Oak Grove Middle School

Concord, California

Philosophy - Goal


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Oak Grove Middle School Science Class

Flying Design Team

The RAF Team

Robotic Animal Fliers






Biomorphic Explorer: Rollocrab SCD

A. What does your explorer do?  Walks, rolls, drills and hovers with pods. It is modular and multi-functional.
B. How does your explorer work?  The Rollocrab SF has self-supporting legs around its body. It is very stable. The legs can fold up and the ball-like body can roll downhill. The body contains two pods. One pod flies and the other is specialized for swimming. Both pods fit within the large body for transport. We also designed a headset to communicate with the explorer.

C. List ideas from Biology?


Biological Inspiration

Supporting legs all around body like a crab. A crab is highly stable with many legs on the ground and the body in the middle.

Rolls like a spider downhill. The explorer can tuck in its legs and roll downhill. This design is simple. When it gets to its location it quickly unfolds its legs. It is like the robot in STAR WARS except we designed it before we saw the movie.

Pod hovers like a hummingbird. The wings are small and beat rapidly. The pod is very maneuverable. We used rubber bands to store and give back energy for moving the wing.

Collects samples with crab-like claws.


Designing the Biomorphic Explorer
 The RAF team is designing the pods that swim and fly.  

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Last updated 6/23/99