa technique d’adhésion.” 2000
Malaysia. Suara Merdeka. “Eahasia tokek untuk buat perekat hebat.” 2000
Contribution to Children’s Books and Magazines
Contribution to Design of Public Exhibits, Summer Camps, and Contests
Lawrence Hall of Science Bioinspired Design Summer Camp – Yealy. June 2019-present
Biodesign Challenge. UC Berkeley DeCal Team June 2020, 2023
Design Showcase. Jacobs Institute of Design Innovation. Bioinspired Design Class Presentation (Integrative Biology 32, L&S 30, Berkeley, CA) 2016-2023
National Kids Science Challenge. Biomimetic Design Contest for 3rd to 6th grade school children. 1,500 entries. Assisted in contest design and judged entries. Sponsored by National Science Foundation and Pulse of the Planet. 2010
Biomimetics Exhibition. Alfred Nobel’s Dynamite Factory in Stockholm, Sweden. 2007
Robots: An Exhibition of U.S. Automation from the Leading Edge of Research. Highlighting The WTEC International Study of Robotics. At National Science Foundation. 2005
Crustacean Exhibit. Shedd Aquarium (Chicago, IL) 2005
Nanozone. Lawrence Hall of Science Museum. Featured profile and gecko nano-hair adhesive. Supported by National Science Foundation. 2004
Robots and Us – Robots Inspired by Life Traveling Exhibit. Science Museum of Minnesota. Supported by National Science Foundation. 2004
Living World of Insects Exhibit. Lawrence Hall of Science. (Berkeley, CA) 1995
Amazing Feets Traveling Exhibit. North Carolina Museum of Natural History. Supported by National Science Foundation. 1987
Contribution to Art, Design & Entertainment
Jackson Hole Wildlife Film Festival. Invited as Panel member for Science in the Field with Scientific American (Denver, CO) Aug. 2012
Sundance Film Festival. Invited as Juror for Sundance Institute Science-in-Film Prize sponsored by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation and The National Academies Science and Entertainment Exchange. (Park City, UT) 2012
The National Academies Science and Entertainment Exchange. Invited speaker at Inaugural Meeting. “Biologically Inspired Robots.” Consultant on movies and TV programs. (Los Angeles, CA) 2008
ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation. Association for Computing Machinery. Special Interest Group on GRAPHics and Interactive Techniques. “Biomotion Science.” (Los Angeles, CA) 2015
TED. Technology, Entertainment & Design Conference. “Robustness in Design.” (Vancouver, CA) 2014
Authors and Ideas Festival. “Design Lesson from nature: Biological Inspiration” (Carmel, CA) 2013
TED. Technology, Entertainment & Design Conference. “Beyond Biomimetics: Biomutualism.” (Long Beach, CA) 2009
TED. Technology, Entertainment and Design Conference. “Biologically Inspired Design.” (Monterey, CA) 2005
TED. Technology, Entertainment and Design for Medicine 3 Conference. “Unlocking the Secrets of Biomotion.” (Philadelphia, PA) 2003
TED. Technology, Entertainment and Design Conference. “Bouncing Bugs and Galloping Ghost and Gripping Geckos. Bio-inspired Materials, Robots and Adhesives.” (Monterey, CA) 2002
TED. 7th Annual Technology, Entertainment and Design Conference. “Roots, rules and relevance: the importance of integrative biology.” (Monterey, CA) 1997
National Science Foundation Center – Science for Animators. De Anza College. “Bipedal Bugs, Somersaulting Shrimps and Galloping Ghosts – Computer Animation. (Cupertino, CA) 2009
ArtCenter College of Design. “Biologically Inspired Design.” (Pasadena, CA) 2005
ArtCenter College of Design. “Biologically Inspired Design.” (Pasadena, CA) 2004
ACM SIGGRAPH. Association for Computing Machinery. Special Interest Group on GRAPHics and Interactive Techniques. “Bipedal Bugs, Galloping Ghosts and Gripping Geckos: BioInspiration for Computer Animation.” (San Antonio, TX) 2002
ACM SIGGRAPH. Association for Computing Machinery. Special Interest Group on GRAPHics and Interactive Techniques. “The AAPE Center at UC Berkeley: Using Data Acquisition, Analysis, Presentation, and Exchange to address Biological Complexity.” (New Orleans, LA) 1996
Kung Fu Panda. Dreamworks. Delivered 3D kinematics of praying mantid. 2005
A Bug’s Life. Pixar/Disney directed by John Lasseter. Character design. 1995-96
The Mimic. CharacterShop. Creature design. Mirimax Films directed by Guillermo del Toro. 1994
Art Exhibit
THEM. An Exhibition of Artists, Scientists and Designers concerned with the Entomological Universe. Displayed photographs and videos by Gary Brewer. 1999