Oak Grove Middle School

Concord, California

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Oak Grove Middle School Science Class

Jetting Design Team

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Jetting Explorers Team






Biomorphic Explorer: Scalloptron P

A. What does your explorer do?  Jets, flies, walks, crawls.
B. How does your explorer work? The Scalloptron P is the carrier ship that moves by flying with 4 circular wings when carrying Polylocotron. Scalloptron P moves by jet propulsion after it has unloaded its cargo and can rapidly accelerate. Poylocotron moves in many ways. It can crawl with insect-like legs and is stable. It can stand and walk biepdally. It can jet by using a tail and its two legs. Polylocotron has arms for collecting samples.

C. List ideas from Biology?


Biological Inspiration

Scallop and a crayfish jet propulsion. This mode of locomotion allows for rapid acceleration.

Flies with wings like a moth. The 4 circular wings generate lift all working together.

Insect-like gait for crawling. Uses 6 legs for crawling with a slow wave gait and is very stable.

Primate-like legs for walking. The Polylocotron has big feet for stability and walks slowly

Designing the Biomorphic Explorer
 The JET Team trying to reach a compromise on their design.  

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Send comments to Robert Full
Last updated 6/23/99