Oak Grove Middle School

Concord, California

Philosophy - Goal


Design Teams

Animal Locomotion

Animal Experiments

Berkeley Visit

Mission to Mars

Report on Mars

Explorer Designs


Thank You's

Links to other sites

Introduction to the Year's Mission


NASA needs Mission Engineers to design new robotic explorers to look for life in our Solar System and beyond.

NASA wants design ideas from animals.
They want you to
study how animals move on earth!

You will then use this biological inspiration to design Biomorphic Explorers able to move better than any current robot.

NASA JPL Mission statement

NASA JPL's time line for actual design


Phase One - Look to Biology
1. Formation of Mission Engineering Design Teams.
2. Research how animals move.
3. Presentations on how animals move.

Phase Two - Go to Mars
1. Make simulated Mars surface.
2. Modify a conventional rover with wheels.
3. Land on Mars surface with video camera.
4. Make map of Mars surface.
5. Determine what to measure on Mars.
6. Final live mission to Mars.
Phase Three - Design Explorers
1. Begin individual design of Explorers.
2. Combine best design ideas.
3. Complete design, listings ideas from biology.
4. Presentation of final designs.

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Send comments to Robert Full
Last updated 6/23/99