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Oak Grove Middle School Science Class

Animal Experiments on Crawling

with Professor Full

 Hypothesis: Foot (pedal) waves determine how fast snails crawl.

A. Estimate the speed of a snail.

Snails move by pedal (foot) waves.
Speed equals the length of a foot wave times the frequency of the waves (number of foot waves per second).

Measure the total length of the snail's foot in centimeters with a ruler. Divide by 5 and then multiply by 2.


Speed (cm/sec) = Total foot length (cm) / 5 total foot waves X 2 Foot waves per second.

Compare to snail's actual speed.

Speed = distance / time


Here are two snails on a sheet of Plexiglas. They did not move for awhile, then they did. We could see their foot waves. We measured that they move at 3 cm/sec. This is the speed we got from the calculation based on waves!

B. Our questions:

1. When your animal moves forward which parts move?

2. When an animal moves forward which parts push?
How do these parts push the animal forward?
How do these parts push the animal upward?

3. When an animal moves what slows down its movement?
Describe how parts of the animal may slow it down less because of their shape or form.

This is Kaitlyn. She has just looked at a very large preserved worm.
Miriam looking at the snails are on the Plexiglas. By looking through the Plexiglas we could see the foot waves.  
  Brian is listening to Professor Full tell the crawlers about the huge preserved snail.
This is the Crawling Group giving their presentation on how the snails crawl.  

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Last updated 6/23/99